Email your Bigfoot sighting to RMSObigfoot@gmail.com
"This Creature is trying to take over my property"
Land Owner Territory Dispute With Bigfoot in Washington
Wyman Smith writes RMSO
Say Kelly,
Wyman Smith here, of "911 Bigfoot Help"
The night that I saw this BigFoot Creature was working on it's Territorial Marker in my pasture, 50 yards from my main door, after it realize that I was watching it (about 7 seconds) with my 850 lunim light, it turned its upper 1/2, and looked at me, into my light, then turned and walked away.

It was discussed with me, "pissed" might be a better word. I went back to bed....big mistake on my part...cuz the Creature came back in the same place, (within 10') and stood in the open, and first scratched 2 TOE CLAW MARKS, (5 toes each) then it dugin it's Toes, and tore it's foot prints into the hard dry dirt, the deeper one, I did cast.
So Kelly, have you ever seen Bigfoot tracks, with Toe Claw marks.? (see pics)
Can you see the sharp Toe Claws in the footprint(marker) with it has left?

The reason I say Foot Print marker, is that it was definitely up-set with me shining my light on it, and did this an act of defiance/aggression against me.
Since, that day, I cut the Juniper tree down, and others close by.

This is the Juniper Tree, the Creature was working on when I saw it. It was making noise, my dog alerted me, I got up and opened my bedroom window (2 stories up), I heard branches cracking, so it did not hear my windows open, ....it's face was into the tree limbs it was twisting, so it may have squinted it's eyes to keep the tree stuff out of them. Am guessing, this maybe why I was able to watch it for 7 seconds.
I did see this Creature, twice, First 9-18-2018, and again on 9-25-2018...this last time, it was facing my way, I saw it's eyeshine, it turned and ran across a 40-50' open area. I had my light on it again.
Kelly, I have had 5 sightings, of these Bigfoots since This spring (7 total, not counting glimps of eyeshine in my pasture SEVERAL TIMES.)
William Jevning says this tree is a Territorial Marker, (this Creature is/was/still is trying to take over, claim my property as its own territory)...the real question is, what are its plans for me??
Will it just try to run me off, or does it plan on killing me.
It, the creature, has used infra-sound on me one time, (which left me very confused) and several times on one of my Big, Dogs, which died next afternoon. Dog, Rambo, was only 10 years old.
Kelley, I really expected these creature to have migrated on,...out of here by now, but they are still hanging around, 8 months now.
I use my cellphone and make nighttime recordings of these Creatures making tree knocks, ALMOST EVERY NIGHT, sometimes up to 100 knocks..it gets sort of crazy here.
I did see the lower 2/3's of the Black one eyed Creature, I call Ol'One eye hiding flat on the ground behind big brush pile. In December, Obviously it thought it was hidden, but I was on my upper deck and could see it from my elevated position.
I really dropped the ball that time...I didn't even get a picture.
Have you everheard of anything like this Kelly?.?
There is a huge difference between someone having a road crossing, and living with these things daily.
So, what about Toe Claws, have you seen or heard of this before?
I included a trail cam pic of Ol' one eye, we accidentally caught this October.

RMSO Response
The bigfoot photo looks like a photo taken from a tv screen.
Wyman Smith
It is from my trail cam. I took it off my girlfriends computer screen. It was a total accident we caught the Bigfoot, cuz my IR trail cam sensor only go 50'...this Creature was 125 yards, not feet, from the trail cam.. we have no idea what triggered the camera,...maybe the Amight, since I am retired minister...
FYI,....I do not hoax and i do not lie
We down loaded my one and only Trail Camera on to my girlfriends laptop, and zoomed and zoomed it, then I took a pic of it, with my smart phone.
I am over 70, I am handicapped, 23 surgeries....I bled to death, that's right, I have died once already,....I am living off grid on very limited income.
If any want to think that I would lie or hoax anything.....they need to realize my relationship with my GOD, means too much to me, the to be that stupid.
There is a lot more to this then you know.
This Creature is trying to take over my property...and what has it got planned for me.. other then to kill me....
No need to get upset I am not accusing you of hoaxing or anything like that. Gave my honest opinion on photo observation. The footprint does not appear to be an impression, The photo of the suspect bigfoot however I would like to examine the actual photo. I can zoom in on it with my PC just fine. The photo you took of it on a monitor is too blurry and pixilated to analyze.
I would be happy to take a closer look at your game camera photo etc..
Wyman Smith
My girlfiend zoomed it again and texted it to my phone, now no lines.
The Creature was about 125 Yards away.
It's amazing we even caught it.... which was a total surprise to us
Again, ,it is what it is.
were the scratch prints where this thing was standing or did you find those somewhere else?
Do you have a game camera photo same spot without the subject there for comparison?
Thanks for showing me a better shot of the subject. I zoomed in more on it.

RMSO Zoom & Crop on Bigfoot Suspect
Wyman Smith
It has a Goat in it, taken 10-16
The one with the Creature was taken on 10-18
Control Photo Minus Bigfoot Suspect
I discovered this, about 30 miles, in behind Carson, this Spring, A RARE find, you can examine this too.
Like I said,..it is what it is,...Jevning said these are found in Alaska and Louisiana, but not in Washington.
I most certainly did not go close to it.

Inverted Tree

Zoom Inverted Tree
Inverted tree photo is pretty neat.
Wyman Smith
he scratches were within a few feet of the foot print, it tore into the hard dirt....
Maybe it was testing the hardness of the dry hard clay dirt?
Wyman Smith
It seems that I remember, there being 2 seperate sets of scratch marks, and 2 seperate tracks torn into the ground.... but looking back at my Original Pictures, only one each.
This is where it was standing, infront of these Junipers, and the Scratches and the track was bout 6-10' infront of these Junipers, right out in the open.
The Creature was trying to take possession of my property, according to William Jevning, ...by making these Junipers into it's Territorial Marker, 50 yards in line with my front door....like in your face, type of thing.
The next day, I cut all of those Junipers down and poured my urine all over the stumps, and the remaining trees near there.....six days later, my dog alerted me again, and I shined my light out there again, and saw it's Red Eyeshine, it looked into the light, again, and then ran towards the creek where it had came from, crossing a 40'-50' open area, where I saw it plain as day, 75 yards away, with my 850 lunim light....this is my 2nd sighting of the Gray one....the Black one, the Game Cam accidentally caught, is a different Creature.
I saw it's(one red eye) Red eyeshine about 10 days apart, 140-150 yds away, back in December 2015...With a 200 lunim flash light, all I could see was eyeshine, I did not know what it was, for sure....but suspected it was a BigFoot.
This sparked my interest in Bigfoots, more then before.
More Washington Bigfoot
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This is intriguing. I'm curious though what would motivate them to expand their territory. Are there new dwellings or property boundaries somewhere that would impede them? If not, is there something new on the property that they find interesting that they might want? This could also be a case of saucy teens who have found entertainment. I'm just throwing out ideas and trying to think in terms of human like behaviors that I know they possess. Have a blessed day.
ReplyDeleteIn your 10/16 image, you may have accidentally caught another image... different location to the right. Don't know how to add my zoomed in image of your shot. Look by gray tree with bend in it.
ReplyDeleteWonder if property owner has lost any goats? Maybe that whatgot them to move it the new territory?
ReplyDeleteHi Wyman, I think if they wanted you gone they would have run you off by now through all sorts of intrusive intinmidation efforts. It's good you have at least one game cam, those tend to keep them away. Stay vigilant, urine is a great communicator. Remove any trash or attractants: deer/pet feed. Lock all outbuildings and coops, for sure. Do not shoot at them, but firing into the air, if they mess with the house at night might deter them.
ReplyDeleteI am scared to death!! Scared to even walk my dog with the kids and on my own in the woods and I'm in the UK!! I'm so curious about all these sightings, interactions etc. because my parents had a very scary experience they said was with a big foot like creature,in the woods at delamere forest, UK, frodsham, Cheshire, England, when I was just a child - 1980s. The experience went as follows; they were walking through the forrest on the trail as usual, with the dogs and me as a baby in baby carrier, my little sister hadn't been born yet. Suddenly this huge creature jumped down right in front of them from the trees, with a huge thud they froze in horror, even the dogs froze which was just how scary it was, before the creature, just carried on back into the trees, walking like a human!! They concluded that the creature must of been watching them and not done this by accident - landing in front of them.
ReplyDeleteThey described the creature as taller and broader than any man, thick dark coating fur, all over and all they could refer to was exactly the likings and character of a 'bigfoot.' They said that they felt so threatened and never went back again.
I was invited there as a child for a bike ride, with a friends family, as a child ..they said no way and told me very stearnly about what had happened to them :/ now, all these years on, I am 34 and after catching a few clips on YouTube, I am terrified. More so, I am wondering - why hasn't there been any police involvement in sightings, why hasn't there ever been a dead big foot found??
Take whatever Mr jevning says with a grain of salt, my team have found inverted trees here in Montana, in 2019 we found an inverted X structure made of 2 trees.
ReplyDeleteHave you tried to make peace with the Bigfoot creature by gifting? Maybe leaving some fresh fish or liver at the edge of your property? Instead of fruit leave candy.
ReplyDeleteThe photo of 10-18 i see other images of people and maybe another big foot!!