Saturday, August 31, 2024

What's the back story for this Chaka-like Sasquatch with two deer looking on?


Real, not real, what is this Wildman-like Bigfoot creature?
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What's the back story for this Chaka-like
Sasquatch with two deer looking on?

More Strange, Unexplained & Bigfoot Below

Side Hopping Russian Yeti & Sasquatch Canyon Bigfoot

Sasquatch scolds adolescent Bigfoot &
Alberta couple chased off by Peace River Creature

North Carolina Bigfoot Like Cryptid Captured on Gamecam

Pikes Peak Bigfoot Drinking in Creek &
Thunder Butte Sasquatch Traversing Mountain

Mogollon Monster Screams & Vocalizations near Payson Arizona

Shaver Lake Bigfoot Carrying Infant Sasquatch

Friday, August 23, 2024

Christmas Valley Trucker Eye to Eye with 10ft Tall Sasquatch


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Many Truckers Have Had Similar Bigfoot Encounters in Same Valley

Christmas Valley Trucker Eye to Eye with 10ft Tall Sasquatch

William h. writes RMSO
 One time during the 90s I was going to Christmas Valley about 70 miles east of Portland Oregon, there is a weigh station for trucks just before the exit to cascade locks, I was talking to the weight master who called me in to the station building (he was bored) I told him where I was going and he said to get off at the next exit, and go south on the big hill

  I was only going 20 mph on packed snow and out of the corner of my eye I saw something moving on the side of the road, this Bigfoot stopped right on the road in front of me, it was very tall as I was eye to eye in a international eagle truck (10 foot off the road) it looked right into my truck and took off down the hill. 

 When I finally got to the bottom there was a truck stop called wild bills, I went in and sat down in the restaurant. The waitress came over and asked if I saw a ghost, I said no but you wouldn't believe me if I told you. She said try me, so I told her. She said everybody driving up there sees it.

RMSO asks
Amazing. Do you have any details on the description of the creature? Color, what was the face and eyes like? Thanks for sharing your encounter.

 William continues
It was at least 10 feet tall, I was driving a cab over tractor truck, that was a very high truck setting in the drivers seat I was 8- 9 feet off the ground. Look at the first remake of the planet of the apes, the (good ape) this is a dead ringer. 
 I had a experience in Wyoming (was a trucker for 12 years) back to Wyoming, I was going from Toledo Ohio to Alberta Canada, the interstate was just finished on hw84 ,nothing as in way of fuel stops food etc, it was desolate, winter real cold, well as my luck goes my air buzzer for low air pressure (brakes), just before I left 2 days ago, the mechanic said he changed the water filter for the air system , well they lied, now I'm stopped on the side or the road, I get my coveralls on and grab a fuse (to heat the air line up) I'm laying on the side of the road heating the air line up to melt ice inside the lines, with a flair that s bright enough to see from space probably, all of a sudden i hear footsteps in the crunchy snow, it was defiantly on two legs, it was then the ice melted and the buzzer went off, lol i was in the truck with t my coveralls on but thats ok, I was getting out of there, I know what I heard.

More Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Below

Oregon Bigfoot on Camera & Umatilla Sasquatch Video

Several Sasquatch Like Creatures on Camera
in Bigfoot Sighting Hotspots

The Bigfoot Stood Up & She Stared at Me for a Long Ten Seconds

Klamath Bigfoot Captured on Camera & Pilot Rock Sasquatch

Northwest Bigfoot Terrorizes Campers,
Couple Capture Sasquatch on Camera

Woman Has Lengthy Encounter with Evaro Sasquatch

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Bigfoot Encounter at Reservation near Kalispell

Woman Has Lengthy Encounter with Evaro Sasquatch

Montana, Utah & Arizona Sasquatch Creatures Captured on Camera

Dive into Sasquatch Activity in Montana 
Bigfoot, Tracks, Reports & Evidence on Camera

Bear Hunters Encounter a Large Dreadlock Sasquatch in Bitterroot

Montana Sasquatch Filmed While Wood Knocking

Bigfoot Takes Food from Montana Cabin

Firefighter Sasquatch Encounter near Location That Bigfoot Hurled Log at Deer Hunter


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After Finding Bigfoot Tracks Hiker Has Intimidating Experience

Firefighter Sasquatch Encounter
near Location That Bigfoot Hurled Log at Deer Hunter

JBT writes RMSO 
 Hello, I have a story to tell that I've been holding on to for a while. I've seen your videos on Youtube and I think its worth sharing my story.
 I'm the kind of person that seeing is believing. I have always been outdoors my entire life and have learned to tune in my outdoor mountain environment. I love getting as far out from the city as I can where I feel at peace.

 I worked for the forest service for 5 years as a wildland firefighting. I used to train almost every day in the off season by hiking with a 50 pound pack up XXXXXX XXXX trail in Spanish fork Utah to get ready for the season. I've hiked the trail for 4 years and was very familiar with the trail.

 I was hiking up the trail in early march after a fresh snow storm the night before that brought 2 inches of snow. About 8:00am on a crisp cold and calm morning I started hiking and I noticed there were some big foot prints in the snow. I know this trail very well and I know there isn't many people that hike during the winter. I was starting to realize the print wasn't made by a person's bare foot. When I notice that I really started to examine and study the print. It was very wide but only about 2 inches longer than my foot which is 12 inches. I thought this was very weird and got me thinking. Why would a someone be barefoot this time of year. I noticed the prints just didn't look like normal human footprint. The print was wider and the big tow looked miss shapen or deformed. Anyways I kept hiking my usual hike still looking at the prints thinking this is eerie and don't know what to think of this. 

 I hiked about 1.5 miles up and the prints move off the trail and up a steep and rocky mountain side that lead in thick pines. Here's what I was thinking is that in a seasoned fit experienced hiker that does this for a living. To me it didn't look fun hiking through that terrain. I started realizing this had to be a wild animal and yes I started thinking sasqautch.

 I sat there on a rock to rest and think about this situation when I heard a huge boulder come down from the cliffs above me. It really startled me. Then I heard a deep beating noise that seemed to pass through my body. This was nothing I have ever heard before and I honestly felt like my life was being threatened. I started to put my pack on to get out of here and another huge boulder came crashing down. I was scared at this point and started running as fast as I could down the trail. I think I got the best workout I've ever got. I could have won a gold medal. 

 On a more serious note I knew that what happened was completely out of the ordinary and new something or someone did this. In other words this did not happen naturally by mother nature. I've now had a few years to think about this. I believe it was the everyone has been seeing. I really want him to be found and I want science to recognize that they do exist and not everyone is crazy. Anyways if you need more from I can be reached at XXXXXXXXXX thanks

More Bigfoot Below

Sasquatch Hurls Log at Hunter in Manti-La Sal Forest

Cave Eyeshine Observing Bigfoot Investigators

Sasquatch, Strange Creature & Lake Monster Captured on Camera

Maple Canyon Sasquatch kicked-up by German Shepherd

Elk Horn Sasquatch Intimidates a String of Residents East of Coalville

Logan Canyon Sasquatch Filmed from Swan Flat