Saturday, January 27, 2018

South Africa Sasquatch Sighting. Yes I did say South Africa Bigfoot

Email your Bigfoot sighting to

"I bumped into it & got some of its fur in my mouth,
it stank worse than anything I've ever smelled"

South Africa Sasquatch Sighting
Yes I did say South Africa Bigfoot

Smit writes RMSO
Hi there...  I was just watching your Skinwalker Ranch video and listening to you describe a Bigfoot encounter that you had.  You mentioned how there was no sound or light wind, or anything else.

I live in South Africa, and I had an actual encounter where I walked into a Bigfoot that was coming out of a hut on a ranch we had bought, that had been uninhabited for probably around forty years.

These things are real flesh and blood beings, as I found to my utmost horror,  As I bumped into it, I smelled it, and I got some of its fur in my mouth.  It stank worse than anything I've ever smelled

During the entire night that I was there, the place was so quiet that it felt as though I was in a kind of vacuum, or in the deepest cave imaginable. The only sounds we heard (I was with some friends) was what you called 'vocalization' - screaming shrieking seemingly being made by dozens of these things.

My friends and I were scare shitless - absolutely terrified, and naturally wanted to get the hell away from there, but I - terrified as well - wanted more than anything to see or find out what was going on, so I managed to keep them there.

The screaming started just after dark, and was still going when we left at around 3am

I forgot to mention that the night was pitch-black dark.  -Not just the normal dark where one can see the outlines of trees and bushes etc, but absolutely black to the point that I literally could not see my hand in front of my face.  And totally silent, except for the endless bloodthirsty screamin

So they don't just appear in the US, but they're also in South Africa, Australia, Tibet, China, Canada, and Siberia.

So there you have it....  Just thought I'd give you a heads up.

But this first sighting and walking into this very tall stinky thing was the most intense.

RMSO responds
Have to admit this the 1st Bigfoot sighting report I have received from anywhere in Africa.

Smit continues
I don't think people are aware that they exist here. There's been virtually nothing in the media that I'm aware of

So that's why I sent you the message - but also to corroborate that on the night u described hearing those voices coming towards you (if I remember correctly) you mentioned it was strangely silent. This I've come to realise is often a sign of a Sasquatch

This, and an alarming feeling of unease

Agree and appreciate hearing from you.

You're most welcome, friend. I'm only interested in putting all this information out there for the public to, firstly, understand that the members of the Sasquatch community are not a bunch of deluded idiots chasing butterflies, and secondly, that these beings are as real as you or I.

They are real enough, for instance, for the Russian military to be putting a lot of time, money and brainpower trying to figure out how to use the Sasquatch's ability to become invisible, for their own military use.

We crazies need to join forces perhaps in one global body, so as to share information about what we know with each other, and with the public, instead of a bunch of little splinter groups running around in the wilderness achieving either nothing, or at best, very little.
What are your thoughts about this?
More Africa Bigfoot

"this almost cream-colored bigfoot staring at me"
College Students Encounter With
Cream Colored Bigfoot in Lapalala Wilderness


  1. Hi RMSO, I'm having a hard time accepting this account. It's got large gaps in detail and is reminiscent of the "aw shucks" stories you read on Pacwest Bigfoot, as in "Please enjoy all the encounter stories. Each story here is based on a true experience or account from those who have had a run in with this elusive creature, and that includes me..." The writing style is nearly identical . . .

  2. Hi, my name is Marelize. This might not have been a bigfoot as it happened in a redidential area in a small town called Sasolburg.
    I was 16 visiting my sister. Sitting on a chair facing the window. Window covered one wall of the lounge. I saw this thing standing there, wave its arms once, up and then down. I was sitting there, trying to figure out, what the hell it was. After all normal things were excluded, I realised that what I saw was far too tall and big to be explained. I jumped from that chair shaking.
    I never knew about bigfoot at the time. I am 48 and just a few months ago, while watching a bigfoot program, while they showed a crude drawing, it clicked, that what I saw that night, was that shape and about 9 feet tall.
    Like I said, all I saw was the shape, I thought I saw a ghost that night.
    With all the nature we have in SA, we probably have some bigfoots around.

  3. my names is allen hello everyone I have never seen a big foot although I believe they do exist I was watch a video of a speaker on a mufon organization and I have to say the most intelligent explanation I heard yet that the Indians American native when speaking theyre native language that they understand what theyre saying and that they are infact a breaed of human being that we have never found anything evident fact belonging to ape dna we have never found any fossils of any ape or primate in north America I believe the guys name is david paulides he has a very interesting speech information that makes very good common and believable since.people should becareful when encountered by these individuals as they are superior to us and can infict deadly injury to you but at the same time not kill them as they will be recognized one day I believe as human .thankyou

  4. I didn't think Bigfoot would want to live hear

  5. Cool story. I always figures Africa had to have a crypid, but never heard any tales. This encounter sounds intense.

  6. The "Tano Man" of the eastern Mountains is a Bigfoot-like cryptid

  7. Look for a bloke called gareth Patterson. He is based in knysna and has actually written a book on the otang.
    I myself had a creeper in broad daylight cross a road in the Eastern cape. It had silver hair. (Very similar to the dulux dog advert) it was about 15 meters in front of me and I was driving 30km/h. The whole thing happend to quick. Its face was hidden. Or he had turned it so I couldn't see it. I was just staggered at how long his hair was. 6 inches through out his entire body. He was as wide as the road. And as low as a foot at the most.
    This happend in 2016 next to a kloof

  8. i think they are on every continent and places where you don't expect such as England
