Tuesday, August 6, 2024

What was Bigfoot doing when you spotted the creature? (68 responses included)


Artist Rendition
Email your Bigfoot sighting to RMSObigfoot@gmail.com
These Sasquatch Sighting Report Comments Poured in When RMSO Asked
What was Bigfoot doing when you spotted the creature?
68 sighting report responses

Raymond M.
Sasquatch was getting up into a standing position when my bright headlights hit it about 40 yards from my vehicle it turned and looked at me .I thought I seen the Devil himself when it looked at me.
Athena C.
She was picking berries with a juvenile Sasquatch
2013, on the edge of the Clackamas River, just outside of Estacada, Oregon. I turned right around and went back to my car. They appeared to have noticed my presence but apparently did not feel that I was a threat. They continued on their foraging.
John E.
The first time, he was pushing the top of my tent down on top of me. The 2nd encounter, totally different area & Sass, he was "peeking" me, way out back of my house.
Todd J.
Jumping up from behind a snow bank and bounding off at high speed into the woods 50 yards away ..saw it for all of 4 second's
Doug H.
Standing 4 feet away, looking at me...
Raven R.
Standing in a by meadow some yards away from my back porch and enjoying the afternoon rain. I turned for a moment to grab my phone and then he was just gone.
Ron Q.
One time, eating berries and it was pissed that I interrupted. Another time moving silently through the trees and brush. Or crossing the road/trail
Cynthia C.
Walking a trail by the river with my daughter and on ground I saw duck feathers 🪶 all over the ground and had a strong instinct that we were at the wrong place at the wrong time … and then on my left I saw a tall black being standing eating the duck kill and I calmly told my daughter to look straight ahead and walk straight home. It smelled weird and it was sort of scary.
This happened spring of 2021. This happened in the state of Oregon and more specifically by the Clackamas River. He definitely tall so my estimate would be 7 to 8 feet tall. And no I didn’t dare give full eye contact with him because he was eating the duck kill. He definitely had a lot long black hair.
Mike K.
Both my sightings were road crossings
Kerry V.
Staring back at us while we looked at them on the FLIR. The other stood in a culvert and watched us from across the river.
Margaret G.
They were looking at me.
I was getting ready for a camping outing alone and heading for my spot I like.. I never expected anything really . Blue mountains. After setting up camp , I walked a few yards to the creek as it was afternoon and I always send out gratitude to the mountains. After about 10 minutes I was ready to make dinner and glanced in front of me, and to my surprise, but I didn't fear them at all, we're two sasquatch, mother and a child. No more then 12 feet from me. I wished for eye shine earlier, and that's what I got. Mom had huge sky blue eye shine and child had pale yellow eye shine. They crouched just in the shade, so I couldn't see clearly their faces. They made sure we were at eye level so I wouldn't have fear of their size. For the next 10 minutes or more, I made sure I would study them the best I could, I followed their outline of size. Massive size with no neck very dark brown, as I could see, their eyes had what seemed to be in layers. Very bright, but not blinding. My thinking they had seen me many times in the past and trusted me. I stood there without camera so they knew they were safe. Unbelievable experience but a dream came true.. this is all true.. I've been a member of a wonderful sasquatch group for over 14 years. We're all older and don't meet up anymore in are old age. An experience i will never forget.
Taylor G.
I was maybe 11-13 at the time and 1 of my cousins of 5, came in the house screaming and crying saying something was in the tree line. Me being the oldest at the time went out there and i saw my dogs hackles were sticking straight up and he was growling. I never saw him growl so protective before either. Walked over to were cousins said the creature was as they stayed on the porch. Looked up and noticed I was maybe 2 feet away from him and all i can remember his smile and his eyes staring back at in me from the darkness of the woods, it was a summer night atm and we had two large lamp Posts outside but unfortunately they didn't show him. I don't know why but I'll never forget the look it gave me, I wasn't scared though, I ended up getting pissed off because lil kids got scared by something. So I'm not sure why but i yelled at it and told it begone and to never return and surprisingly nothing cane out of it. No harm that I remember. Also this was middle of nowhere land Liberty NC.
Carol G.
Watching me.
They were brownish red, 2 of them were laying down at the edge of the field, just at the brush line. Two more on a logging road near by. They looked like hairy trees. It was 1971. I hadn't heard of Bigfoot. I didn't know what I was seeing. One touched my ankle. The hair on his wrist was long and soft. He had a thumb. The face was very large and the teeth were square. Mor encounters but not like this one. More hairy trees at a later date and foot prints in the snow where you could see the toes digging into the snow, gripping the snow as it walked. This happened in Central Vermont. I was 16 years old.
Brenda H.
Pacing my car looking at me... on all 4s.
Shari J.
He was standing beside the kitchen window while my friend and I were washing berries. We heard a very loud grunt snort. We thought it was our friends prank us so we stomped over to the storm door that was open was just the last door there and there he was standing there very tall, we both started screaming and I started run down the hall, but when I saw my friend wasn’t with me, I turned around and went back. She was still standing there, but Bigfoot was gone.
We both screamed pretty loud and I went around the corner away, but when my friend wasn’t with me, I turned back around and went back there, but the creature was gone. She was still standing there, screaming with her mouth open.
We had been to the berry patch, picking blueberries, and so maybe it followed us back from there
Kyi'sha G.
He was over 10 feet standing at the back of the barn with his arm propped up on the slopping metal roof of the barn Reddish brown hair about four to six inches in length all over it's body ,except it's face...kinda skinny compared to other sightings I've read about. It was right at dusk and we were about 20 yards apart we just stood looking at one another for about two minutes and it just walked off behind the barn. That was in KY in the Autumn 1975. I wasn't the only witness. It did not look ape like in its face at all. Something one could never forget.
Tommy H.
Trying to cross the road he stepped out saw us coming and went back in . We went home got weapons for our safety and tried to track him but had no luck . 3 days later a school teacher and her two daughters saw him less than a mile from me.
Wanda L.
2021 Pennsylvania and every detail is still as clear as that day. This one is so distinctive looking. I am not the only person that has seen him in the area.
It was early spring. He was crossing an open power line. He probably had been looting the compost bin of a poultry farm being that was 500 yards to his left. 2 days later he was seen in a local fruit tree orchid eating fruit left on the trees from the previous year. The orchard was probably 2 miles from where I had spotted him.
Tammy P.
Carrying a dead fox on side of the road it dropped it and put its hands up and snarled at us it was unbelievable and terrifying!
Randy L.
Boyscouts camping trip in BWCA in 1975 on loon lake on Minnesota side of lake we Steve, Timmy, and I canoed to the main land on the NW side of lake we got out of the canoe we smelled a foul oder and then we saw it ,it stood up and walked away it was probably 30 yards away and that is my story.
Shiela M.
Peeking around my tent.
Al R.
Walking across a bike trail.
Patricia D.M.
I was in my small travel trailer, in the mountains. I had the tongue of the trailer on a concrete block, to level it. Mr. Bigfoot didn't much care for me camping there, so he thrust my trailer off the block and gave out a thunderous roar! I was in the trailer! I could see him through the window, after I got up off the floor of the trailer! It was daylight and this guy was HUGE AND MAD AT ME! After he finally left, I hooked up my rig and got out of there! I could still smell his stench, but I didn't hang around to see if he was watching me!
R Woody F.
It was pulling cattails from a small alpine lake on the Oregon Cascade mountains
RMSO asks
Hi R Woody, that is interesting behavior. What happened, how long were you able to observe the creature. What did it look like, height or width and what color was it?
R Woody continues
I watch it for about 15 minutes until the wind shifted and it smelled me and we locked eyes. It then picked up the stack of cattails on the bank and walked off into the wilderness. This happened just after the snowmelt I'm July of 1999
Kelli Jo
Peeking into the top of my 6.5 foot tent at South Lake Tahoe on the west side of the lake
Blanks B.
I was looking out, toward the north, on top of a 30 foot waterfall, in a wilderness area, and had just placed my video camera down on the ground, to my left. Was just checking were I was going to hike, when a very tall, dark-reddish shape, moved from behind a giant tree to the next tree. Trees are about 5 feet apart. My jaw dropped, and I stood still, then around 3 seconds, it moved to the next tree, and I turned and grabbed my camera, (took around 2 sec.) turned it on and...nothing! I waited, heart beating super fast-kept waiting. Probably a couple minutes and nothing. I then scrambled and walked fast down the trail to the spot while videoing to my right. Nothing. I think it was traveling west to east when I arrived at the waterfall. (no wind and a lot of water noise) Super steep on each side of the creek. (small gorge) Not where humans would want to venture. So, he or she was just walking. In Virginia.
Alan H.
Sitting and then stood up, turned away from us and ran up the Mtn
Dana S.
Standing under a power line. Another was also under a power line in a different state. Another was under a deadfall of a pine tree hunched over. Another was standing on the side of an open field.
Diana J.
Walking down a game trail. The second time I saw him, he was peering from behind a tree
Robert S.
I was 18 and and at a rope swing on an old sand mine. The 10ft skunk ape was not pleased. He screamed and roared at the 10 of us...we all left...I am now 53 and remember every last detail of my experience...
Dick S.
Just saw the eyes glowing, and it was watching me. From about 80/100 feet away.
Ric G.
Walking across some railroad tracks.
Francis W.
We were surrounded by wolves in Baxter state park it was dark we didn't see him he yelled to wake us up I knew it was Bigfoot by the loud yell but I didn't know we were surrounded by wolves so I went to look for him in the dark he yelled at me so loud I felt the vibrations of his yell go through my body I ran back to the fire were my wife was standing petrified when Bigfoot started fighting with the wolves in the dark the fight went on till you couldn't hear them later he came back with a victory yell I understood.
When he came back it was still dark, we felt safe knowing he was near by. When the wolves started barking and attacking him you can hear the wolves yelping each time he got one.
Lisa M.
Heading the opposite direction of me, thankfully.
Steve W.V.C
Eating road kill in the middle of the street as We came driving down the mountain. Stopped 35ft in front of it. Thing stood up on 2 legs and looked at us. We were in a highly jacked up F-150 4x4 and this thing stood taller (maybe 10ft tall) Shined the offroad lights on the roof at it. Creature covered its eyes with one arm, growled, then ran into the woods crashing trees down. My brother inlaw grabbed his rifle off the window rack and gave chase to it into the woods as the sun was setting. Came back to truck and said “I think we all know what we’ve seen right?” We all said Bigfoot!
Dave R.
The first one was standing knee-deep in the water back in 1975
Doug K.
Hunting for morel mushrooms.
Robyn S.
He was watching me and then our eyes locked and we both took off. I heard his footsteps on the ground how heavy he was. Lol I ALWAYS think about that. This happened in northeast Saskatchewan. I was using night vision. It was well over 7 feet tall. I went back there the next day but no track because of the deep grass.
Linda T.
Hello everyone well as for myself and my 7-year-old granddaughter and experienced I will never forget or camping in Utah deep in Utah started pouring down rain and we were at the bottom of the tent and we were getting wet so I told her that I was getting her up and we're going to the truck as we're going to the truck and almost got there she says grandma who's that man standing over there I looked over my shoulder and I could not believe what I was seeing he was up against this huge tree he was as dark as a tree big real big I got her in the truck I was strapping her in and she says why are you strapping me and Grandma we're not moving I'm so afraid he was going to pull her out I got the nerve to look over my shoulder he was gone then I got this fear that he was in back of the truck I looked but he wasn't he could have heard us killed us but he didn't. I don't think they're vicious and I don't think they want to harm us as long as we don't try to harm them they have families just like us.
Patricia L.P.
The first one was doing something beside the river. He stepped back into the trees when he saw us. The second one was running through the trees by the river.
Raymond P.
He was walking and got to a bush and squatted.
Jimmy M.
I saw a squatch about a month ago back in early June he was walking down a river
Dalla L.R.
He was pacing back and forth on a ledge in front of a cave
Jeff A.
I Was Squirrel Hunting, I Shot A
Squirrel & Heard A Loud Scream,
About 5min Later, I Shot Another Squirrel & Heard The Scream Again, Only It Was Louder & Closer, I Knew A Fenced In Field Of 4 Horses Was Close By, So I Went To Check On Them & I Found Them Huddled Together Near Where I Was, When I Walked Out Of The Wood's...
They Were Acting All Spooked, Sniffing The Air & Stomping At The Ground, Their Ear's Were Moving Like Radar Dishes, They Would Look At Me & Then They Look At The Far Side Of Their Field's Tree Line, About 200yds Away, I Then Heard That Loud Scream Again For The 3rd Time,
I Pinpointed The General Area Where It Was Coming From, Because I Saw A Tree Was Shaking, So I Backed Out Of Area & Decided To Flank Around The Field & I Walked To The Lower, Far End Of The Field Where A Creek Was Located, I Would Then Use The Creek To Mask My Movement Sound's...
This Creek Was About 5 Feet Wide & About Ankle To Calf Deep, I Moved Slow Until I Got To The Far Side Of The Field & Then I Got Out & Looked Around, I Then Started To Walk & Look Around, I Then Heard "Stomping Sound's" I Then Looked Up & Saw A Very Large "Ape Man" Walking Down The Hill, Towards Me, It Stopped About 20yds From Me & We Were Just Staring At Each Other, I Had A 16ga Shotgun Laying Across My Left Forearm & I Was Holding 2 Dead Squirrel's By Their Tail's, In My Left Hand...
I Looked To My Right, Down The Creek & Saw Nothing & Then Looked At It & It Was Still Looking At Me, I Then Looked To My Left, The Way I Had Just Came & I Saw Nothing, When I Looked Back At The Ape-man, He Was Doing The Same, We Then Looked At Each Other Again, I Figured It Was Probably Hungry, So I Dropped 1 Squirrel At My Feet & I Took The Other Squirrel Into My Right Hand & Tossed It Towards The Ape-man, It Landed Close To It & It Squatted Down, Keeping It's Gaze On Me, It Grabbed The Squirrel & Stood Back Up, It Began To Look At, Sniff & Then It Licked The Squirrel, It Then Took Big A Step To It's Left & Stepped Over A 5ft Wide Creek & Preceded To Walk Away From Me...
I Walked Into The Creek & Out The Other Side, I Then Started To Parallel It, Thru The Wood's, Still About 20yds Separated Us, At Time's, It Would Look At Me, But I Never Stopped Watching It...
We Walked To A Large, Harvested Corn Field, It's About 500yds Long x 300yds Wide, It Just Kept Walking When It Got To The Field, So Decided To Still Follow It, That's When It Stopped, Turned & Screamed At Me, I Felt It Was A Sign To Stop Following It, So I Did...
It Then Kept Walking Away & I Watched It Walk Away, It Still Had My Squirrel In It's Left Hand...
I Then Ran Back & Picked Up My Other Squirrel & Ran To My Grandparents House & Told Them What Had Happened...
This Encounter Happened In 1983, When I Was 17yo...
Tammy H.
Running across the road!
Jill M.
Carrying a fawn under its arm, walking parallel to the cornfield.
Rob W.
Following us while out of sight until he wasn't out of sight.
Colin B.
Stared at me from behind a patch of Alders while I was sitting in a Frac Pump waiting for a for the medic to clear me to leave the lease. When I focused in on the large smokey honey colored bell curve it slid on a angle to its left and was gone.
This happened December 2022 10kms SW of Pink Mountain British Columbia.
RMSO responds
Hi Colin, we have other reports from near Pink Mountain.
Robert A.
Standing just outside the light well behind my trailer huffing and growling for me to get the hell out.
Mark R.
Trying to hide!!
Debbie G.B.
Yelling to the top of his lungs at my window!
Mike C.
oddly enough on a hillside along a hill along the highway and beating up small pines ,, i think the lad was lost and frustrated.
Kent K.
Crossing the road in front of me.
Carol P.
Walking along a road.
Melinda P.
Walking then standing still.
Shannon P.
Arms length in a ditch from our truck 2002.
Frank B.
Ray S.
Standing on the bank growling at us.
Gene Y.
Watching me and my dogs in our backyard. Then screaming SO Loud it went right through us. My GSD’s all wet themselves and ran. My shitzu wanted to stand her ground at 9lbs! I had to grab her up.
William P.
It was around eleven o'clock at night, heading northbound on the two lane hwy from Willow, Alaska, towards the Talkeetna, Alaska, turn off. Parks Hwy* I believe it's called, if I remember correctly. We were going roughly 50-55mph, with a light but steady snow coming down. November, 2004. I looked down, while sitting in the back seat of my friends Dually Dodge pickup, when he slammed on the brakes as his girlfriend shrieked. I looked up as we came to a sliding stop to see in the floodlights and headlights(he had extremely bright lights across the top of the cab that he turned on when there was no opposing traffic) a LARGE, BI PEDAL, TALL(8 FT ROUGHLY), man like creature standing on the right/East shoulder of the roadway. We came to a complete stop maybe 50-75 feet from it. It looked directly towards us, paused for a moment, then took four steps as it crossed from shoulder to shoulder. It's fifth step was it stepping over a snowbank on the West side/shoulder of the road, and then disappeared into the forest. That snowbank was all of three to four feet tall, by the way. We sat there for a bit, maybe a minute I suppose, with my buddy looking back at me as his girlfriend buried her face in her hands, weeping uncontrollably. We then drove off, quietly, none of us saying a word until we got back to Trapper Creek, where we lived. They dropped me off at my cabin, and we didn't talk much about what we saw that night, especially around other ppl. Before that night I was EXTREMELY SKEPTICAL that, in modern times something like such could exist without being captured and verified. Now, there is ZERO DOUBT in my mind about their existence. I'll never forget its appearance. Its face, the long arms that were abnormally long in comparison to a human, flat looking nose, dark skin on face and chest that wasn't hair covered, ECT, ECT. What is it??? Good question. IT IS OUT THERE THOUGH.
Susan G.
Standing like a tree in a fence row.
Chris E.
Trying to kill a moose.
Ruth O
Playing peek a boo from behind a tree.
William M
It depends on which time saw them 👣 first time it was squatting down at edge of lake in Mountains as we came around point in boat, then it stood up and looked at us and then took off running up steep mountain side in few seconds it covered about 80 yards and hit tree line and vanished 👣
Guy S.
Following a deer.
Steve S

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Amazing Opeepeesway Lake Bigfoot Video

Woman Captures Bigfoot on Camera
Following Her in Pine Barrens

Virginia Lick Fork Bigfoot Encounter Captured on Camera

Two Castlegar Sasquatch Vocalizing to Each Other in British Columbia

Sasquatch Creature Captured on Camera near Red Feather Lakes

Sasquatch on Video Crossing Michigan River Carrying Infant Bigfoot

Monday, August 5, 2024

Yosemite Ranger Claims To Have Captured Bigfoot on Film


Cover from next video below
Email your Bigfoot sighting to RMSObigfoot@gmail.com

Yosemite Ranger REVEALS Bigfoot Footage (EXCLUSIVE)

Yosemite Ranger Claims To Have Captured Bigfoot on Film

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Bigfoot Jumps from Tree & Runs to Cover

Angry Sequoia Sasquatch Slams Into Jeep Breaking Side Window

Sheriffs Office Bigfoot Warning with Sasquatch Evidence & Encounters

Grandma SLAMS Bigfoot with Car in Redwoods

Two Days of Bigfoot Encountered in Pacific Northwest

Tyrannosaurus Rex Keeps Getting Bigger - Short Documentary


Cover from next video below
Email your Cryptid sighting to RMSObigfoot@gmail.com

New Species of T-rex Discovered &
May Be Bigger Than Previous Specimens

Tyrannosaurus Rex Keeps Getting Bigger - Short Documentary

More Strange & Unusual Creatures

North Carolina Bigfoot Like Cryptid Captured on Gamecam

Sasquatch Canyon Bigfoot & Side Hopping Siberian Yeti Comparison

Logan Canyon Sasquatch Filmed from Swan Flat

Sasquatch Creature Captured on Camera near Red Feather Lakes

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Several Sasquatch Like Creatures on Camera
in Some Bigfoot Sighting Hotspots

Fisherman Captures Several Photos of Sasquatch Watching Him


Cover from next video below
Email your Bigfoot sighting to RMSObigfoot@gmail.com

Bigfoot Stalking Michigan Fisherman

Fisherman Captures Several Photos of Sasquatch Watching Him

More Bigfoot in & around Michigan

Sasquatch on Video Crossing Michigan River Carrying Infant Bigfoot

Bigfoot Attempts to Capture Fisherman &
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Indiana Bigfoot Captured on Camera near Michigan Border

Video of Marquette Sasquatch Footage Captured in Michigan

Giant Sasquatch Encounter in Indiana & Bigfoot Tracks Documented