Breakdown of Extremely Fast Bigfoot on Video
Michigan Sasquatch Video Close Look
Logan Canyon Bigfoot Video
Breakdown of Extremely Fast Bigfoot on Video
Michigan Sasquatch Video Close Look
Logan Canyon Bigfoot Video
Save pictures and blow them up to really see Sasquatch face.
“Here’s our strange experience … it’s been weighing on me for a long time.
October 8th 2021 at about 4:30 PM my husband Arnie and I were vacationing in Parksville. We love to hike so we headed to Englishman River Falls. After doing the usual tourist hike of the falls, we headed into the area with bike and hiking trails that has its own little parking lot about a kilometer down the road from the falls. We were the only car in that lot.
We hiked for a couple hours on the trails that follow the river. On our return we came around a corner and saw an individual on the small hill above us. It took a few seconds to process what was happening. I tried to make light of the situation, assuming (hoping) it was a person in a great costume. The individual did not respond but crouched down and watched us. This is when my brain engaged and I started taking photos. I understand now why no one gets good photos! I should have taken video but we were starting to get nervous.
We headed straight back to the car. We tried to think of ways that this was just a person in a costume.
I scoured local media trying to see if anyone else reported some guy in the bush scaring hikers. Nothing. The only other person we encountered that day was a single biker further along the hike. This is not a well-used area so if someone wanted to scare hikers and bikers it was an odd area to do it.
Anyways, I have shared these photos quite a bit and everyone has said I should show them to someone who knows something about Sasquatch. I’m still hoping it was some strange guy in a really good costume in the middle of nowhere but I’ll let you be the judge.”
I purposely only put two of the four pictures I was sent today because I believe many will not be able to deal with it in a mature way. I will share them, but I think I will do it in an edited video comparing this one to others I have gathered through the years.
My opinion? Well 1st let me say I grew up not 5 miles from that sighting area. I asked questions to the husband and wife and now that I have more data I can honestly say, yes I believe it to be one.
Now before some keyboard warriors get their panties in a bunch and go down the negative path, I will BLOCK you. As always, I am open to positive comments for or against but if you’re against, you best back it up with good chatter instead of a whine.
Just to be clear this was on Vancouver Island. Our Sasquatch are like we Indians from region – sparse hair on face. Our regional Sasquatch don’t look like they jumped off a Harley Davidson with a full on biker beard.
Now why do I think it’s the real deal Sasquatch?
· Conical head
· Very pronounced philtrum area (space from upper lip to just under nose).
· Sparse hair on face
· Tanned skin on face and showing below hair
· Hair looks oily and not synthetic
· Body hair looks matted due to tree sap and other factors making it bunch up
· Sunken in mean look to eyes
· Looks like the ones I have seen
Conducting interview and knowing where this place is and time of day I really don’t think someone would be in a suit in this part of trail that very few use. If one wanted to scare someone they would have been up where the main parking lot and well used trails are about 3/4 mile away.
I also asked how far from river? I was told about 12 minutes’ walk. October 8th is prime time for salmon spawn in that river and Sasquatch was seen in area I think is below the falls? Sasquatch always found in areas of high abundant seasonal food.
The other two pictures I will post in time really had me intrigued for the setting sun really brightened up the face. So much so that for now let’s just analyze these two pictures.
This Sasquatch was seen up river 3 miles from where we have been keeping track and investigating urban edge Sasquatch in the small city of Parksville.
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