Thursday, June 14, 2018

Bigfoot Sightings Near Flagstaff Arizona

Artist Rendition
Email your Bigfoot sighting to

Several Bigfoot Sightings
Near Flagstaff, Arizona

Women Drive Up On Bigfoot Outside Flagstaff

More Arizona Bigfoot

Face to Face With a Massive Hairy
Monkey Man Monster a Kaibab Sasquatch

Woman Runs Up on Troll Like
Mogollon Monster Arizona's Bigfoot

Girl Goes Berserk as Bigfoot steps towards her
between Grand Canyon & Flagstaff

Bigfoot Sighting Tour South Utah & North Arizona

Source Link of Phillips Bigfoot sighting

Phillip M Reports Seeing Bigfoot near Flagstaff
 Seen one preparing to cross the route 89 north from Flagstaff to the reservation one summer evening, right after sundown. The "creature," was standing very still near a tree trunk trying not to be noticed. Jet black, 8 to 10 feet tall, and at first I thought it was a horses tail blowing in the light mountain breeze so I slowed down, and turned on my halogen full beam lights. Then, thought is this a bear, but realized it was standing to up and was too tall to be a bear! When I scanned down again, I noticed huge dark skinned colored fingers under the jet black 5 to 10 inch strands of of matted shiny hair! I could not see the feet, since the grass was knee high, but the upper body was clearly displayed. I even was able to see the huge fit body and enormous upper body muscles on the arms, like it could scale a 45 degree wooded mountain or kill a deer by running it down and breaking its neck for food. As I got closer, I realized the enormous size and strength this creature had, and its intelligence to using the dark to hide in plain view! I freaked out and took off on 89 North near the Volcano national park turn off near by. This happened before the two road 89 was made, when it was a single two-way single road going North from Flagstaff, during a drought season in the summer. This creature was more thinking being and less ape animal to me, that was more reason to take off down the road. This area is known for deer crossing, so that is why I think it frequents this area waiting for prey. It could not have grew this large, and maintained the strength it had eating nuts or plant life alone, it needed a high protein source, like deer or other large mammal! The creature I saw was not like the famous California film reel creature, but very fit, tall, and looked more like a male, with its face covered in long hair. I guess it pushed its hair over it face to hide its eyes and to better hide in plain view. I was lucky to see this creature, since it blended in so well in the dark, and near the tree trunks while it stood still. The only reason I seen it was the slight curve in the road and the headlights of the car hitting directly on the creature and the trees. When the wind or breeze blew, it moved the tall grass and hair, but not the fingers and then I thought it was a horse's tail or a large mammal of some type. Then I just blasted the road with my high beam lights, and there it was in plain view. A vehicle was behind me and coming both 100 yards or more. I am usually cautious in this area since I don't want to hit a crossing deer.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Holstein Bogs Bigfoot Looks Like Neanderthal

Cover Photo Link
Email your Bigfoot sighting to

 Interview with Tom and online translation. 
Hopefully people fluent in German can help with any misunderstanding from RMSO & Tom.
Appreciate everyone's patience with the language gap. 

Translation to English at bottom of German report

Tom writes RMSO
Hilfe hilfe !! Bei mir in der Region  Ostholstein  in Deutschland  wurde ich eben in einem moor von ein big food verfolgt  ich habe  etwas pfeifen gehört  und bin hin gegangen dan lief es auf mich zu ich weiß nicht wo ich mich melden soll oder was ich machen soll

RMSO responds using google translate
Sure we would like to hear your Bigfoot sighting report from Germany

Is macks me skary !!!!!!

OK what happened, what did you see? Did you see enough of the creature to give us a good description?

Ja habe das ding hier etwar 2 Sekunden  gesehen  mit meiner Taschen  lampe dan bin ich gelaufen  !!  Langes schwarzes verfilztes fell mit eingen stellen ohne fell und es hat ekelhaft gestunken wie ein totes tier und große augen und riesige hände so 1,90 meter bis 2,10 meter groß

RMSO trying to respond in German using online translater
OK so rock es wie ein stinktier> Hast du irh Gesicht zu sehen? War es Mensch orger Affe suct wie? Wie hat ihre Begegnung enden? Haben Sie laufen, hat es weg gehen weg? Hat es irgendwelche vocalizations machen? Hat es bei lhnen aussehen direkt?

Ich weiß nicht wie ein stink tier riecht . Es roch wie ein verwesender Kadaver.  
Ja es sah etwas aus wie das  eines Neandertalers . Ich weiß es nicht . Ich bin gelaufen bis zu meinem dirt bike und dan weg so schnell es ging

Was ist vocalizations ?

Vocalizations sind Klange, es mit seinem Mund oder Stimme machen kann

Ja ein schrecklichens geräusch

War das Gerausch wie ein Knurren oder ein Schrei? Oder is es etwas, das Sie beschreiben?

 Es war ein schrei

Tolle. Waren Sie zuruck, um zu sehen, wenn Sie irgendqelche Bubspuren oder etwas finden kann?
Es war eih schrei translated to English it was a hoot? Maybe bad translation?
Es war eigh screi ins Englische ubersetxt Es war ein Schrei? Vielleicht eine schlecte Ubersetzung?

Ne das trau ich micht nicht noch mal da war mal ein 2×2 meter großes nest aus schilf
Ein schrei 

OK ehrfurchtig, hoffen, dass Sie auchtun. Kingt beangstigend.

Ja oder solte ich es jagen ? 
Mit einer falle 

Thank you. I will post this report.

Translation to English Below
(Apologize for the choppy sentences. He was reporting in German. I was having to translate to English & may cause a little confusion in the report.)

Help, help !! In the East Holstein region in Germany , I was just in a bog of a big foot I have pursued  after hearing a whistle. Went out and it ran up to me. I do not know where to report.

Yes the thing here etwar two seconds have seen with my bags dan lamp I walked !! Long black matted fur like a dead animal and big eyes and huge hands as 1.90 meters to 2.10 meters tall with eingen filters without fur and it has disgusting stink.

I do not like a stink animal smells . It smelled like a rotting carcass . It looked somewhat like that of a Neanderthal . I dont know . I ran up to my dirt bike and dan away as fast as he could.

 A terrible noise lichens.

After asking if he has been back to find foot prints of the creature Tom responds.

Ne I trust micht not again there was even a 2 × 2 meter large nest made ​​of reed

Tom is an outdoorsman. He does a lot of fishing. This encounter has scared him and sounds like he does not want to return to the part of the bog where this creature came up to him.

If we get any more information on this sighting in Germany we will make sure to post these updates.

More Europe Bigfoot Below

Side Leaping Yeti Video

Russian Yeti Appears Wounded (Several High Resolution Photos)

Bigfoot Captured on Video in Adygea

Moscow Yeti Causes Traffic Accident Video

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

A small dosage of Trolls we deal with on a regular basis bringing you Bigfoot sighting reports


Tim Stover upset over the cover photo below used on a bigfoot sighting report.
Apparently Tim needs to work out some personal issues & refrain from being an online bully.
Please show Tim some love. Apparently he isn't getting enough attention.

Blog link to the report Stover is throwing a fit over

Tim Stover's Trolling comments.
This is what you call Click Bait! The photo has absolutely nothing to do with the story and fools people into clicking on the link in hopes to see more photos or possibly video footage. This is what many Youtubers and bloggers do to increase the views on their channels and videos. It’s just a numbers game to them.

Kelly Shaw Don't allow jealousy to cloud your vision Tim

Kelly Shaw A cover photo is expected by everyone on any blog post & this woman's sighting report deserves to have a good cover photo even if it is the famous blog squatch of boggy creek. I have had issues with you criticizing me in the past. I do believe you hate me Tim. Have no idea why. However my hunch is you are afraid you aren't directly in the lime light.

Tim Stover   I’ve removed myself from the lime light because of all the garbage and BS out there. I know an attention seeker and a numbers hustler when I see one.
Have you ever noticed that you never participate in anything on OBH or even comment to others who share? But as soon as someone comments to something you share on OBH then your on it like flies on shit.
Until you learn to care about anything but yourself and the numbers it’s best if you stay away. 

Kelly Shaw Appears you struggle with anger management issues. Perhaps jealousy missed the mark. However I wont sit quietly while you take out your personal issues on me. Find someone else to pick on tough guy.

Bigfoot Spotted in Fouke AR Maybe Fouke Monster

Email your Bigfoot sighting to
Regina writes RMSO

Thank you Kelly for replying to my post. 

This wasn't an earth shaking encounter by today’s standards, however at the time of the sighting it was.  I am enclosing the notation I had made regarding my sighting which was some time ago.  However the details were imprinted in my mind forever.  What reminded me of the encounter was the “Finding Bigfoot” episode where the police dashcam video captured a BF crossing the road:  Here it is.  


I don't know where this was taped (regarding the police dashcam).  However in 1968, we were traveling north from Shreveport towards Texarkana on our way to Memphis.  It was about 3 am in the morning. We hit a very lonely stretch of road which was heavily forrested by pine trees on both sides of the road and very little right of way on the road.  On a curve, our headlights caught a bipedal creature about 7-8 feet tall running across the highway from the right to left, taking only about three large steps and into the pines.  This was not a bear... Arms were excessively long and had a rounded head, no neck, no ears, no snout and a massive build.  My mom, two sisters and I all were all extremely shaken to the core and stopped at the next motel some 20 miles down the road.   No more night driving for us.  I had put this in the back of my mind for 30+ years until I accidentally came across this dash cam video. It gave me chills and  made my hair stand on end, as this is exactly what I saw some 30 years prior.  I never said anything over the years  as occasionally overtime when I tried to explain what I saw,  I was chided and berated, laughed at etc. I saw what I saw.  This was not a bear, not quite human, but I will take it to the grave with me. Somehow I feel lucky now that I may have seen a new undiscovered species. I also discovered just recently that my sighting was in the Fouke, Arkansas area where there had apparently been Bigfoot sightings.  Keep an open mind. Just remember the Panda and the gorilla were just fables for many years until verified. 

This was to the best of my recollection.   The date may have been 1967 to 68. It was during summer. I hope this note was not too confusing.  I have hunted elk, deer and bear in Missionary Ridge mtm. Durango, Colorado, so I definitely know a bear when I see one.
Thank you for your interest and may I say I love your channel.

RMSO responds
Read your sighting report. Very interesting. I appreciate you informing us about this sighting of yours.

More Arkansas Bigfoot

Ouachita Sasquatch Filmed at Night Arkansas

Dequeen Bigfoot Tears Off Hogs Ears

Baby Bigfoot Menk Arkansas