Thursday, May 30, 2024

Dog Alerts Owners of Sasquatch Sneaking Through Camp


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(Written Report Below Next Video)
Scare Canyon Bigfoot sneaking into camp at night

Dog Alerts Owners of Sasquatch
Sneaking Through Camp

Jenna writes RMSO
 Hi there. I just commented on your monte Cristo youtube video and you commented back saying you\'d like to hear my story. Well, I\'m emailing it to you because it\'s a bit long for youtube comments. Lol.

   My name is Jenna and back is 2006 my husband and I were taking a weekend and scouting for deer in the mountains. We drove up Monte Cristo to ant flat road and after a few hours in the mountains, we stopped in a place that I\'ve only ever heard called \"scare canyon\". It was a neat little area with a grove of quakes  and a stock pond about 100 yards away. We had about an hour of daylight left so We set up camp for the night in the grove of trees. We slept in the back of our pickup so setup was pretty easy. We built a small fire to cook dinner and sat around until it got pretty dark. (It was a full moon, so it wasn't super dark). We had our heeler dog with us and she was sort of exploring and roaming around just outside of the fire light.

 Well, I started to get an uneasy feeling sitting around the fire so I climbed into the bed of the truck and continued talking with my husband. About 10 minutes later our dog starts running around the fire (still just outside of the light) like crazy. She was whimpering and crying, running and jumping. It was weird because she has been around big game before and it never bothered her. Anyway, she comes running out of the darkness and jumps into the bed of the truck, she curls up behind my back and she is shaking like a leaf. I hurry my husband into the truck and he reluctantly gets in.

 He falls asleep pretty quickly. The dog always sleeps on my feet, so she was curled up near the tailgate. I was just dozing off when I felt her shift and sit up. She started to growl very low. I told her to lay down but she continued to sit there and growl at something. About 5 minutes goes by of her growling and I sit up to see what it is.

 I look towards the dirt road (about 75 feet from us) and there in the moonlight stands this HUGE animal. At first I thought it was a moose, but he would have had to be standing facing me. As I watched this thing (for what seemed like and hour, but was only 2 or 3 minutes) it starts to walk downhill towards the stock pond. I panicked because it was huge!

  I laid back down hoping it wouldn't come hear the truck, when I sat back up a few minutes was gone. I estimated it to be between 8 and 9 feet tall. Extremely wide shoulders and thick. I could see Some muscle definition in the bright moonlight. I tried waking my husband but he wouldn't. If my dog could talk, I swear she could tell you more details! Haha.

More Utah Bigfoot

Bigfoot News along with The Strange &
Unexplained Captured on Camera

 Bigfoot Leaps Fence Carrying a
Bundle of Broken Branches in Uinta Mountains

Several Bigfoot Encounters near Weber River Headwaters

Logan Canyon Sasquatch Filmed from Swan Flat

Bigfoot Spotted Next To Road near Flagstaff - Several Arizona Bigfoot Sightings Included


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Driver Describes a Sasquatch Preparing to Cross Road

Bigfoot Spotted Next To Road near Flagstaff

Phillip M Reports Seeing Bigfoot near Flagstaff
   Seen one preparing to cross the route 89 north from Flagstaff to the reservation one summer evening, right after sundown. The "creature," was standing very still near a tree trunk trying not to be noticed. Jet black, 8 to 10 feet tall, and at first I thought it was a horses tail blowing in the light mountain breeze so I slowed down, and turned on my halogen full beam lights.

 Then, thought is this a bear, but realized it was standing to up and was too tall to be a bear! When I scanned down again, I noticed huge dark skinned colored fingers under the jet black 5 to 10 inch strands of of matted shiny hair! I could not see the feet, since the grass was knee high, but the upper body was clearly displayed. I even was able to see the huge fit body and enormous upper body muscles on the arms, like it could scale a 45 degree wooded mountain or kill a deer by running it down and breaking its neck for food. 

 As I got closer, I realized the enormous size and strength this creature had, and its intelligence to using the dark to hide in plain view! I freaked out and took off on 89 North near the Volcano national park turn off near by.

 This happened before the two road 89 was made, when it was a single two-way single road going North from Flagstaff, during a drought season in the summer. This creature was more thinking being and less ape animal to me, that was more reason to take off down the road.

 This area is known for deer crossing, so that is why I think it frequents this area waiting for prey. It could not have grew this large, and maintained the strength it had eating nuts or plant life alone, it needed a high protein source, like deer or other large mammal!

 The creature I saw was not like the famous California film reel creature, but very fit, tall, and looked more like a male, with its face covered in long hair. I guess it pushed its hair over it face to hide its eyes and to better hide in plain view.
 I was lucky to see this creature, since it blended in so well in the dark, and near the tree trunks while it stood still. The only reason I seen it was the slight curve in the road and the headlights of the car hitting directly on the creature and the trees. 

 When the wind or breeze blew, it moved the tall grass and hair, but not the fingers and then I thought it was a horse's tail or a large mammal of some type. Then I just blasted the road with my high beam lights, and there it was in plain view. A vehicle was behind me and coming both 100 yards or more. I am usually cautious in this area since I don't want to hit a crossing deer.

More Arizona Sasquatch

Montana, Utah & Arizona
Sasquatch Like Creatures Captured on Camera

Bigfoot News from Mogollon Rim
to the Tallest Mountain in Arizona

Woman Runs Up on Troll Like
Mogollon Monster Arizona's Bigfoot

Campers Harassed by Monster Knoll Lake Bigfoot

White Mountain Sasquatch Arizona Apache Bigfoot

Coastal Residents Nickname Rock Throwing Bigfoot "Sam Dark"


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Coastal Residents Nickname Rock Throwing Bigfoot "Sam Dark"

Oregon Sasquatch Only Comes Around After Dark

Ed writes RMSO 
 When I was about 13, I remember going camping in the early 60s with a friend over night in the woods over looking our town on the Oregon coast and we both heard something walking around in the brush around our camp.

 A couple days later we went back to the spot to play around, and on the way home something began throwing rocks at us, as we neared the edge of the forest. We believed it was this obnoxious neighborhood kid, and as I saw a partial glimpse of something with black hair, I thought it was his dog, but when we confronted him about it, he swore he was at his grandmother's house, out of state, all that summer, and didn't have a dog.

  A little over a mile from there a few years later, one guy claimed a bigfoot stepped in front of his car then it ran away down some railroad tracks. A couple days after that a farmer told the local paper he saw one on the edge of his field.

In 1971, I had just turned 21 and was drinking beer at night at a friends house . I stepped into the backyard to relieve myself and there was something with glowing red eyes looking at me maybe 30 ft. away. I figured it must be a deer. I came back the next day and walked over to check out the deer tracks and there was a big drop off there, with a 2x12 retaining walk. So, whatever was looking at me had to be at least 8 ft. tall. This was maybe a mile from the rock throwing 8 years earlier.

 Incidentally, something used to bang on the side of my friend's house there. He began to call it Sam Dark, because it would only come around after dark.

More Northwest Bigfoot Below

Third Sasquatch in Independence Day Bigfoot Footage

Umatilla Sasquatch Captured on Video

The Big One Leaned Into Me & Gritted His Teeth

Storm Ranch Sasquatch Stares Down Mushroom Hunter
then Leaps Thorned Hedge

Santiam Sasquatch Surprised by Motorist while It Chases Elk

Massive Montana Grizzly Ripping Into Generator Shed - Several Photos Included


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Giant grizzly vandalizing generator storage shed

These photos show how large and powerful a
Montana Grizzly can be

Massive Montana Grizzly Ripping Into Generator Shed

Giant Montana Grizzly
Ransacking a Shed near Augusta

Posted June 12th 2023
These photos show how large and powerful a 
Montana Grizzly can be

Four Black Bear one Grizzly on Video

Is Bigfooting a skill,
lots of luck or a combination of both?

Three Grizzlies North of the Tetons