Saturday, October 5, 2024

Cherry Creek Bigfoot Appeared Injured North of Woodruff


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Two Men Encounter Early Morning Sasquatch near Malad Pass

Cherry Creek Bigfoot Appeared Injured North of Woodruff

Kevin writes RMSO
I witnessed a juvenile for probably 30 to 40 seconds or longer right off the side of the highway. I slowed down to its speed and drove along side it as it walked straight ahead. There was no other traffic on the highway at the time, and it didn’t seem bothered at all, it did seem like maybe its right arm or shoulder possibly had been injured from the side I was looking at it from. I was looking at it from it's left side.

 Also, I read one of your episodes of a Bigfoot in Garland. I was a paramedic and I heard the story going over the pager or scanner and I know a lot about that situation and the person I work with found two full sets of tracks that next morning at his dairy bar approximately 6 miles away from the garland area.

(Garland Sasquatch Completely Covered the Stop Sign in Front of Her)
(Garland Bigfoot & Dog Alerts Fishermen to Maple Creek Sasquatch)

RMSO asks
When did your sighting happen and where were you when you saw it on the highway?

Kevin continues
My sighting was near the north Utah and south Idaho border in 2010 sometime around May.
I was north bound interstate 15 about to climb malad pass about 2 miles before the rest stop. It was early morning and visibility was great .
The two lane highway is split between northbound and southbound by a concrete divider and maybe 100 feet of sagebrush and grass. I don’t remember any traffic northbound or coming down the pass and only one semi northbound a distance behind me. I was maybe one mile from starting my accent up the pass driving a ford f350 pulling a 20 foot construction trailer which comes in to play.

 My construction Forman was in the passenger seat. I noticed a ???? Someone walking up the side of the road on my right side or passenger side at that moment I thought it was a hitchhiker or maybe someone broke down so I changed lanes looking in the mirror of course and noticed the semi was about half a mile behind us.

 As we got closer I noticed what I thought was a monkey or gorilla walking right on the fog line looking straight ahead and slightly down. I started to slow down and I noticed the walking gate was one foot in front of the other like it was walking tightrope. It looked like about 4 1/2 feet between steps. I also noticed when it’s feet came up the bottom of the feet were gray black. The rest of it was covered in reddish brown hair. It’s hands were a dark battleship gray color and its fingernails were black, its left arm swayed in stride hanging down somewhere close to its knees and it’s right arm swaying but wasn’t in the same stride, like possibly the right arm or shoulder was injured.

 By that time I had slowed down to its walking speed and was directly to the side of it, still trying to figure out what in the hell I was looking at. My passenger turned sideways in the seat and was facing it looking straight out the window on the passenger side and started to block my view. I was hoping to get a better view of the face, so I sped up just a little bit so I could see through my mirror to see its face and really didn’t get very good details.
 I noticed the hair was a reddish brown color, but the hair that was hanging off of it arms  and some other areas as the sun was shining through it looked more like a strawberry red. It’s facial color was the same as its hands, a battleship grey maybe and the hair came around most of its facial area.

 This creature looked straight ahead and slightly down, it looked directly in front of itself and never once turned or looked at us, even though we were 20 feet away with a noisy power stroke diesel next to it. The semi was starting to get closer so I pulled ahead and got back in the slow lane and was watching it through my mirror. Still wondering if I was seeing things.

 When the semi got there I got confirmation because I heard him start shutting down. It was obvious he had seen the same thing we did. My foreman and I never said a thing to each other. We were both in shock and we had no idea what we had just seen. About the time we were in Malad he looked at me and asked me if I just seen what he seen. We agreed that we seen the same thing and agreed on some details and we never talked about it again, thinking everybody would say we’re crazy and even more crazy that we seen it on the side of a freeway.

 I had to know what I seen and I started to investigate and I just googled Bigfoot on freeways, always thinking they were the hide and seek champion and there was no way they would be out in the open. To my surprise I found many cases of reports of Sasquatch and Bigfoot on the side of the road as well as videos, still never telling anybody. My foreman and I were traveling on that same road maybe a year later and the only thing we said is do you remember what we seen on the road right here? That was the end of the conversation it was like we were still in shock.
To describe it better from behind it had a very smooth walking gate. It’s calf muscles look like softballs the total weight of the creature I would estimate be around 220 pounds and it was high-level with me sitting in my in my truck, I would guess it’s height between 5'10" and 6'2". The hair was uniform and looked groomed and I would guess it would be around 4 inches long and maybe some of the hair that hung from its arms around it neck was maybe 2 inches longer and that hair looked more a strawberry red color than the main body color which is a reddish brown, it never opened it mouth. It was so focused on where it was walking. It’s like it had no idea we were there. 

I know this sounds crazy and far-fetched, but it’s 100% the truth 
I found a report of a traveler hearing wood knocking at the rest stop and last year a man spotted a 8 to 10 foot foot Sasquatch foraging in the dumpster behind the rest stop.
There are other videos and witnesses that have seen Sasquatch in the Cherry Creek area, which is within 5 miles of my sighting and the rest stop.

The craziest thing of all is we had two digital cameras in the center compartment and two iPhones, and never once thought of taking a picture

RMSO responds
This area has some history of Bigfoot sightings and encounters. Around 10 miles or so southwest of your 2010 sighting some motorists almost hit a giant bigfoot crossing highway 30 back in 1977 when it was just a narrow two lane road close to Riverside.

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