Friday, January 10, 2020

Bigfoot Watching Investigators Research Its Sighting

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 Curtis "witness" show investigators the spot where he saw Bigfoot 3 days prior. 
Researchers locate footprints of  Bigfoot in the spot where he saw it standing, then track it over a ridge. Investigators notice a dark shape across the draw almost human shape.

They zoom in with a camera to get a better look, too far away to make out detail with naked eye.

Investigator claims
 " I zoomed in with the camera to check it out with the view finder. I still couldn't see it because of the sun glare. The sun was directly behind me. I kind of shrugged it off at 1st as just a dark shadow or a burnt stump. "

  When reviewing footage on computer screen later on. It stood out and its face was moving. The lips move & eyes blink. Went back a couple of days later at the same time of day to see if we could recreate this with shadows or find a burnt stump at the location. Nothing , no stump, this black shape could not be recreated. May have been the same bigfoot watching investigators, investigate its own sighting 3 days prior.

Stabilized Breakdown Lost Creek Bigfoot

Lost Creek Bigfoot Full Investigation

Filter Breakdown Lost Creek Bigfoot

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Bigfoot Eats Log Rot Just As Gorilla Do

Cover Photo Link:
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RMSO video documents
19 inch long Bigfoot shaped tracks near ripped & torn rotted logs.
Video below the creature propped the log up on a stout branch.
Perhaps to get at the insects or to consume rotted log material.

19 Inch Bigfoot Tracks Near 
Unusual Log Structure

Video of 19 Inch Bigfoot Tracks
Near Unusual Log Structure

Bigfoot may be eating the grubs, insects & possibly the rotted log material like gorilla do according to the Cornell University report below.
The researchers observed 15 gorillas of different ages and gender as they engaged in wood-eating activities. After the animals were gone, the researchers collected wood samples from stumps and logs that the animals consumed as well as those they avoided. They also collected samples of other things the gorillas ate.
Full Cornell University report.

The following video is a Bigfoot ripping into a rotted cypress tree in the swamps of Mississippi.
This may be the best evidence of Bigfoot using rotted log material to locate a meal of insects and may be eating the rotted log material as gorillas do.

Mississippi Bigfoot Video

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Sasquatch in Trap Set Free By Trooper Pennsylvania

Email your Bigfoot sighting to

T.T. writes RMSO
 PLEASE keep my name confidential and COMPLETELY understand if I am not believed.

I was 17 in 1990 and Squirrel hunting in PA and I hear a painful sounding grunt and whimper like a deer would make and could hear what sounds like struggling so thinking it was a deer caught in the bushes or whatever I went to where the noise was. Again COMPLETELY understand if I am not believed.

I saw a 4ft tall Bigfoot caught in a metal trap, the kind that's just a metal bar that the hillbillies use not ruin the fur. I turned to run as my legs were now jelly as I was terrified. but it let out a soft cry that would have made a serial killer feel bad. I was heartbroken over the noise and I am a hunter and later became a Correctional Officer and then currently a Cop, so I am not the sentimental bleeding heart type BUT I am not a monster and truly care for people.

Anyway so I set down my single shot 20 gauge shotgun and went over and walked over to it and it was a quiet sad monotone crying sorta how a dog cries in pain not a yelp but a whimper is the best way I can describe it. So I get on my knees to free her. The trap was twisted around the tree and she could not get a grasp. ALSO I say her because SHE turned her whole body and face away from me as I was doing it. At the time I thought in fear but 20 plus years of dealing with abused woman I now believe it to be from shame. I don't know why my fear was gone. I just felt sad and heartbreak. 

 I was able to free her and she walked 10 ft and turned to me and just stared into my soul for about ten seconds and it was calming and comforting. She turned and walked away.

This encounter kinda killed a part of me and destroyed my belief in anything I thought was and is possible. I am a part of a small minority of people who truly know that people don't live in a world they believe they do. That sucks as I feel apart of my innocence was stolen not by her but by the trappers. Its good to be blind to this stuff as now ANYTHING becomes possible. UFO's.. Ghosts..etc.

She looked like most bigfoot pictures you see and cant remember much features BUT can remember exactly how I felt.

Thank you for listening and I understand any skepticism as I am a Cop. But I just wanted to be heard and now want to forget it again.


RMSO responds
Heart wrenching encounter.

Yes will keep you anonymous. Is it OK if we use your 1st name when we blog post your encounter?
Or initials of TT?

Do you recall details of her appearance?
Color of hair, how thick or long it was?
Thickness of body to height ratio?
Her face or eyes? Human like, ape like or something in-between?

And sorry to bring it up.
How bad was her injury?

Appreciate hearing from you.

T.T. responds
Just TT please.

Medium auburn hair looked kinda greasy looking like if you haven't washed your hair in a while. very thick and felt like dirty bear fur.

Don't want to describe face because it looked humanish and I don't think its accurate but close enough to not feel dumb for saying it. Lighter brown with black patches. But not human shaped more like an ovalish ape face.

She was thick but not fat. Her legs were thinner and her foot looked humanish but like a monkey. It was black with minimal hair around the ankle and the toe tails seemed dirty but not long and rounded.
Felt like the touch of the bottom of a dogs paw.

No visible blood, some hair rubbed off and a scrape. She could have pried it off but the way it was twisted around the tree she couldn't reach. I had some issues opening it myself due to my hand shaking a little being 17. I wasn't scared as I said I felt comforted form some reason. Nothing supernatural just the comfort of knowing u are doing the right thing and whatever happened after she was justified as far as she knew it wasn't my trap.

Her eyes were black BUT at that distance hard to say as they kinda were hypnotic like two people who just went through something traumatic who spoke silently understanding and gratitude through simple look.

I will not give any location but state as I don't know who follows you looking to do harm to them. I know you are fine and should understand. 


What part of Pennsylvania or as close to the location you are willing to safely divulge?
I know you want to keep these creatures safe, but we like as close as we can get to map Bigfoot populations across North America.

Big Mountain is what it's called... Seriously! The area was next to a stream and in between two hills was a flat with a giant oak tree in the middle. I was coming to hunt for squirrels. It was early October so the leaves were just starting to fall.