Monday, July 29, 2024

Swamp Sasquatch or Skunkape Captured on Video


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Everglades Bigfoot on Footage near Lettuce Lake

Swamp Sasquatch or Skunkape Captured on Video

More Swamp Sasquatch or Bigfoot Captured on Camera

Skunkape Like Creature Captured on Gamecam in Florida

Giant Georgia Sasquatch Captured on Game Camera

Strange Gray Louisiana Sasquatch

Sasquatch Captured on Trail Camera
near Kennedy Lake on Vancouver Island

Wildman Captured on Video after Episode of Mouth Popping at Bigfoot Investigation Location


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Appears like this creature is using hide or buckskin
as a head cover in Bowles Creek, Montana

Montana Wildman Captured on Video after Episode of Mouth Popping.

 During a Bigfoot sighting investigation at Bowles Creek, Montana.  Jenny & Kelly hear a mouth pop below a ridge while doing a sighting report video. They direct the camera in the direction of the mouth popping noise heard twice. After posting the Bigfoot sighting report video. Viewers point out a face hidden in the trees during the search for the source of the mouth pops.
Was a person or creature hiding under the tree while investigators searched of the Bigfoot reported at this location?

Horseman Surprise Sasquatch in Bowles Creek

Is this the face of Bigfoot or Wildman in Bowles Creek Montana?

Bowls Creek Wildman/Bigfoot Slowed 125% & Stabilized

More Montana Bigfoot

Montana Sasquatch Filmed While Wood Knocking

Yreka Bigfoot Leaning Out from Behind a Tree after Vocalizing

Bauman's Deadly Bigfoot Encounter in the Bitterroots

Bigfoot Takes Food from Montana Cabin

Neanderthal Like Holstein Bogs Creature Frightens Fisherman


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Is the Holstein Bogs Creature a Species of Bigfoot of Sasquatch?
(Written Report Below Videos)

Collection of European Bigfoot or Yeti Captured on Video

Yeti Watching Survivalist from Cover Captured on Camera

Side Hopping Russian Yeti & Sasquatch Canyon Bigfoot

Sasquatch Like Creature Captured on Camera in Vrancea Mountains

Yeti Captured on Video in Adygea

Neanderthal Like Holstein Bogs Creature Frightens Fisherman

 Interview with Tom and online translation. 
Hopefully people fluent in German can help with any misunderstanding between RMSO & Tom.
Appreciate everyone's patience with the language barrier. 

(Translation into English at bottom of German report)
Tom writes RMSO
 Hilfe hilfe !! Bei mir in der Region  Ostholstein  in Deutschland  wurde ich eben in einem moor von ein big food verfolgt  ich habe  etwas pfeifen gehört  und bin hin gegangen dan lief es auf mich zu ich weiß nicht wo ich mich melden soll oder was ich machen soll
RMSO responds using google translate
Sure we would like to hear your Bigfoot sighting report from Germany
Is macks me skary !!!!!!
OK what happened, what did you see? Did you see enough of the creature to give us a good description?
Ja habe das ding hier etwar 2 Sekunden  gesehen  mit meiner Taschen  lampe dan bin ich gelaufen  !!  Langes schwarzes verfilztes fell mit eingen stellen ohne fell und es hat ekelhaft gestunken wie ein totes tier und große augen und riesige hände so 1,90 meter bis 2,10 meter groß
RMSO trying to respond in German using online translater
OK so rock es wie ein stinktier> Hast du irh Gesicht zu sehen? War es Mensch orger Affe suct wie? Wie hat ihre Begegnung enden? Haben Sie laufen, hat es weg gehen weg? Hat es irgendwelche vocalizations machen? Hat es bei lhnen aussehen direkt?
Ich weiß nicht wie ein stink tier riecht . Es roch wie ein verwesender Kadaver.  
Ja es sah etwas aus wie das  eines Neandertalers . Ich weiß es nicht . Ich bin gelaufen bis zu meinem dirt bike und dan weg so schnell es ging
Was ist vocalizations ?
Vocalizations sind Klange, es mit seinem Mund oder Stimme machen kann
Ja ein schrecklichens geräusch
War das Gerausch wie ein Knurren oder ein Schrei? Oder is es etwas, das Sie beschreiben?
 Es war ein schrei
Tolle. Waren Sie zuruck, um zu sehen, wenn Sie irgendqelche Bubspuren oder etwas finden kann?
Es war eih schrei translated to English it was a hoot? Maybe bad translation?
Es war eigh screi ins Englische ubersetxt Es war ein Schrei? Vielleicht eine schlecte Ubersetzung?
Ne das trau ich micht nicht noch mal da war mal ein 2×2 meter großes nest aus schilf
Ein schrei 
OK ehrfurchtig, hoffen, dass Sie auchtun. Kingt beangstigend.
Ja oder solte ich es jagen ? 
Mit einer falle 
Thank you. I will post this report.

Translated to English
(Apologize for the choppy sentences. He was reporting in German. I was having to translate to English & may cause a little confusion in the report.)
Help, help !! In the East Holstein region in Germany , I was just in a bog of a big foot I have pursued  after hearing a whistle. Went out and it ran up to me. I do not know where to report.
Yes the thing here etwar two seconds have seen with my bags dan lamp I walked !! Long black matted fur like a dead animal and big eyes and huge hands as 1.90 meters to 2.10 meters tall with eingen filters without fur and it has disgusting stink.

I do not like a stink animal smells . It smelled like a rotting carcass . It looked somewhat like that of a Neanderthal . I don't know . I ran up to my dirt bike and dan away as fast as he could.
 A terrible noise lichens.

After asking if he has been back to find foot prints of the creature Tom responds.
Ne I trust micht not again there was even a 2 × 2 meter large nest made ​​of reed
Tom is an outdoorsman. He does a lot of fishing. This encounter has scared him and sounds like he does not want to return to the part of the bog where this creature came up to him.
If we get any more information on this sighting in Germany we will make sure to post these updates.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Olympic Valley Bigfoot Captured on Video near Lake Tahoe


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Stabilized Analysis of Olympic Valley Sasquatch

Olympic Valley Bigfoot Captured on Video near Lake Tahoe

More Pacific Northwest Bigfoot

Bigfoot Jumps from Tree & Runs to Cover

Bigfoot Picking-up Infant with Another Nearby Sasquatch

Shaver Lake Bigfoot Carrying Infant Sasquatch

Sasquatch Captured on Camera
Squatted Behind Tree Watching Deer Hunter

Oregon Bigfoot on Camera & Umatilla Sasquatch Video