Monday, August 5, 2019

Deputy Sheriff Describes "Gorilla" to Dispatch

Original Photo Below
Email your Bigfoot sighting to

Dave Oz Captures Sasquatch on Camera
near Arizona & New Mexico Border

Dave writes RMSO after viewing the following 
Bigfoot Blog Post

Mogollon Rim Camp Host Scared Sh*tless by Bigfoot

Deputy Sheriff Describes "Gorilla" to Dispatch

Dave writes
There is a lot of activity in the Mogollon Rim of Arizona. Surprised this has not been reported by camp hosts more often there and the Four Corners locations.

 I know a gal who used to camp close to the site where Travis Walton and his logging crew were abducted by alleged aliens in the 1970s. Told me a few years back she will not camp there any longer due to observing grey aliens and Bigfoot activity. Its apparently still ongoing after the abduction occurred.

 I remember three years ago, listening to my police scanner about a "gorilla" observed near my home off US 64 near Sunray casino, New Mexico. Bright sunny morning at 7am, and a female sheriff deputy reporting to stopping a car and saying to dispatch "I also saw that gorilla while turning around on the highway." With a voice that she really didn't want to see or deal with it. The area has a fair share of sightings, especially in and around nearby San Juan River from Colorado all the way into Utah.

Dave Oz Photo From this Area

RMSO Responds
Interesting Dave, thank you. Enjoy hearing about what is going on around that area.

Near by Mogollon Monster
Bigfoot Videos Below

Screaming & Howling Mogollon Monster
Terrifies Camper

Search for Mogollon Monster Arizona's Bigfoot

Girl Panics as Bigfoot Steps Toward Her


  1. Kelly i got family in Utah
    Price & Helper Utah
    Do you have any reports of BFs out that way
    Im in

    1. Hi Jan. Here is a link that has several bigfoot reports from that particular area near Price & Helper.

    2. Hi Kelly
      Are you doing any interviews in the near future?
      I recently interviewed Duke Sullivan from world Bigfoot radio and he recommended you as a good source also. I had an experience with 2 Sasquatch (Mogollon monster) in happy jack last year.

  2. Thanks for posting my report Kelly!

  3. I live in payson AZ 7 min from christopher creek, i work at KOHLS Ranch resort, 2 min from christopher creek lodge . there are bigfoot sightings from time to time here in this area. Kelly you should come stay ay KOHLS ranch resort sometime . TONTO creek runs right through it, great trout fishing.

  4. We all know that the Big Foot clans are out there and what bothers me the most is that our Governments treat this just as they did with the UFO's. They play dumb as if they know nothing about these beings yet they know everything not only about the Big foot and UFO's but the Dogmen and a whole lot more!!! When will they come clean and start sharing the information so that people don't have to have the shit scared out of them or die by running into one of these beings??? We all have our big boy pants on and can handle the truth it's just the government idiots don't know how to tell the truth and that's how people go missing or get killed!

  5. 👍yes good point, actually they don't want to tell truth or share anything until the secret comes to making them look bad or behind, they already screwed up UFO capture. Missing people and those killed unfortunately are part of government agenda, less thier are better for globalist. This is not B.S.
