I was at the top of missionary ridge in Durango co. We were sleeping cowboy style by the fire. In the morning my daughter's told me about a apparition and light they thought they saw.
My youngest said she felt like she was being watched( my 2 daughter's were in their tent, the rest of us were not). Some weird noises and things happened but in the morning was when we found the tracks.
Huge prints. They oddly enough were coincided amongst the hugest bear prints I've ever seen like it shapeshifted. They led from the outside of our camp side down a steep path. We followed them for a long time but eventually stopped. I didn't feel scared or that we were in danger. I did take pictures. I feel like I am not going to go back lol. I've camped lots of times up there by lake Henderson but this freaked me out.
RMSO responds.
Hi Anonymous, thank you for letting us know about this situation.
Please email us a link or send us photos of the bigfoot tracks for review at RMSObigfoot@gmail.com