Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Swamp Monster Encounter & Evidence near Honey Island


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Louisiana Sasquatch in the swamps of Honey Island

Swamp Monster Encounter & Evidence near Honey Island

More Bigfoot Below

Strange Gray Louisiana Sasquatch

Fouke Monster in Mountain View Arkansas Just Before the Eclipse

Blue Lake Woodbooger or
Skunkape Surprised by Late Evening Arkansas Fishermen

Virginia Lick Fork Bigfoot Encounter Captured on Camera

A lone camping trip to Bluff Creek's famous Sasquatch film site - Bigfoot Documentary


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Alone at Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot Film Site

A lone camping trip to Bluff Creek's famous Sasquatch film site
Bigfoot Documentary

More Bigfoot Below

Sasquatch Running Through Frame
on Oklahoma Game-camera

Garnet Mountain Side by Side Comparison of
Yreka Sasquatch Investigation

Montana Sasquatch Filmed While Wood Knocking
Face of Bigfoot on Camera

Georgia Bigfoot on Gamecam

Roger Patterson Interviewed 8 Hours after Famous 1967 Bluff Creek Bigfoot was Captured on Film


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Patterson contacted the times standard news &
was interviewed after filming Sasquatch

Roger Patterson Interviewed 8 Hours after
Famous 1967 Bluff Creek Bigfoot Captured on Film

Amazing Bigfoot Footage Captured on Video Below

Oregon Bigfoot on Camera & Umatilla Sasquatch Video

Amazing Opeepeesway Lake Bigfoot Video

Independence Day Bigfoot Picking-up Infant
with Another Nearby Sasquatch

Monday, June 17, 2024

Men Encounter Grayish Brown Sasquatch after Hearing it Whoop near Spanishburg


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West Virginia Men Smell Muddy Wet Dog Stench
Just Before Seeing a Bigfoot

Men Encounter Grayish Brown Sasquatch
after Hearing it Whoop near Spanishburg

Bo writes RMSO
 Hi my name is Bo I would like to report a bigfoot experience 2 weeks ago in Mercer County off Nubins ridge road near Spanishburg. Before I start I would like to say before this I had watched videos and heard stories of "bigfoot" which I thought was a hoax and made up old stories and took it as a joke. until this day of our own personal experience.

 My son and I who is 20 yrs old was doing squirrel hunt together to get out in the woods to spend time together and to get some last minute hunting in before season ended, as we are walking into the woods we hear a distinct whoop without the p sounding at the end which had carried out for what seemed like 20 to 30 seconds give or take but the sound was different from any animal I've ever heard or my son has ever heard."

 Now grant you its hard to exactly explain these sounds through an email". We both stop and look at each other and my son said what was that? I joking laugh and say idk but it definitely wasn't and animal I've ever heard and he agrees as we're talking we hear a loud whoop twice back to back and seemed much much closer, it instantly gave me chills. I then looked at my son and said let's ignore it and go hunt we get to our hunting spots and the distance between him and I were probably 20 yards apart or closer. 10 to 15 mins pass the woods is dead silent which was odd to birds chirping no squirrels seen or heard, nothing.

 Then we both hear a loud knock which sounded like a baseball bat had struck a baseball at a fast rate of speed in a tunnel if you will. That's the best way I can describe it. I then turn to my son "we can see ach other" and with no sound communicated to each other with jesters, as if what was that? Not a minute later we smell this wet dog muddy water smell and hear the loudest whoop but strung out for a good 30 to 45 seconds If not longer it seemed, at or about the same time it ended a dead branch/stick was thrown our direction.

 I hear my son say loudly "oh noooo" in a way of what in the world just happened. I immediately stand from my hunting chair and where we was setting was down a little hill/ravine about 10 to 15 yards from the top of the hill to a flat.

 When I stood up I seen what still to this day doesn't compute with me, a large looking bipedal thing I don't know how else to say it. Almost like a gorilla on steroids but walking on 2 legs, it was a grayish brown in color. Long fury hair and bulky. It seemed 7 maybe 8 foot tall because I stand 6'5" and it was taller then me. 

 It disappeared so fast I couldn't process what I was seeing. I thought I was loosing it, until my son and I discussed this over and over. What we saw and heard and I knew what we had experienced. We end up packing up our hunting trip for the day and leaving.
 On the way out we saw saplings bent over and twisted into each other as if it was a archway or like a bush made arbor.. Needless to say this has changed my belief on these things, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me. I thought you would like to know.
Thank you for your time and GODBLESS 

RMSO asks
West Virginia I assume.
Thank you for sending us your Bigfoot sighting report.
It was grayish brown and 7 to 8 feet tall. Could you estimate how wide or thick the creature was?

Bo Continues
Yes this was in West Virginia. 
The tree it was standing behind was around 18 inches in diameter and the tree covered just his right arm into his chest just a little bit. I would say at least 2 maybe 3 of me wide. I'm 6'5" and 265lbs, use to play football and be in the military. So I'm a pretty big boy, this thing made me look little. What freaked me out was the cone head, black eyes and flat nose. I had never seen anything like this ever and still haven't.

More Bigfoot Near East Coast

Scarface Mountain Sasquatch Captured on
Camera in the Adirondacks

Virginia Lick Fork Bigfoot Encounter Captured on Camera

Blue Ridge Bigfoot Screaming Outside Virginia Home

Eerie Haunting Sasquatch Vocalizations from Virginia