Sunday, November 25, 2018

Cave Watcher Observing RMSO Search for Bigfoot

Cover from next video below
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Investigating aggressive Sasquatch encounter a
Cave Watcher Caught on Video

Cave Watcher Observing RMSO Search for Bigfoot

On location sighting report video
Sasquatch Whirls Log at Hunter in Manti-La Sal Forest

More on the Manti-La Sal Cave

Lost Creek Bigfoot Footage

Lost Creek Bigfoot Slow & Stabilized

Stalked in Sasquatch Canyon at Night

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Manti-La Sal Bigfoot Whirls Log at Hunter

Cover Photo Link:
Email your Bigfoot sighting to
Sasquatch Whirls Log at 
Deer Hunter in Manti-La Sal Forest

Manti-La Sal Bigfoot Whirls Log at Hunter

Mark's Original Sighting Report
Spinning Log Sounds Like Helicopter Thrown by 
Deer Creek Bigfoot

700 to 1100 year old Indian wall paintings near Bigfoot sighting location

From half a mile away we film & photograph 
the inside of a cave near 
Mark Birchette's Bigfoot sighting. 
One photo clearly shows
 eye-shine observing us as we investigate.

Magnified Cave Photo Below

More Utah Bigfoot

Sasquatch Traversing Deep Snow near Wasatch Mountain Peak

Lone Peak Bigfoot Video

Bigfoot Captured on Video then 
Helicopter Goes to Location & Films Sasquatch Trackway

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Bigfoot near Gunnison River Colorado

Email your Bigfoot sighting to

Witness writes RMSO
Hey guys,
The "sighting" I referred to on Reddit happened on 2-5-2014.  This was my 2nd sighting of Sasquatches in this area.  I was taking my dogs out into Adobe Buttes to let them run and chase things.  I'm an amputee (just one leg) so I go into remote areas so I can let the dogs run off-leash.  We travel in my 1999 Jeep Cherokee Sport.

very bumpy
We came around a bend to where I could see down a good 100' into a series of washes with steep sides.  I saw an adult Sasquatch walking side-by-side with a juvenile coming down along the bottom of one of the washes.  I was about 100 yards away from them.  When they saw me they darted into one of the side canyons and I never saw them again.  They seemed to be generally headed in the direction of the Gunnison River.

I proceeded to drive further back that road, about 2 miles further.  I came to a deep canyon/arroyo that's about 30' deep with straight up-n-down sides.  I like this spot because there's a "cut" going down into the canyon and back up the other side.  It's where the seasonal sheep herders move the flock from one side of the canyon to the other.  Mule deer and Pronghorn Antelopes also use that cut, as do things like coyotes and rabbits, and Sasquatches.

Anyway, the dogs were out running around and I walked down into the canyon.  Wanted to see if there was any water flowing down there.  It was wet, considering it was only 5 degrees outside that day!  I was looking around and saw what looked like a small kid's bare foot-prints in the mud, about 5 inches long.  The tracks showed it had been walking around down there and stopped to look up the canyon around a tight bend with a lot of brush. 
I had my camera with me, but didn't have it turned on when I saw the 2 creatures.  I did take pix of the foot prints, which I put on Imgur:

My first sighting happened up on Smith Mountain while I was driving through a rocky area on the road with both my dogs in the Jeep.  A large male Sasquatch ran across the road in front of us, about 50' ahead.  This was also in the 1st week of February, but a year earlier, in 2013.

The Sasquatch saw the Jeep and stopped in front of a juniper pine tree, looked at me, then went down onto it's knees, as if to hide?  I turned around in the Jeep to make sure both my dogs were still in there, since the windows were down.  Neither dog even saw it.  When I turned back around, it was gone.  There's lots of places out there to hide in those junipers.

Once again the camera was sitting on the seat, not turned on, so I didn't get any pix of it.  I went back about a week later and looked at that pine tree and the Sasquatch had to have been over 8' tall.  It was covered in fur the exact same color as an Irish Setter's fur would be.  It's face was the only thing that didn't have hair on it, but I still only got a fraction of a second's worth of view of it.  What startled me most were it's eyes.  It looked like it was looking right through my soul, if I had one.

My 2 sightings happened about 8 or 9 miles apart, but both times were in desert terrains.  Adobe Buttes is about 5,600' in elevation and Smith Mountain averages around 6,500'.  From the direction the male was traveling, it had to have just climbed up over a 300' cliff to get up to where we were (the road runs about 30 feet over from the edge of that cliff).  It was also headed towards the Gunnison River and towards the town of Hotchkiss.
Good Luck Out There...

More Bigfoot Sightings Near Same Part of Colorado

Camp Leader Observes Bigfoot Twin Peaks

Boys Shoot at Bigfoot North of Montrose

Hunters Harassed by Bigfoot Carson Lake

Bigfoot Expeditions Investigating Above Sightings

Bigfoot Expedition Grand Mesa Carson Lake Colorado

Grand Mesa Rocky Mountain Bigfoot Expedition

Monday, November 12, 2018

Three Bloody Bucket Bigfoot

Artist Rendition
Email your Bigfoot sighting to
Bow Hunters Encounter Three Sasquatch in The Bloody Bucket

Three Bloody Bucket Bigfoot

More Idaho Bigfoot

Giant Midnight Mountain Bigfoot Confronts Hunters

Bigfoot Tracks Found at Bloody Bucket Deer Kill Site

 Twelve Inches From Labarge Bigfoot

Helicopter Log Crew Harassed by Sasquatch

Thursday, November 8, 2018

South Dakota Sasquatch & Bigfoot Activity

Artist Rendition
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Three Bigfoot encounter locations in the 
Black Hills of South Dakota 

South Dakota Bigfoot & Sasquatch Activity

Bigfoot Sightings from Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming
Bighorn Mountain Bigfoot

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Fort Sill Sasquatch Confronts Soldier

Artist Rendition
Email your Bigfoot sighting to
"I started talking to it, 
saying don't hurt me I just want to go back to my tent."

Fort Sill Sasquatch Confronts Soldier

Mark Birchette writes RMSO
Hi Kelly, this is my second encounter that happened in the 90's while I was stationed at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. I was assigned field guard duty with one other Soldier. Fort Sill is the Field Artillery school for the Army and Marines. I was stations there for 2 years.

Once the gun line was set up myself and another retired to the tent that the next day would serve the FDC, Fire Direction Control, these soldiers are responsible for sending fire missions to the gun line. We were to spend the night making sure no one messed with anything, as Fort Sill was an open post, meaning civilians could come and go freely almost anywhere on the post. Fire missions were done 24/7 and a class was to be there in the morning for the 13B10 training, Cannon Crewman in which you are trained on all positions of the gun.

 We were to patrol the gun line one to the East, one to the West and every hour on the hour make a call on our field radio to the Charge of Quarters. I had the East he had the West, All of the Artillery gun barrels are kept at a 45 degree with the barrels facing Down range with was North. Over the end of the gun tubes is a canvas bag with adjustable strap to keep moisture and debris out of the barrels.

 As I headed to the East after having done it several times that night I got close to the last two guns on the East side. I had noticed the cicadas and crickets were silent.

 Then I heard a low growl. I thought this was a coyote and I automatically crouched next to the left track of a self propelled 8" Howitzer and rotated my selector switch from safe past semi and to auto as I intended to burn off a 30 round magazine to scar it of them coyotes away.

 I duck walked along side of the left track and as I got almost to the front I not only heard but felt a growl so low and guttural that I literally felt the handguards and the ejector port flap on my M16A1 rifle vibrate along with the very bones in my chest.

 I glanced up and forward to see the nightmare from my dreams in front of me and this was like an instant light bulb going on it all coming together of what I encountered at age 11 whilst hunting deer at home in Utah. Sasquatch was real! Very real!

 I started talking to it, saying don't hurt me I just want to go back to my tent. I was slowly rising and walking backwards with a million things going through my mind. Like I knew I was going to die this very night. I had kept my trigger finger alongside of the trigger and my barrel. I was repeatedly saying please don't hut me! I just want to go back to my tent.

 I eventually backed up into a new object that made a low bong sound, which I for a millisecond I thought was a second Sasquatch and I was now dead. My head of course looked over my shoulder to instantly see a fire barrel. These are 55 gallon drums with holes alike over them and firewood inside to keep the trainees hands warm as they await their turn on the Artillery.

 As my head quickly looked forward the Sasquatch at the front of the gun tube was gone without a sound. This was unsettling. I was terrified but made my way back to the FDC tent in shock and awe. It seemed to be a lifetime but was just less than 15 minutes before my 03:00 hours check in by field radios.

 As I sat stunned at the table in the tent I heard a bipedal walking and thought it was the Sasquatch. It was the other field guard and I quickly told him what happened and he didn't believe of course but I was adamant about what happened and he asked if I was going to include it in my report.

 I didn't until the XO, executive officer arrived in the early am and was promptly told if I insisted on including my encounter in the report, that my Military career would be over.  I was married with 2 young sons so I didn't. I was also told that what happened in the field stays in the field.

 I never even told my wife of 31 years until 23 years into our marriage only to be laughed at and ridiculed for it. Ive for the most par and silently and the last 25 plus years tried to find out why me why twice? Only to have more questions than answers to this enigma Sasquatch.

 If I can help further ? Feel free to contact me.
    Mark Ogre Birchette

Kelly Shaw responds
Thanks Mark
I realize it was at night. Did you get a good look at it? Height, color, length of hair? Did you see the face well enough to describe it? Did it make or change expressions?
How close was it to you before you started backing away?

Mark Birchette
Hi Kelly, the moon was covered by clouds as it was fall but I neglected to say a few things.
As I mentioned the gun tubes were all at 45 degree angle which put the bottom of the elevated gun tube at 10' exactly. It was standing directly under the bottom facing me with its left arm wrapped around the barrel in a lazy type of fashion.

 Its build was more like Shaquille O'Neil as opposed to the one in Utah that I remember being much bulkier though about the same height. The skin I saw as it was 12'away, looked ashy grey. The hair was Auburn. The skin looked very weather beaten.

 All this seemed like hours long. I knew I was never going to see my wife or sons again. It was going to tear me apart. Even though I had my M16A1 and some hand grenade simulators they only give you blanks unless you are qualifying with your weapon.

So that was immediately out of my mind because that whole childhood encounter flooded back into my mind so many puzzle pieces fit together in a terrifying instant!

 From the time I left the guard tent to the time I returned it was 2 minutes shy of the next report with the CQ Change of Quarters. I didn't report it verbally but in my written report given to the XO Executive Officer, a First Lieutenant. It was him who threatened my Military career if I insisted on including my encounter in my Official written report.

 So I rewrote the report and then had to sign a non disclosure agreement that extended until I had been discharged for Twenty years. I have been out over 30 now. So when comfortable I'll Share it. If I can tell you anything else contact me.

 Thank you for caring Kelly, it changes your whole life. I'd rather face combat again then another surprise encounter.

Link to Mark's First Encounter
Sasquatch Hurls Log at Hunter in Manti-La Sal Forest

Subject Looks Like a Sasquatch Running
on Oklahoma Gamecam

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Yellowstone Canyon Bigfoot High Uinta Expedition

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RMSO favorite stomping ground to search for Bigfoot
is in the High Uinta Mountains of Utah.
An epicenter of Bigfoot activity & sightings.

Large wads of weird hair near some Bigfoot tracks collected.
The hair was sent to 4 laboratories in the US and UK
to date no match has been identified for the hair.

Yellowstone Bigfoot Expedition Wads of Hair Near Tracks

High Uinta Mountain Bigfoot Expedition

Bigfoot Vocalization Investigation
Most Recent Bigfoot Sighting Uinta Mountains on Bald Mountain
Bald Mountain Bigfoot Observes Campers
All videos are in Uinta Mountains Bigfoot Search Locations

Bigfoot Investigation Yellowstone Canyon Rocky Mountains

Yellowstone Canyon Bigfoot Structure Study Footprints Found

Bear Wallow Epic Bigfoot Expedition

Bear Wallow Bigfoot Evidence

Hobbs Bigfoot Expedition Yellowstone Canyon

Large Wads of Hair & Bigfoot Tracks Yellowstone Canyon