Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Appears these Washington Bigfoot photos circulating social media were reproduced in a new book titled "Freeman Bigfoot Files"


Larger Images Below Link to Freeman Bigfoot Files Book
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More Paul Freeman Family Sasquatch Photos - Link to Book included

Appears these Washington Bigfoot photos circulating social media
were reproduced in a new book titled "Freeman Bigfoot Files"

Available on Amazon
Freeman Bigfoot Files

Southeast Washington 1987 purportedly taken by Paul Freeman's son Duane, these photos are similar to other photos Duane reproduced in a new book about Freeman titled Freeman Bigfoot Files.

More Pacific Northwest Bigfoot

Bigfoot Picking-up Infant with Another Nearby Sasquatch

Umatilla Sasquatch Video

Shaver Lake Bigfoot Carrying Infant Sasquatch

Several Sasquatch Like Creatures on Camera in Bigfoot Sighting Hotspots

Klamath Bigfoot Captured on Camera & Pilot Rock Sasquatch

A pair of Sasquatch at Osage River Along Missouri & Arkansas Border


Artist Rendition

Two Bigfoot on Missouri & Arkansas Border
Observed Playing in Osage River

A pair of Sasquatch at Osage River
Along Missouri & Arkansas Border

David B messages RMSO
 I grew up on the Missouri/Arkansas border {read Hillbilly}
In September of my 16th year a friend and me were hunting in the hills just above the Osage River.

 We stopped at the cliff above the river and saw 2 bears playing in the water below us. One was huge and the other about our size and after watching them for awhile it occurred to us they couldn't possibly be bears by the way they moved and played around. They were gorillas, had to be.

 My friend stood up and yelled at them and they took off running back into the woods.
 When we got home we reported it to the Conservation Commission and the local newspaper about a couple escaped gorillas....boy did we catch hell....for years.

 Years later we knew we has watched a BF family for at least 30 minutes from 50 yards away. The year was 1960. 
 To add a little more info - the big one {mother ?} was dark brown and the small one {kid?} was more black than brown and the reason we though they were gorillas is because that is what their faces looked like and they walked on 2 you have it.

More Bigfoot Below

H Roe Bartle Scout Reservation
Sasquatch Encounter near Osceola, Missouri

Oklahoma Sasquatch Running Through Frame on Gamecam

Bigfoot Surprised by Fishing Boat near Shore of Blue Lake

Fouke Monster in Mountain View Arkansas Just Before the Eclipse

Sasquatch Encounter in Indiana & Bigfoot Tracks Documented

H Roe Bartle Scout Reservation Sasquatch Encounter near Osceola, Missouri


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Staff member takes short cut back to camp & runs into Bigfoot

H Roe Bartle Scout Reservation
Sasquatch Encounter near Osceola, Missouri

Aryk writes RMSO
I had commented on one of your Facebook post and you responded, asking what happened. So, for the first time ever, here's what happened.

During the summer of 84, I was serving as a staff member at one of the three camps on the H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation outside Osceola Missouri.

It was a typical July day. Temp in the low to mid 90's and humid as heck. I'd gotten done with work and decided to walk over to one of the other camps where a buddy of mine was at with his troop.

I decided to take the short route through the woods which would cut about 30 mins off my trip. The trek through the timber was downhill for about half the distance. Then across a creek and uphill to the camp.

I had gotten to where I knew the creek was just 50 yards or so ahead when I was hit with a dank, musky smell. Very similar to wet dog. I remember wondering what I was smelling but didn't dwell on it. Then as I got in sight of the creek things changed.

A sudden sensation that I was being watched came over me. The hair on back of my neck stood. I thought of that smell and the fact it had rained briefly about an hour before.
I knew that (in 1984) there were no bears in Missouri. But thought of bobcats or something like that, that I may have caught a whiff of that may be watching.

So I put my back against a tree and stayed still. If there was a 30 pound cat near, I didn't want to spook it. Or make it think it had to defend itself. I was young, not stupid.
After what I think was about 20mins I was just about to continue on my way when I saw something move to my right.

A hairy, dark, upright figure stepped out from behind cover. By cover I mean two good sized trees close together with large shrubs growing around them.
This person, animal, whatever it was, was moving down towards the creek while looking my direction.

The grade was down but not very steep. But this thing covered the 20-ish yards to the creek in just a few strides. Looking my way the whole time.

Once it reached the creek it squatted at the water and just looked around for what seemed like forever. But was probably 30-45 seconds in reality. Then it stood up and followed the creek till it was out of sight.

I stayed in place for a while. Listening. Watching. Wanting to make sure it was gone. Then I broke the first rule of safety on the Reservation. NO RUNNING! I bolted out of there with so much speed and dexterity that my football coach would have been proud.

Once back at the staff area I went straight to the man in charge and told him what I'd just seen. He first told me that the last couple years there have been some strange stuff going on in the woods. You see, they had dammed the Osage river to create the Truman Reservoir know as Truman Lake. And a lot of animals had moved up the hills because of it.

Secondly, he said "Keep it to yourself if you don't want to be called crazy". But HE believed me.
Anyway, that's what happened. I know it's not very eventful. But I also know not every encounter is.

I'd be happy to know if you've heard of any other sightings from this area. It would be comforting to know I'm not the only one.
Thank you. And keep searching.

RMSO responds
Hi Aryk
We received a sighting report a couple of years ago where the witness watched two bigfoot swimming and wading around in the Osage River.

Two Bigfoot In Osage River

More Bigfoot Below

Sasquatch Encounter in Indiana & Bigfoot Tracks Documented

Fouke Monster in Mountain View Arkansas Just Before the Eclipse

Bigfoot Surprised by Fishing Boat near Shore of Blue Lake

Oklahoma Sasquatch Running Through Frame on Gamecam

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Frightening encounters with the legendary monster known as Sasquatch


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New Sasquatch Evidence Uncovered (Full Bigfoot Documentary)

From the UnXplained Zone YouTube
Frightening encounters with the legendary monster known as Sasquatch

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Rawah Sasquatch Scrapes RV with Elk Antler

 Virginia Lick Fork Bigfoot Encounter on Camera

Wasatch Mountain Range Bigfoot Evidence & Encounter

Garland Bigfoot, Uinta Evidence & Dog Alerts Fishermen to Sasquatch

Bigfoot Encounter at Tony Grove & Motorists Nearly Hit Sasquatch