Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Bigfoot Harassing Hunstville Land Owner

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Bigfoot Harassing Hunstville Land Owner

Huntsville Sasquatch Terrorizing Horses & Home Owners

G.L. writes RMSO
 Can I speak with someone who has enough information re Bigfoot?  We are experiencing something that I suspect is just that.  I think it or they or something is moving through here. Very concerned.  Thank you.
Ogden Valley

Thank you for the email. Is this Ogden Utah. Did you or someone you know see a Bigfoot?

 I’ve not seen but heard a fight ensue in my forest and was rushed by a huge bipedal something.  We’ve had an attack to one of my colts and a neighbor had on two horse riding occasions in our area came upon an area that freaked the horses out and they heard what they said sounded like a man - bipedal.  There is more - strange killings.

We could come look around for tracks and other signs

 I’m worried about pi**ing it off.  I think one (or it’s clan) has been here all this time we have lived here peacefully but something else that is malevolent has encroached.  I’m new to the whole idea of Bigfoot but there is no other explanation.  I really don’t want this new thing that has moved in to be confronted.  I want to know if it will move on or if it is planning on staying and what to do.

Sometimes they move through. Other times they stay in an area for a year or two.. Let us know if you ever want us to come look around for tracks and other signs. Sometimes if they feel like they are being tracked they will leave the area.. Put up a game camera or two. They seem to avoid the IR trigger on the camera and may stay away from your animals if a game camera is near by..

Okay.  Thank you.  That is all I am looking for is answers.  I will try a game camera and see if it gets this thing or things to move on.

 It’s a bit complex because when I first moved in 9 years ago, I had huge banging on my house as if from a giant.  It happened every morning until I went into our forest to try and make peace with it.  I expressed how much I love and would protect this land and so forth.  Now why would I think that the banging is coming from something inside the forest?  Because I believe whatever it or they are, has intelligence.  It was as if I just knew.  I am not interested in those who think they are just animals.  They aren’t.  Again, whatever THEY are.  After I made peace, the banging stopped and for 9 years I have felt being watched - we’ve had strange structures placed and replaced around the dense forest, but we had no idea what they were and never considered a squatch.  

 It is ironic because when we moved in, my girls and I would suddenly do silly squelch movies.  Strange how we things are put into our minds.  Anyway.  About a week and a half ago, I was outside trimming a tree by my driveway when I heard two things fighting.  It was about 10am.  I couldn’t make out what they were - and tried to put it in a box of my mind thinking it was some gigantic raccoon fighting something else.  I ran down the forest path with a shovel to break up the fight.  As I got to the sound which was occurring behind dense trees and brush, the sound stopped.  Suddenly I was rushed by what sounded like a 15 or more foot bipedal giant rushing at me.  I didn’t stay to look, I ran like hell.  The sound of the rushing feet was like out of Jurassic Park.  I was so afraid for my life and that of my family that I ran to get my gun after I gained my wits.  I ran back down with the gun ready and started screaming at whatever.  I was freakin scared but the gun made me feel a bit more brave than a shovel.  Nothing.

 The next morning, one of my colts (I have a breeding farm) was attacked.  Claw marks and big puncture.  He is recovering.  I didn’t know there were Utah squelch people so I contacted whomever I could find.  I talked to about three people and they all think I have a benevolent Bigfoot - which we have made a truce of sorts where I just don’t go down in the forest at night, which we don’t - ever.  And then they think we have a dogman or dogmen.  Really nasty things.  The question is inter dimensional - not inter dimensional.  This is where we differ.  

 Three days later my daughters found a baby doe in the forest with its genital ripped out - it was left there to die - whatever did it was not hungry, but playing with us.  It did not go for the jugular.  I was gone from the house when it happened and told the kids to go indoors and I would kill it when I got home.  I rushed home and it was already dead by then.  I felt horrible.  We left it in hopes that whatever did it would come back and eat it for food.  3 days later, nothing.  I checked on it and it was full of maggots so I went up to the house to get a shovel to bury it.  When I got back, it was gone.  Then just yesterday, my husband sees it again - that or another one.  He went to get a shovel to bury it, and when he got back it was gone.  What it going on?  

 In the middle of that, one of my daughters as they were tucking the horses in with treats and such, saw several eyes lining the mountain side across the street from my colts.  She started screaming at them and they backed up and disappeared.  She was freaked.  We have a very tough dog who will defend us but we know the thing or things are around when he is terrified to the point he won’t go outside.  We have neighbors whose horses were freaked out on two riding occasions and they heard bipedal sounds - like a big man walking. 

 We bought a night vision game camera but it came without the sd card so we are sending it back to get another one with an sd card.  We have kept motion detector lights on and flood lights to keep whatever from attacking my horses. 

 I believe I have two sets of things - one that has been here all the time, the other just came here and they are fighting as the new guys are very mean and encroaching on the ones who have been here.  I want the new ones to move on.  But if they are dogmen, what then?  They are highly intelligent and not looking for food but to wreak havoc.  

 Do you have any knowledge of dogmen?  Do you know of any sudden surge of sightings lately in this area?  The valley I hear has some livestock attacked and people seem to think it is cougar.  I went on our normal running spot 20 min from our home and found trees knocked over the path that should not have done so and a lot of huge poo, larger than coyote.  Mountain lion are here but stay away from my herd - they won’t take the chance on getting a kick and they are afraid of dogs, which we have two.  We’ve never been bothered by cougar.  I can try to dismiss all of this as just strange weirdness but my colt was attacked and I heard something huge and big rush me in my own forest that had two feet.

I will continue the lights and get the game camera, but I don’t want to piss it off.  Any other ideas, please let me know, and I will have to give it some thought about your coming.  Our forest is on the east of our property and the mountainside where the horseback riders and the eyes were seen are on the west side.

Thanks for any thoughts and advice,

 Forgot to mention that my other daughter woke up in the middle of the night bolt upright and went to the window and saw a huge black, blue thing crawling just inches above the ground along the colts’ fence line.  She said is was like something out of Lady in the Water.  Spikey long hair and dog like.  She noticed we forgot to turn the lights on near the colts and ran downstairs to turn them on.  Something is going on here and I just want it to go away.

Do you think it is the fires in CA that are pushing things here to collide?  I wonder.

They live here year around in North Utah.  Over 60 sighting reports surrounding where you live. Last sighting report near you was in January a day light sighting North of Pineview

If you think it would push them away by your coming here, what exactly do you want to do here?  I can show you our forest and then the area where the horse riders heard them.  I have to ask my husband as he said yesterday he doesn’t want any attention drawn here and strange squatch people here. You have to understand him, there are some strange enthusiasts in this realm.  I’m sure youve met them.  I just want them gone.

Can I send you some photos of structures in our forest for you to give me your input on whether they are natural or bf structures?

Yes I would like to see photos.. If we came to look around we would keep your exact location confidential.  We would like to look for Bigfoot tracks in order to document them if we happen to find any. We take measurements etc.. Plus look for structures and where the Bigfoot may be traveling or eating.. We are a no harm group and keep most the places we study Bigfoot confidential.. Sometimes tracking them makes them nervous and they move on

These are just a few.  Let me know if you think these are natural or something else.  Thanks.

I want no disrespect to whatever is here that I feel we have a respectful understanding.  However I believe that whatever has been here is now being encroached upon by something or things malevolent that is a danger to everyone.  THAT I want gone.  I will have to talk to my husband about this and yes, would be good to remain anonymous.  

Let’s see if you think what these photos are of.  The other Bigfoot people I talk to have no debunking filter at all which means that I feel I could have said that I saw them walking holding a balloon and wearing a dress and they would have believed me.  I just want the truth, and a rational but not closed minded opinion.  

Thank you for your time.

Some of these look like they may have been twisted when broke. Bigfoot sighting hot spot structures are often found. Cant say any structure was actually made by a Bigfoot however we find many of them in hot spots

And some are bent unnaturally around other trees.  Weather wouldn’t do that either. 
So an unbiased opinion going through your bs filters, in all honesty, do these look like bf structures to you?

 I spoke with my husband about your coming here to track and he said he would defer to me as to what I felt is best.  I am weighing out what is best.  I am concerned about the dogman possibility that two so called experts are convinced we have in addition to bf.  The way it seems to be toying with us in regards to this doe; having us find it and then taking it away when we try to bury it is not characteristic of bf if that is what we have lived with here. When the doe was alive, my daughter held it and felt that whatever did it felt of pure evil.  She could feel it.  This is not caused by the one that I felt has been here all these years.  I believe something very bad has encroached on its territory and is why I heard the fighting.  So I have to be careful not to provoke it by having you come.  On the other hand, I don’t want it to stay and feel afraid all the time.  I want the bad thing gone- whatever it is.  What are your thoughts on possible dogman?

It has been pretty quiet here the past few days.  I don’t know if that means they have moved on or what.  I went in the forest two days ago to remove temporary fencing that we put up so our mares could graze during the summer.  I could only take a few down and had to hold them as they did not like being down there.  My other herd of mares refused to go down.  This is not like them - it just happened this year.  They used to go down every summer, and this year, no.  But when I was down there, things felt pretty good, but I felt we were being watched.

We never receive dog man sighting reports from this area you are in. We do investigate skinwalker sightings in mid and south Utah though. Skinwalkers do take on wolf forms etc.. This far north never received a skinwalker report. However we get a lot of Bigfoot sightings from around Pineview and all the mountains surrounding Pineview... So odds are you may have a curious Bigfoot coming onto your property.

We would like to look for tracks and see how the creature is coming on to your property and leaving your property.

More Utah Bigfoot

National News
Washington Bigfoot Thermal & Utah Sasquatch Video

Devils Hole Sasquatch Growls
at Hunter Near Pete's Cabin

Skull Crack Canyon Bigfoot Expedition

Sasquatch Raids Trout Farm

Hikers Scary Run In With
Giant Bigfoot on Jardine Juniper Mountain Trail

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Bear Lake Sasquatch

Artist Rendition
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Investigation video at bottom of the page

"She was so shook-up because of the sighting 
and the overwhelming feeling of being watched"

Bear Lake Sasquatch

Doug writes RMSO
Remember when I told you about me North Bear Lake experience? My wife just had a sighting on the highway about a half mile from XXXX on the XXXXXXXXX side. She saw a big black mass, tall not wide, as she passed she knew it was to tall and narrow to be an animal like cow elk or moose, then she herd a loud whistle and smelled a horrible smell that she thought may have been the water that has been sitting since the snow melted, but that water does not smell. We just went over there.

 She was so shook-up because of the sighting and the overwhelming feeling of being watched that she was in tears. I think she saw something out of the ordinary for sure

Thanks for letting me know
Did she get a height estimate or have any details. Color or see face profile etc..

Not a lot in detail, but if she had to put a height to it she would guess 7-71/2 feet.
Its the whistle that gets me. To hear it while going 65, what ever it was it was loud

Did you make it back to where she saw it and look around for a track way of foot prints?

She couldn't remember the exact spot and haven't had a lot of time to walk the road yet.

RMSO follow-up
This was a day time Bigfoot sighting. We received this message May 27th 2017 at 7:28 PM

The area this woman spotted Bigfoot has a history of several dozen Bigfoot sightings.
We travel to the location in Idaho, North of Bear Lake May 31st 2017.

We camp 5 days six miles from this sighting report location & spend most of the time checking out the sighting report area & the mountains near the sighting.

 We found a few bigfoot shaped tracks over 10 miles from the sighting location. They were almost 14 inches long & 7 inches at the widest part at the toes.
In camp we heard a few vocalizations the last night along with stomping on the ground on the hill over looking our camp. Was not able to identify the creature or animal that was making the vocalizations and loudly stomping on the ground.

More Bigfoot Near Bear Lake
Rider Spots Bigfoot While Horse Acts Up near Beaver Mountain

Four Bigfoot Encounters St Charles

Giant Midnight Mountain Bigfoot
Glares with Irritation Confronting Hunters

Bigfoot Investigation
of Bear Lake Sasquatch Sighting

Base Camp Preparations Near Bigfoot Sighting

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Sasquatch Watching Campers Bald Mountain

Email your Bigfoot sighting to
(Written Report Below Next Video)
Uinta Campers Notice
Bigfoot Watching Them from Bald Mountain

Bald Mountain Bigfoot Watching Campers
Original Bald Mountain Bigfoot Sighting Report Link

Giebler M writes RMSO
 We were camping up in the Uintas in August 2014 .I\'m sure of the exact day, it was a weekend just before school was to start up again .My Husband and our five Grandkids. We were camping right next to bald mountain about 250 yards. Their were a few other camp sites occupied also.
 We went up on a Thursday. We decided to just sit around and relax a bit. It was about 2:00 pm .We had grabbed a sandwich on the way up so we were all going to go for a hike .My husband said everyone do a bathroom break. So he went into the shower/ towlet tent we had set up. And me and the kids were just sitting in some chairs by a firepit .

 Then my thirteen year old granddaughter said look at that running on the hill.I looked up and I saw what I thought was a large man in a black jogging suit with a hoodie sort of jogging down a incline.
 I called to my husband that something must have happened, a man was running down this steep trail,And maybe someone was hurt.
 Well it started to rain ,and we didn\'t have the tent set up yet.So me and the kids went inside our utility trailer .We were watching this what I thought was a person,He was still going down this ridge.My husband was still unavailable, and getting annoyed at me for telling him to come look. 
 Then the grandkids were all fighting to look out the door and to spot whatever was going on. It was at that moment I realized what we were watching, when my granddaughter started getting scared and said he\'s watching us. So I turned back to the hill and I saw this figure watching us. It just stood there looking back at us. And then after a few minutes it looked like it had just sat down. I was watching it and trying to get the kids to settle down ,it had stopped raining and I  decided to try and spot it with a telescope we had taken out and covered to look at the stars later that night. 

 That wasn't going to work, everything was a blur. And of course we didn't pack any binoculars. Anyway me and the girls were a little uneasy so we slept in the utility trailer on air mattresses. My husband slept on hammock and the there boys slept in their tent .

 I still was very unsure of what we saw, but I didn't sleep well that night. The next day we got up and we were the only campsite there. Which we thought was strange because it was only Friday. Anyway we weren't sure if we had to pay for the campsite, and when we drove up there weren't any envelopes to drop the money in. So my husband and one of the boys went down the road about twelve to pay. As they came back up the road they saw hundreds of people on the mountain ridge with cameras.

When I saw some hikers on the same ridge, I knew it wasn't a regular person we had been watching the day before. He was twice as tall and even his thighs were enormous compared to these other hikers. So we decided it was time to go find another campsite elsewhere down the mountain. And so we did .
Funny thing was we set camp and slept and when we woke up all the five or more of the campsites had got up early and left. We were the only ones there. We didn't talk about it because we didn't want to scar the kid's, but I  was a little freeked out about the whole ordeal.  So we stayed one more night and came home. We didn't go camping at all the next year. We went last year to the other side of bald mountain. It was a lot quieter. I only know I will not go camping or hiking with out my binoculars again.

More Uinta Bigfoot

Search for Julius Sasquatch in Uinta Mountains

Three Scout Camps Harassed by Bigfoot

Red Cloud Sasquatch
on Gamecam in Uinta Mountains

Chief Joseph Sasquatch Deadly Bauman Bigfoot Location

Artist Rendition
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15 miles from the Chief Joseph Pass Bigfoot location
is where the famous Bauman Bigfoot encounter happened

Investigators camp on the East Fork Bitterroot River
 to be as close as possible to the latest Bigfoot reported.

Chief Joseph Sasquatch
Deadly Bauman Bigfoot Location

Crazy Creek Bigfoot near Chief Joseph Pass

Investigation at Deadly Bauman Bigfoot Location

Round table drive through the Bauman Bigfoot location
Theodore Roosevelt RTD

Bauman Bigfoot Report Video at Location

Four years of expeditions to find the deadly Bauman Bigfoot location.
The video below was 1st year camping at the 
historically famous Bigfoot location.

Expedition to Bauman's Deadly Bigfoot Location

RMSO expedition visits the historic deadly Bauman Bigfoot location Teddy Roosevelt writes about.