Thursday, June 28, 2018

Bigfoot Family Dworshak Reservoir

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Family of Sasquatch at Dworshak
(Written report below video)
Bigfoot Family Dworshak Reservoir

Family of Sasquatch at Dworshak

Jessica C writes RMSO
Hello, Nice to meet you. I'm Jessica. I'm a mother of 6 and the wife of my highschool sweetheart for 15 years. 

 When I was 12, just before my 13th birthday, my family moved to North Idaho (from near Boise). I have seen and heard various possible and probable bigfoot related things once in a while since then. Many of them I had mentally filed away in the "pretend it didn't happen" drawer as too weird to actually deal with at the time, but I've been able to think about them more rationally now as an adult in my mid-thirties and I realize that many of these memories fit together if I leave my mind open to the possibility that there is some sort of large undocumented ape species out there. I still feel very uncomfortable with sharing my stories but I *want* to be able to share them, if that makes sense. Anyway, nice to meet you. Thanks for letting me join.

My family moved to a mountain overlooking the Dworshak Reservoir on the Orofino side. In retrospect, I think, odd as it sounds, a family group lived on the mountain peak across the dirt road from us. I saw them once, meandering up their mountain like they were out for a Sunday walk. Almost every experience I had connects to that mountain top and to the two main draws coming down from that mountain top. My experiences there happened between 1996 and 2003 and range from simply feeling watched/uneasy to the aforementioned sighting. I'm not a Bigfoot expert in the least so I'd rather just tell my experiences exactly as they happened and leave it up to the reader to decide if they think it was really Bigfoot related or not, rather than act like I know for sure. Should I tell my experiences here in this post or is there a better way?

Okay first strange incident was in Spring of 2006. I was 13, my sister was 9 or 10 and my brother was 7. We hadn't really explored much yet because we moved in the week before Thanksgiving and those who were in the Orofino area that winter knew it snowed 3 feet Thanksgiving week and then there were bad mud slides and flooding- rough winter. So coming from Boise area and not being used to so much snow yet, us kids pretty much kept to the yard and driveway until spring. When things were pretty much thawed out and it was just rainy, that's when we finally got to explore a bit. We weren't afraid of the woods because we'd had several acres at our previous house with trees and water and had spent our days watching foxes and beavers and herons and digging caves and fishing... we were wild at heart so we looked forward to exploring the woods.

Imagine for simplicity's sake, the road is curved like an s with an extra bump, so maybe like a very rounded M. Imagine my family's 5 acres was in the right bump of the M and across the road uphill from us (from the center of the M upward) was the top of the mountain we were on. We called that mountain top something like "Mr. N's Knob/hill" because it was owned by our next door neighbor to the right who owned several hundred acres around us. That hill was strange, like an optical illusion, because it was so much bigger and more rounded than it appeared, so no matter how far up it you climbed, you always felt like you still had the same amount of hill left to climb before you would reach the top. It looked so small and easy to climb from our house but it was just that it was so nicely rounded that you couldn't actually see all the way up it, making it look smaller. The hill itself was mostly bald on the side that faced us, and we would come to find out eventually that the treeline on the far side was, by contrast, almost all the way at the top. There were 2 main draws that drained off that mountain, and you could imagine the draws crossing the road approximately at the peaks of the bumps of the M. At the bottom of the draw on the right of our imaginary M, (which went along the East edge of our property,) it flattened out where it ran into an old logging road that connected our back pasture to the pasture behind Mr. N's house. My parents used that short cut to visit him, and he us, several times. 

Halfway between the logging road and the main road, my siblings and I were playing. The first day we were playing there it was raining but the tree canopy overhead was thick enough to keep us mostly dry. I don't remember noticing much for sounds, aside from the rain. We were noticing trilium coming up all around there and admiring them. After the first day, we noticed something was making a sound just out of sight like tapping rocks together 5 or 6 times in a row. It would come from one way, then a little farther off and in a different direction, always from heavy timber with lots of underbrush. I don't know how many days we played there, but each day we would get a little further up the draw toward where it crossed the road. I remember going out one day that week and feeling uneasy because we kept hearing loud stick breaking sounds from the heavy brush near the fence. As we meandered up the draw toward the last place we'd played, there was a tree that had been as big around as a human arm that was freshly broken and bent into an arch or doorway shape. Next to it was a trilium we'd admired the day before stomped flat into the pine needles. Just past the "doorway" was a fallen rotten long we'd sat on, and that morning it had rocks sitting on it. My memory is rather fuzzy so I don't recall for sure how many rocks but I believe there were 3, and I also don't recall whether the tree was twisted or just snapped, only that it was broken somehow in 2 places but the bark still held it together enough that it was shaped like a doorway. I remember accusing my siblings of coming up here without me and putting rocks on the log and stomping the flower, but they denied it. I had a distinct feeling that the "doorway" and rocks were some sort of message. In the back of my mind I imagined I was a explorer and saw this, and that it was a symbol that this area was a "door" to another tribe's territory. Then I couldn't get that feeling out of my head that we weren't supposed to go past this "door" and the rock markers, so I made us play below that from then on, for at least a year, and don't remember hearing the stick cracking sounds when we played there anymore, just the occasional rock taps

So that was the first thing that happened, about 5 +/- months after moving there, which was unexplained by known causes. I did ask my dad about the rock taps and he said maybe a woodpecker or squirrel, but I never felt quite satisfied with that explanation because the rock taps were always so uniform and sounded like rocks being banged together, not like a woodpecker or squirrel cracking a nut. I asked him about the rocks on the log and the broken tree too, and he said he hadn't been up there recently but it was probably just wind damage and sibling pranks. I felt like that wasn't quite plausible since the broken tree was right next to a big tree in the well sheltered understory and it was the only visible damage. It has nagged at me as strange ever since. I have lots more similarly odd stories, but this is the only one with rocks on top of things and trees broken into doorway shapes.

My mom, who passed away in 2011, actually SAW them with me, and she was with me when I saw what I think was their house too, but she was really strange about it. It was like she couldn't actually look at them for some reason. Like her mind wouldn't accept it, so she looked away as soon as she laid eyes on them and made up an excuse to explain it away and refused to look again or allow me to talk about it.

My dad is still living there, and he's always been pretty open minded about cryptids. He met a fellow whom he said sounded quite intelligent and sound minded who had run into one face to face once and had no doubt what he'd seen was a Bigfoot, so my dad always felt like, while he wouldn't say that they exist, he wouldn't say they didn't either. Unfortunately I think the Bigfoots were drawn to my siblings and I as children playing, and didn't care much about Dad out mending fences and whatnot. It seemed to me that they weren't interested in bothering Dad, and he didn't pay much attention to rock and wood sounds so unless they threw something right at him or chased him, I doubt he'd have ever realized they were there. I was one of those head in the clouds romantic fool teen girls always dreaming up some epic adventure in my head, but I was also a severe introvert and empath so I could sense moods and presences that nobody else I knew could, when I wasn't distracted by my own daydreaming. Nobody could sneak up on me ever as a kid because I could just sense them coming. Nobody could lie to me about their emotions either because I could always tell. It's possible that these traits that were so annoying to my family were part of why I noticed and remembered weird things that others didn't. Even my sister has basically the same stories as mine but she doesn't remember most of the weird things as being weird. She didn't think it was weird that the tree was broken or the log had rocks on it. Same with my dad. He still lives there but it would take a lot for him to say something was "weird." He could think he saw a Bigfoot walking through the trees but unless he had a picture to prove it to himself he'd likely chalk it up to tired eyes or hunger and head in for a snack and a nap and never think of it again.

Also unfortunate is that there have been at least half a dozen new homes built right around that area since my last encounter, so I'd be surprised if the Bigfoots (if that's really what they were) are still living there. I suppose it's possible, but if I were a Bigfoot I'd have vacated long ago and went somewhere a little less people-y. 

HOWEVER, my dad, when I pressed him about it, did remember one time either shortly before my mom died or shortly after, when he went out to do farm chores after dark. The black lab went with him as usual, but instead of her usual random barking and sniffing, she stopped stock still with her hackles up, staring into the night-black woods. She stayed frozen like that for a bit and then suddenly bolted for the house like Satan was after her. My dad said he looked and looked but all he could see was darkness. He said the way the dog behaved made him wish he'd brought a gun out with him. That was the only time he can recall anything strange or creepy happening that stuck with him. The animals pens he was out feeding are at the base of the hill that about 30 feet up that hill was that broken tree and log with rocks on it from my first story. The trees are thick enough behind the animal shelters that you can't see a thing through them when it's dark out. 

I'm surprised that my father in law, who worked as a logger most of his life until the mill shut down, then worked for the county road department, and has been an avid hunter and camper all his life, claims to have never seen anything. I would think if anyone would have seen something strange, even if it wasn't a Bigfoot-sort-of-strange, in all his years in the woods and on dark mountain roads, it would be him. But he claims to have never had any odd experiences at all.

More Idaho Bigfoot

Five People Chased by Idaho Bigfoot

Helicopter Log Crew Harassed by Sasquatch

9 Feet Tall Bigfoot Observed by MD Idaho-Nevada Border

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Cascade Sasquatch at Hayrick Butte

Email your Bigfoot sighting to
"it was at least twice the size of my foot print, 
it had stepped on one of my footprints"

Cascade Sasquatch at Hayrick Butte
Shelly writes RMSO

Was watching a recent video of yours where you were going to retrieve some trailcams in the Jarbridge  area.

 And you asked about sightings anyone may have had.  Here is mine.

 It was during the 1967 October rifle hunting season, Dad and I always went to two special areas to hunt, one was Hayrick Butte and the other was Quaking Aspen Swamp and Olallie Meadows in the Three Sisters Wilderness, both locate in or near the Cascades of Central Oregon.  This was my birthday hunt, I had just turned 16y/o, in a couple years I would be going active duty in the Navy.
 On this particular hunt, we were doing the hiking into Quaking Aspen Swamp, Olallie Meadows and towards the Pacific Crest Trail.  After about 7-8 miles in, I spotted a large fairly fresh large bare human like footprint in the middle of the trail.  It was almost 3x the size of my foot and I have big feet. This print was crossing the trail and heading deeper into the wilderness, usually there are not many hunters in this wilderness area and the only other human we met was the forest ranger coming out on horseback with his pack animals in tow.  
 I pointed the track out to dad and he did not seem to be to surprised by it, since I did not know anything about Sasquatch or Bigfoot or the Hairy Man of the Mountain, until many years later, I did not think much more about either.  We stopped and looked around for a bit, I saw movement in amongst the Ponderosa Pines that, at the time, looked to me like a very large bear standing up against a tree watching us.  It was an easy shot away, about 75yds but neither dad nor I had a bear tag, and I did not yet have my cameras like I did after 1971.  We just watched it for a few minutes, then went on our way, we made no aggressive movements towards it, i.e. aiming our rifles at it, and it did not act threatening towards us.  We just parted ways and that was the end of the sighting. 

 That was not the only time I saw the large barefoot tracks in the dust in the Central Oregon Cascades,  Saw them up on Hayrick Butte near Hoodoo Butte, off the Santiam Highway (US-20) just east of the junction with SR-22, that same year.  I will include a photo of Hayrick Butte so you can see what type of terrain it is.  This was another of our annual hunts, we always climbed it, in the photo our climb would be from the opposite side.  Once on top we would roll the big boulders down off the edge and watch them crash through the lodge pole pine that grew there, that was before all the new roads were put in.  After this break we would hike around the edge of the butte top then we would start to hike around the interior.  We never expected to shoot a deer but it was just for fun, because it was there and it became an annual tradition.  

 On one of the hikes around the top, I got this weird feeling that we were being watch, so I told dad, he said it was probably just one of the ghost that dwelled in the area.  It was when we got back to our starting point, that I found the first foot print, it was at least twice the size of my foot print, it had stepped on one of my footprints.  It was not until we started into the interior of the top, that we heard the first of the grunts and other noises.  We also found a few more prints in the dirt, this was the first time that I saw my father worried about something in the woods. Remember, we were both armed with rifles and pistols, dad was an excellent shot, as was myself.  All we wanted to do was get down to our rig and leave the butte behind.  I would make 2 more climbs to the top with dad before I left for the Navy, I would come home every October for hunting season and my birthday.  We continued to climb the butte or hunt in the wilderness, until they changed the hunting rules and those areas were no long in the part of the state where we lived.  I have not had an encounter since these two, even on my solo trips into the back country to enjoy my hobby of photography.

 The Geology of the butte is; it formed when the area was covered by an ice sheet or glacier.  It is known as a tuya volcano, which accounts for its nearly vertical sides. The Photo was shot during the winter ski season from the top of Hoodoo Butte, a cinder cone right next to Hayrick Butte.  The butte stands about 563 ft  above the surrounding forestlands, the top is essentially flat. There is one easy route to the top and that is a forested spine that ascends from the Hoodoo side of the butte.  That forested spine was our descent route after spending most of the day on the top.

Hope this info helps, I have never talked about it or told anyone about this until today, nearly 51+ years after it happened, hope that the info helps.

Shelly A, LPN (ret) (Desert Fox)

More Oregon Bigfoot Below

Rogue Bigfoot Enters Home Terrifies Woman

Camper Missing at Bigfoot Sighting Hotspot

Three Bigfoot Suttle Lake

Bigfoot Staring at Woman Myrtle Point

Friday, June 15, 2018

Shadow Rim Bigfoot (Mogollon Monster)

Artist Rendition
Email your Bigfoot sighting to
Girl Scout Camp Terrorized by Sasquatch near Mogollon Rim

Shadow Rim Bigfoot (Mogollon Monster)

Tina writes RMSO
Thanks for the reply on yt.
I don't have exact dates,  however, around late 60's or early 70's,  I went up to Shadow Rim Girl Scout camp with my troop, there were about 30/36 girls and  4 adults. 
 We stayed in the lodge/ messhall and after dinner we were doing GS stuff and  getting ready to get into our sleeping bags, when something started happening outside (about 8/9 pm),  that scared all the girls and they were screaming,  the 2 men with us (leaders husband's), went outside to see what was going on. 

Myself I thought silly girls could be just a deer/elk. The guys came back in and said whatever it was is gone.
 Late during the night I decided I was going to get up early about the crack of dawn, and go over to Chase creek  and see if it was iced over, so I could ice skating in my tennis shoes. 

Next morning I went to the creek by myself and was skating around,  I slipped and fell,  while I was getting up I looked behind me kinda with a quick glance, I thought I saw a hairy monster,  but when I looked again it was gone. So started skating a little bit more, then thought I'd better get back to the lodge cuz if I did see something it might get me and I thought everybody would be looking for me. 

 When I got back sure enough one of my friends was outside looking for me.  She asked me where I was, I told her on the creek and she wanted to go too. I really didn't want to go back over there, but she talked me into it. 
 Next morning me and 4 other girls went to the creek however we saw nothing.  I was kinda hoping they would see what I thought I saw the morning before,  to prove I did see something. 
 So that's what my experience was, what I thought I saw was mixed light to dark brownish red . 
I have included a drawing to the best of what i can remember. 
Back then there was only tent pads for the summer camping,  but there are cabins now. Where my encounter was where the road goes over the creek to the cabins and I was on the right side of the road. 
Again Thx for inquiring about my experience, 
Stay Safe,

I love the drawing. Appreciate hearing about your encounter. 
What State did this happen in?

Thank you, yes I'm was born in AZ.
THE encounter was at Shawdow Rim GS camp, 43 minutes northwest of Christopher creek , by Payson, AZ

OK awesome.I really enjoyed searching for Bigfoot in that area. We found several compelling track ways while we were out there. Do plan on going back at some point in time because we loved the area

Oh definitely,  Payson area has always been a stomping grounds since I was little,  also Williams AZ area. I lived in and around Williams for 30yrs, had home by Grand Canyon. I've had encounters of Bigfoot by Williams since I was about 12yrs old. My last possible encounter was at White Horse Lake, South of Williams last July 2017 . The picture I sent "Placed Below" was in the road from White Horse Lake  to  J D Dam. My very first encounter was at White Horse Lake,  sitting around the campfire and hearing howling coming from Sycamore Canyon a cpl miles behind  the lake, i asked my dad what that howling was and he told me it was a donkey,  i thought to myself That's not a donkey or coyote.  

 I also saw one at a tank nw of Williams in 1989 , That really scared me and we my ex, kids and I left. I think I was followed home from Flagstaff to my home in Valle, AZ too, I worked at JC Penny's at mall in Flagstaff,  I would rake hwy 180 every night I'd stop 2/3miles past Snowbowl rd to potty, well one night after getting home , I was reading in bed about 1am there was a blood curdling howling scream  my window,  I slammed the window shut fast and just started  shaking . I know coyote howling and yippy noise, that was no coyote and I new I wouldn't find prints cuz we had cinders all around the house and driveway.

But my husband and I are getting ready to buy property possibly in the Heber/Overheard area or even Strawberry/Pine. So I  think my encounters wI'll continue. 

The picture was from last July camping at White Horse Lake,  first night  about 2am  west of the Lake I heard coyote, yipping and then howling and it wasn't coyote howling,  then about 330am I hear something getting into my food I left on the table on purpose and by the time I tried quietly unzipping the tent it was gone. Next day Saturday is when we went researching 

 think I also had an encounter 30miles north of Ashfork,AZ in 1985on the Sevens Ranch, slapping on the side of the renovated school bus  and  a litter of puppies missing and the momma dog sometimes would go off in the woods and come back, stinky,  poppy, musty smelling.
You know I never realized I was possibly having settle encounters til I started watching Bigfoot videos in 2016 on YouTube

Sorry about misspelled words etc, I just got a new phone, and I proof read then I send something and realized the phone changed my words or left some out

More Arizona Bigfoot

Bigfoot Steps Toward Girl Flagstaff

Knoll Lake Bigfoot

Face to Face With a Massive
Hairy Monkey Man Monster a Kaibab Sasquatch

Troll Like Bigfoot Arizona

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Bigfoot Sightings Near Flagstaff Arizona

Artist Rendition
Email your Bigfoot sighting to

Several Bigfoot Sightings
Near Flagstaff, Arizona

Women Drive Up On Bigfoot Outside Flagstaff

More Arizona Bigfoot

Face to Face With a Massive Hairy
Monkey Man Monster a Kaibab Sasquatch

Woman Runs Up on Troll Like
Mogollon Monster Arizona's Bigfoot

Girl Goes Berserk as Bigfoot steps towards her
between Grand Canyon & Flagstaff

Bigfoot Sighting Tour South Utah & North Arizona

Source Link of Phillips Bigfoot sighting

Phillip M Reports Seeing Bigfoot near Flagstaff
 Seen one preparing to cross the route 89 north from Flagstaff to the reservation one summer evening, right after sundown. The "creature," was standing very still near a tree trunk trying not to be noticed. Jet black, 8 to 10 feet tall, and at first I thought it was a horses tail blowing in the light mountain breeze so I slowed down, and turned on my halogen full beam lights. Then, thought is this a bear, but realized it was standing to up and was too tall to be a bear! When I scanned down again, I noticed huge dark skinned colored fingers under the jet black 5 to 10 inch strands of of matted shiny hair! I could not see the feet, since the grass was knee high, but the upper body was clearly displayed. I even was able to see the huge fit body and enormous upper body muscles on the arms, like it could scale a 45 degree wooded mountain or kill a deer by running it down and breaking its neck for food. As I got closer, I realized the enormous size and strength this creature had, and its intelligence to using the dark to hide in plain view! I freaked out and took off on 89 North near the Volcano national park turn off near by. This happened before the two road 89 was made, when it was a single two-way single road going North from Flagstaff, during a drought season in the summer. This creature was more thinking being and less ape animal to me, that was more reason to take off down the road. This area is known for deer crossing, so that is why I think it frequents this area waiting for prey. It could not have grew this large, and maintained the strength it had eating nuts or plant life alone, it needed a high protein source, like deer or other large mammal! The creature I saw was not like the famous California film reel creature, but very fit, tall, and looked more like a male, with its face covered in long hair. I guess it pushed its hair over it face to hide its eyes and to better hide in plain view. I was lucky to see this creature, since it blended in so well in the dark, and near the tree trunks while it stood still. The only reason I seen it was the slight curve in the road and the headlights of the car hitting directly on the creature and the trees. When the wind or breeze blew, it moved the tall grass and hair, but not the fingers and then I thought it was a horse's tail or a large mammal of some type. Then I just blasted the road with my high beam lights, and there it was in plain view. A vehicle was behind me and coming both 100 yards or more. I am usually cautious in this area since I don't want to hit a crossing deer.