Tuesday, December 5, 2017

New Primate "Discovered" Every Year Last 14 Years

 Science has discovered a new species of primate almost every year the last 14 years.
Will the next primate species discovered be the infamous elusive giant of North America?

 Most primate discoveries are small monkeys or lemurs. 
However two species discovered over the last 14 years are large primates.
Known as great apes.

In 2003 Bili ape or Bondo mystery ape was "officially" discovered by science.
A 6 foot tall & two hundred pound great ape that nests on the ground like a gorilla but have a diet & appearance characteristic of a giant chimpanzee.

Most recently the Tapanuli orangutan was discovered.
It is the rarest of the great apes with only 800 members known to exist.
DNA studies have shown the Tapanuli is the oldest living species of orangutan on the planet.

More about the Bili ape.

More about the Tapanuli orangutan

With a new species of primate being discovered almost every single year for well over a decade.
It doesn't sound unreasonable that a large primate in North America is awaiting discovery. 

Known as Sasquatch.
Others call it Bigfoot, Skunk Ape, Grass man, every other region in North America has their own name for this giant elusive primate on the verge of scientific "discovery"

RMSO Bigfoot Video Capture

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