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(Written Report Below Next Video)
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Rancher Face to Face with LaBarge Sasquatch
Inches From Labarge Mountain
Bigfoot’s Face
Michael Nelson writes RMSO
Dear Kelly:
Here is the info on my sightings and a little of my background.
First, my background, I was raised on a ranch in southwest Wyoming near Kemmerer, Wyoming. I was born in 1952 and my sightings occurred when I was around 9 and 10 years old. My great Grandparents moved to Wyoming in the 1880’s when it was still a territory. They came to the Hamsfork Valley from St. Charles, Idaho near Bear Lake. Prior to that my ancestors came to Utah first with Mormon Immigrants and sent to the Bear Lake area by Brigham Young. My Great Grandparents started a homestead from which our ranch was started. We ran mainly livestock, at the highest point we had approximately 350 cattle and 14,000 sheep. Even though I worked with the cattle I enjoyed the sheep most and worked with them as much as allowed. With that I would spend many days and nights with my Dad in the Bridger Teton where we had sheep allotments in the spring and summer when I was younger and when I was 12 or 14 I had my own pack string of horses and guided the herds up the trails and on the allotments. I did this till I left for the US Air Force during the Vietnam Era. Needles to say when I was 9 or 10 I knew the wild animals that lived in the forest and on the high plains. I knew and dealt with bears, coyotes, mountain lions, lynx, wolfs (yeas there were and have always been wolfs in the Bridger/Teton Forest contrary to belief), moose. deer, elk and many others. So when I had my sightings I knew what I was looking at was not know to me.
As I stated I was around 9 years old when my first sighting occurred. We, my father, my sisters, my brother and I were camped on Clear Creek a drainage of LaBarge Creek. My mother was not with us she was in the hospital in Salt Lake City fighting cancer and not expected to live but live she did until her death at 90 years old in 2016. My Dad had left camp early to go check on one of the herds and help them move to a new feeding location. It was still dark outside but I was awake and up as usual with him to see him off. My sisters and brother were still sleeping even though I was the youngest. My brother 1 and ½ years older and my sisters 4 and 5 years older then me. After my Dad left on his horse I decided to walk to the creek and get a drink of water.
Clear Creek was not a large creek so I would get on my hands and knees and bend over to get a drink. The creek is not much more then a foot wide at this time of year, mid summer. I got my drink and still on my knees I looked up and straight in two of the largest dark black eyes I have ever seen. I was less then 12 inches away from this things face. We just stared at each other how long? I don’t remember. His face was dark skinned not a dark black but grayish/black. I don’t remember a lot of hair on it’s face. What amazes me to this day I did not panic and it did not frighten me. I slowly got up and he followed still looking at me. He was enormous, how tall? I can’t say but I had to bend my head back and look up to still see it’s face. The little I looked at it’s body was when it turned around and stared to just walk away up the hill on the opposite side of the creek from me. His body was covered with hair dark black hair to me. If you look at Todd Standing picture of the dark skinned one with scares that is real close to mine. I turned and walk back to camp about 3 or 4 steps then my fear kicked in and I ran back to the tent yelling monster, monster waking my siblings. They saw how shocked I was and we closed the wall tent doors and hid in it all day till my Dad returned. I told my Dad when he got back but he just said it was probably just a bear or moose. I do not remember much after my Dad returned.
A few months later we were again camped near LaBarge Creek at the LaBarge Meadows. No tent this time we had our sleeping bags laid out side by side along the pickup truck My Dad near the drivers side front tire, my oldest sister by the driver door, my brother and I and my younger sister by the rear tire on the drivers side next to me. I woke up in the middle of the night the sky was clear, I remember seeing the stars and some moon light which lite up a large man like figure that was leaning over looking at my sister next to me. I didn’t move, say anything or breath. I just stared out from under my sleep bags cover. The thing was again was huge and I could hear others walking around nearby but did not see them. I could hear it taking deep breaths and no other sounds. It slowly stood up on two legs and walked away. I slowly slide deeper inside the sleeping bag and hid the rest of the night. I didn’t tell anybody this time until I was an adult and then I told my wife and kids, my Mom and Dad, sisters and brother.
This would all have occurred around 1961 prior to the Patterson film. I had never heard or thought about Big Foot or Sasquatch. I wasn’t till after I heard about the and saw the Patterson film and the froze body of the monster that was in a freezer that came through town that I could but a name to these creatures (monsters). I remember I was around 16 when that I man show came through. You got to go into this trailer and take a close look at the creature. The lid of the freezer was opened and it was covered in ice. You could parts fairly well on some areas of the body. I thought it was cool. It really did look like the real thing though.
My sister’s sighting occurred in the 70’s. She was married had two kids and they were up the Hamsfork camping. She and her husband apparently were fighting and he was being a jerk as normal. They loaded up and started down the Hamsfork road to come home. On the area of the road called the switchbacks she said this creature jumped out on the toad just behind them stood in the Arnold Swhartzenager (sp) stance glaring at them with she said large Red eyes. She said it looked very mad or angry and stepped toward them. Her husband stepped on it and sped away. I often wondered if he was yelling at my sister was seen by this creature and it was coming after her husband. Just my thought
My sister’s sighting occurred in the 70’s. She was married had two kids and they were up the Hamsfork camping. She and her husband apparently were fighting and he was being a jerk as normal. They loaded up and started down the Hamsfork road to come home. On the area of the road called the switchbacks she said this creature jumped out on the toad just behind them stood in the Arnold Swhartzenager (sp) stance glaring at them with she said large Red eyes. She said it looked very mad or angry and stepped toward them. Her husband stepped on it and sped away. I often wondered if he was yelling at my sister was seen by this creature and it was coming after her husband. Just my thought
That’s about all for now. I have only told family members, Autumn and her mom and Billy my sighting stories. If not for Sally, Autumn’s mom I would never have told anyone. She as a good friend help me to come out with them. If you have any questions let me know and I will try and answer them. If you guys are ever in the Kemmerer area stop by and see us. I would even take you to the nearest areas or give you a map. You have my phone number my address is XXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX. We, my wife and I, enjoy your YouTube videos. Keep up the good work.
Take Care;
Mike Nelson
More Wyoming Bigfoot Below
Inches from Bigfoot near Sleeping Giant Mountain
Large Leather Face Sasquatch at Sunlight Basin
Elk Hunters Glass Large Dark Bigfoot in Sunlight Basin
Wind River Sasquatch Swaying Behind Tree