Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Bigfoot Checks Out Fisherman on Video

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Sasquatch Captured on Video Watching a Fisherman

Bigfoot sighting reports at well known fishing locations 
may suggest fish is part of a Bigfoot diet.

 A large primate head peaks out quickly to observe the fisherman
& then disappears as fast as it appeared.

Bigfoot Quickly Checks Out Fisherman

Related Bigfoot Sightings

Bigfoot Takes Fisherman's Salmon on Rogue River

Fisherman Snags Kalama Bigfoot

Bigfoot Family Take Fisherman's Catch


  1. wow,this bigfoot by the fisherman, watch how fast it moves and disappears in the forrest!!

  2. Crazy!! it allmost looks like there is 2 there?

  3. That's a bigfoot by the fisherman. Humans don't move that fast and how would this thing have known this man was going to fish there if it was human dressed up. It's a bigfoot.
