Friday, August 23, 2024

Terrifying Bigfoot Encounter Above Brigham Bench


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Two Grouse Hunters Confronted by Mitton Sasquatch

 When he reached me he was out of breath and bleeding all over from those thorns. Kenny was shaking and crying. I had to keep telling him that I saw it run away when he fired the shotgun.
I would say it was 8 feet tall, dark reddish-brown hair with a white cap. It kept coming closer to Kenny.

Terrifying Bigfoot Encounter Above Brigham Bench

More Utah Bigfoot Below

Devils Hole Sasquatch Growls At Hunter Near Pete's Cabin

Bigfoot Staring Match Wasatch Mountains

Wasatch Sasquatch Raids Trout Farm

Mica Hulk Bigfoot Like Creature Captured on Game Camera 

Bigfoot Encounter at Tony Grove & Motorists Nearly Hit Sasquatch

Bigfoot Out Paces Truck on Rock Creek Dirt Road in Wasatch Mountains

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Kuna Residents Plagued by Owyhee Skinwalker


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Dogman like creature ran alongside 45 mph car in Idaho - Skinwalker?

Kuna Residents Plagued by Owyhee Skinwalker

Abrina T & Jesse writes RMSO 
 Hey guys liked the stories.
My GF saw this "Skinwalker Sighting Report Utah"
 And showed me, as it reminded her of stories she's heard from me, so she's makin me tell you here...

 My name is Jesse btw ...I have had 3 encounters in in the Owyhee desert where my brother myself and 3 other friends were headed back to Boise from a bonfire/party in the desert when we started seeing something running back and forth on the road ahead of us we were doin about 45 ben (my bro)was driving and it was staying ahead of us at the edge of our headlights when one of the girls was like what's that... my brother was like it's a coyote, he and I were leaning forward over the dash tryin to get a better look, i was saying no its not a coyote its to big when the chick was like no next to us... We were like what? And looked out the passenger side when we could see 2 more running along side keeping pace, mind you 45 mph... When one basically lunged toward the car hitting it mid side between the doors. It was not a coyote it had a very humanish face and kinda sparse pale hair. Needless to say many screams and profanities were had and ben stomped the gas to get us out got up to about 65 with them hanging with us for a little bit before they broke off.

 Second encounter was in Kuna Idaho on the outskirts of town at our house, ben and i had a bedroom in the basement when we had one WHO-ing out side our window we sat up when we heard it, it was very distinct sound ill never forget like a person with a high voice pretending to be an owl... we got up lookin on our tiptoes peekin out trying to see who it was when we saw something pale lowslung to the ground moving quick with kind of jerky disjointed movements we could see it moving on all fours quickly across the back yard then we lost sight as we sat there trying to process what we saw suddenly we heard it again very close right next to the window we jumped to my bed across the room and were balled up under our blankets eyes locked at the window we saw it leaning down into the window well its eyes were large owl like it glanced in a second or two then it was gone... it came back over the next two nights then no more.

 The third was in the foot hills above Boise at an area called table rock.... myself and several friends were up drinking when we heard a woman screaming ... we jumped up and headed toward the sound cautiously as tablerock has a lot of broken ground (goffer holes and boulders) as well as a cliff, as we moved threw the brush I could see a guy in all camo crouched by some sage brush near the origin of the screaming (my first thought was we were stumbling on a rape in progress) so i moved stealthily up on him incase I needed to subdue a possibly armed individual... but as i got within a few feet of him we heard the scream again... at this point he glanced around and noticed me less than a couple of feet from him which. Just about made him jump out of his skin (lol) I was like what's up? 

 He glances back the way of the scream and says coyotes...if you have never heard a coyote it becomes very clear very quickly why they are called tricksters because they can sound very human which is why Skinwalkers probably move as them so frequently... (a coyote scream can draw the unwary from their fire into the dark where they can get mobbed by the pack) as we sat there listening suddenly a large rock crashes threw the bush between the two of us and almost hits two more friends that were moving up the trail to our position... we all exclaimed stood up, me and camo.guy stood up instantly kicking on flashlights just intime to see a naked someone turn and jump/dive over a bush they looked concentration camp thin...hairy dirty almost feminine like an old woman we ran up to look over the ridge by this time about 6 of us scanning the dark with flashlights worried some old lady with dementia was lost up there but just over the ridge it drops away into a stone quarry and their was no one to be seen... google map table rock Boise you will see the area i talk of! hope these offer some insight and I hope your going well armed in the darkness...they are stealthy, strong, fast and intelligent so be very very careful it got us to leave our fire and almost walked 6 of us into a hole.

More Skinwalker & Unexplained Creatures Below

Skinwalker & Sasquatch Territories Overlap

Mica Hulk Bigfoot Like Creature
Captured on Game Camera in Arizona

Box Canyon Skinwalker & Sasquatch Investigation

Strange Creature Captured on Gamecam
in Flatwoods of Kentucky

Tent Campers Encounter Bigfoot at Tony Grove,
Motorists Nearly Hits Sasquatch

Skinwalker Phenomena at Sasquatch Canyon Base Camp

Skinwalker Sighting Report Utah

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Bigfoot was huge & I was scared, his eyes glowed like a cat's in the headlights of our car


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Oregon Sasquatch steps up from the
river side of bridge into the headlights of their car

The Bigfoot was huge & I was scared,
his eyes glowed like a cat's in the headlights of our car

Cambria writes RMSO
 Unfortunately this isn't a recent sighting, but like I said above, it forever changed how I feel about the BF issue. I know that they are among us in the mountains.

 This sighting happened in the winter of 1992. I was traveling from Mt. Shasta to Portland and we decided to take the back way (I15 to, I believe, highway 97, to highway 58) We had just passed the Willamette Ski Resort and had to pass a small bridge over the first creek or small river after the resort. I was sitting in the drivers side as It was my turn to drive and it was just after the sun went down in the mountains. My daughter and husband at the time were dozing.

 The BF was standing on the right side of the road and It looked as though it had come from the creek (or small river. I can't remember what the name of it was, but it was the first bridge over water after the Willamette resort) as I could see it perfectly step up from the side of the bridge and then stand up to full height.

 At first my brain registered it as a brown bear. But as it stood up to full height my brain panicked. I immediately registered it as BF. His eyes also glowed the moment it stood up with it's face in the light of my headlights, like a cat's eyes glow. Nothing came to mind, other than " that's a BF". It was perfect, it was huge and I was scared. I increased my speed and never looked back.
 Years earlier my grandfather had built a house at the base of Mt. Shasta up from town. He took in a scared camper one night. The camper came knocking on the door in the middle of the night in a terrible fright. He told my GF that a BF had terrorized his camp and followed him to my GF's house. He asked for refuge for the night which my GF gave him.

 I trust that my GF had told me the truth about the story but thought the camper had imagined a BF, instead of a large animal. Thus I was a fence sitter.

 After my own sighting though, I feel the man was telling the my grandfather the truth. The BF that I saw was brown. Definitely brown. I didn't notice any variation of color, except for the face, it was a lighter color. The eyes were large and in the dark, with the glow of the light, I am sure they looked bigger than they actually were.

 The details of the rest of the face are a blur after all of these years, but the eyes have always stayed with me. I am 5 foot and he was the largest humanoid/animal I have ever seen. It put me in immediate panic to see something so large that my car was passing so close to. When I say that it changed the way I think about things, I mean it. Now, anything is possible.

More Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Below

Oregon Bigfoot on Camera & Umatilla Sasquatch Video

Kennedy Lake Bigfoot on Vancouver Island, BC

The Bigfoot Stood Up & She Stared at Me for a Long Ten Seconds

Klamath Bigfoot Captured on Camera & Pilot Rock Sasquatch

Northwest Bigfoot Terrorizes Campers &
Couple Capture Sasquatch on Camera

Shaver Lake Bigfoot Carrying Infant Sasquatch

Man Taken from Camp by Sasquatch &
Bigfoot Trackway found in British Columbia

Rawah Sasquatch Scrapes RV with Antler of an Elk Slung Over It's Shoulder


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(Written Report Below Next Video)
Giant Bigfoot Viciously Shakes RV After Occupants Turn On Lights

Rawah Sasquatch Scrapes RV
with Antler of an Elk Slung Over It's Shoulder

After RMSO media asks
"Have you ever seen a Bigfoot carrying or dragging anything?"

Boone writes RMSO
Saw one face to face through the window of an overhead RV sleeping cabin. Carrying an elk partial head torso over its shoulder. The dead animals horns scratching against the glass is what woke us up. The sleep area above the cabin was 9-10 feet above ground level. The creature lost its composure or cool when we turned lights on and closed the curtains. All hell broke loose. The 35 foot RV almost tipped on its side from violent shaking. First sighting here was 1984. Last sighting I had was 2000. Both Colorado high country.

RMSO responds
The time you saw it carrying the elk. What part of Colorado and how tall and wide would you estimate the Bigfoot was?
Boone continues
It was before midnight but late. I’m guessing it was 8-9 feet tall and maybe more. Definitely wide like shoulders 3-4 feet across but dark and hard to tell but the elk horns and elk body covered so much area of what my brother and I could see. Definitely saw the creatures face clear as can be. Curious and scared looking face. Wide open eyes. It was startled and upset. This particular incident was in Gould Colorado Rawah Forest I think.

 One thing I’d like to share is the sound it made when it seemed to be pushing/ trying to tip the RV was almost like a donkey but backwards like heev hoeing Hawww Heeeee. Strange loud and my family even armed with pistols and revolvers refused to step outside during probably 5 long minutes of chaos. 6 people were in the RV. About 40 yards from us were friends in a tent and we were terrified for them for sure. About 2 hours into the night my father went to check on them and woke them. They slept through the whole ordeal. Lastly the “Bigfoot”

My brother and I talked about it all of the 80s. It’s face seemed to have some kind of distortion or maybe a disability, like maybe horribly damaged or deformed. We always joked when we watched Goonies. A face like Stoth sort of but strangely sad like Down syndrome or gigantism that only affected part of it. Definitely changed my entire family and usual camping routine. Just as a thought at first sight my brother was convinced it was a huge horned man outside the window.

RMSO responds
I would imagine an illness or injury could of caused the distortion on its face, unfortunately they have to tough that sort of thing out & hopefully survive things like that throughout their lives. Reminds me of an article we put out recently about an Orangutan with a serious face wound that may of been caused in a scuffle with another rival male. The wound could of been lethal or disfiguring, but this orangutan made his own ointment to fight infection and help itself heal.

Wounded wild orangutan seen using plant medicine
Scientists say he healed it himself

More Rocky Mountain Bigfoot Below

Pikes Peak Bigfoot Drinking in Creek &
Thunder Butte Sasquatch Traversing Mountain

Recent Bigfoot Encounter at Tony Grove &
Motorists Nearly Hit Giant Road Crossing Sasquatch

Two Bigfoot Yell at Cascade Hiker &
Colorado Man Captures Sasquatch on Camera

Animas Bigfoot Terrifies Two Women
Then Looks Sad When One Screams

Maple Canyon Sasquatch kicked-up by German Shepherd,
Uinta Bigfoot Evidence & Giant Garland Sasquatch

Bigfoot Out Paces 25mph Truck on
Rock Creek Dirt Road in Wasatch Mountains