Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Rawah Sasquatch Scrapes RV with Antler of an Elk Slung Over It's Shoulder


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(Written Report Below Next Video)
Giant Bigfoot Viciously Shakes RV After Occupants Turn On Lights

Rawah Sasquatch Scrapes RV
with Antler of an Elk Slung Over It's Shoulder

After RMSO media asks
"Have you ever seen a Bigfoot carrying or dragging anything?"

Boone writes RMSO
Saw one face to face through the window of an overhead RV sleeping cabin. Carrying an elk partial head torso over its shoulder. The dead animals horns scratching against the glass is what woke us up. The sleep area above the cabin was 9-10 feet above ground level. The creature lost its composure or cool when we turned lights on and closed the curtains. All hell broke loose. The 35 foot RV almost tipped on its side from violent shaking. First sighting here was 1984. Last sighting I had was 2000. Both Colorado high country.

RMSO responds
The time you saw it carrying the elk. What part of Colorado and how tall and wide would you estimate the Bigfoot was?
Boone continues
It was before midnight but late. I’m guessing it was 8-9 feet tall and maybe more. Definitely wide like shoulders 3-4 feet across but dark and hard to tell but the elk horns and elk body covered so much area of what my brother and I could see. Definitely saw the creatures face clear as can be. Curious and scared looking face. Wide open eyes. It was startled and upset. This particular incident was in Gould Colorado Rawah Forest I think.

 One thing I’d like to share is the sound it made when it seemed to be pushing/ trying to tip the RV was almost like a donkey but backwards like heev hoeing Hawww Heeeee. Strange loud and my family even armed with pistols and revolvers refused to step outside during probably 5 long minutes of chaos. 6 people were in the RV. About 40 yards from us were friends in a tent and we were terrified for them for sure. About 2 hours into the night my father went to check on them and woke them. They slept through the whole ordeal. Lastly the “Bigfoot”

My brother and I talked about it all of the 80s. It’s face seemed to have some kind of distortion or maybe a disability, like maybe horribly damaged or deformed. We always joked when we watched Goonies. A face like Stoth sort of but strangely sad like Down syndrome or gigantism that only affected part of it. Definitely changed my entire family and usual camping routine. Just as a thought at first sight my brother was convinced it was a huge horned man outside the window.

RMSO responds
I would imagine an illness or injury could of caused the distortion on its face, unfortunately they have to tough that sort of thing out & hopefully survive things like that throughout their lives. Reminds me of an article we put out recently about an Orangutan with a serious face wound that may of been caused in a scuffle with another rival male. The wound could of been lethal or disfiguring, but this orangutan made his own ointment to fight infection and help itself heal.

Wounded wild orangutan seen using plant medicine
Scientists say he healed it himself

More Rocky Mountain Bigfoot Below

Pikes Peak Bigfoot Drinking in Creek &
Thunder Butte Sasquatch Traversing Mountain

Recent Bigfoot Encounter at Tony Grove &
Motorists Nearly Hit Giant Road Crossing Sasquatch

Two Bigfoot Yell at Cascade Hiker &
Colorado Man Captures Sasquatch on Camera

Animas Bigfoot Terrifies Two Women
Then Looks Sad When One Screams

Maple Canyon Sasquatch kicked-up by German Shepherd,
Uinta Bigfoot Evidence & Giant Garland Sasquatch

Bigfoot Out Paces 25mph Truck on
Rock Creek Dirt Road in Wasatch Mountains

Santee Sasquatch Opens Mouth So Wide a Basketball Could Fit In It's Mouth


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I saw a real Bigfoot open its mouth like that &
it had very sharp jagged teeth

Santee Sasquatch Opens Mouth So Wide
a Basketball Could Fit In It's Mouth

David writes RMSO
I saw a real Bigfoot open its mouth like that and it had very sharp jagged teeth. I was about fifteen feet away from it and it scared the hell out of me but being disabled all I could do was stand there and stare at it. I slowly backed up and walked away. You could fit a basketball 🏀 in that mouth!

RMSO asks
Hi David, how long ago was your sighting, can you estimate it's height or width and what color was it?

David continues
it was in May 2021 and it stood about ten feet tall. It was probably five foot wide and had short black hair. The amazing thing about it was that it didn't stink. Location was twenty five miles south of the Missouri River from the South Dakota border in Northeast Nebraska in a heavily wooded area next to my property. I believe that with all the fires happening in the Western States and the largest fire in Canada that it was on the move possibly to Oklahoma where there is adequate vegetation and tree covered hills. I see on the Bigfoot sightings map that many Bigfoot sightings happen in what is known as the Kiamichi Mountains in Oklahoma.

More Bigfoot Below

Sasquatch of Black Hills South Dakota Bigfoot

Oklahoma Sasquatch Running Through Frame on Gamecam

Custer Sasquatch South Dakota Vocalization

Aggressive Sasquatch Throws Fisherman Into Lake

Giant Sasquatch Encounter in Indiana &
Bigfoot Tracks Documented

Shallenberger Ohio Bigfoot Group Enlarged 200%

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Seasoned Grizzly Hunters Confronted by Giant Sasquatch in Alaskan Wilderness


Cover from next video below
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Tracking a 1,000lb Alaskan Grizzly,
Hunters Stumble Upon a Massive Bigfoot

Seasoned Grizzly Hunters Confronted by
Giant Sasquatch in Alaskan Wilderness

More Bigfoot Encounters Below

Alaska Bigfoot Encounter Captured on Camera near Coldfoot

Aggressive Sasquatch Throws Fisherman Into Lake

Eabamet Bigfoot near Fort Hope, Winter Road in Central Ontario

Kootenay Sasquatch Sneaks Up On Hunter & Pats His Arm

Sasquatch, Strange Creature & Lake Monster Captured on Camera

Wild Encounter with Sasquatch During Search for Lost Hiker


Cover from next video below
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Search & Rescue spots a Bigfoot

Wild Encounter with Sasquatch During Search for Lost Hiker

More Bigfoot Encounters Below

Maple Canyon Sasquatch kicked-up by German Shepherd,
Uinta Bigfoot Evidence & Giant Garland Sasquatch

Homestead Harassed by Bigfoot on Outskirts of Coalville

Giant Midnight Mountain Bigfoot
Glares with Irritation Confronting Hunters

Giant Sasquatch Encounter in Indiana & Bigfoot Tracks Documented

Aggressive Sasquatch Throws Fisherman Into Lake