Monday, March 7, 2022

Security Camera Bigfoot on Video | Arms Out To Side Like Western Gunslinger


Cover photo from top video below

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From Mr. Man YouTube

Security Camera Bigfoot on Video | Arms Out To Side Like Western Gunslinger

BIGFOOT Caught On Camera Must See! 2022

More Bigfoot on Video

Logan Canyon Bigfoot Video

Michigan Sasquatch Video Carrying Infant Bigfoot

Large Sasquatch on Video Crossing Road

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Forest Creature Terrorizes Teen

Cover from next video below
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Teen TERRORIZED by creature in forest

Forest Creature Terrorizes Teen

More Terrorizing Forest Creatures

Sasquatch Circles Hunter in Tree Stand

Skinwalker Phenomena at 
Sasquatch Canyon Base Camp

Aggressive Group of Sasquatch
Encountered Jarbidge Wilderness

Helicopter Log Crew Harassed by Sasquatch

Friday, March 4, 2022



Cover from video below
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 Noted Sasquatch researcher William Barnes and Prolific filmmaker Richard Lowry are launching a revolutionary television series designed to solve one of the greatest unsolved mysteries, utilizing a groundbreaking strategy with state of the art technology. The series promises to be an edge-of-your-seat entertainment combined with factual research and non-evasive observation.

From Andromeda Motion Pictures YouTube


More Bigfoot

Sasquatch Vocalizations at Three Different Bigfoot Hot Spots

Bigfoot in National News

Large Sasquatch Crossing Road Intersection

Face to Face Inches from Sasquatch | Sleeping Giant Mountain Bigfoot


Art work by Robroy Menzies
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(Written Report Below Video)
Inches from a Giant Bigfoot's Face
 near Yellowstone Wyoming

Face to Face Inches from Sasquatch
Sleeping Giant Mountain Bigfoot

Jerry writes RMSO
 This is only the second time I've ever written this story down, in fact, I've only told it to one person before this. I'm 54 years old. I'm an educated man. I have a masters degree and spent most of my working career as a public school teacher and principal. This encounter took place when I was 12 years old. So it had to be 1979, July or August. 

 I grew up and still live in the Metropolitan Detroit area. I'm not an only child but was raised as one because my two sisters are 16 & 18 years older than I am. They were both married and moved out by the time I was 3.  I tell you this because I'm the baby of the family, the youngest in my immediate family and youngest of all 19 of my grandmothers grandchildren. I've always, mostly in fun, been called the spoiled baby of the family. I was grandma's boy and all 16 of my cousins and my two sisters knew it. So they liked to tease me about it. Which is why I've sat on this story my entire life. I didn't want to give any of them any further ammo to use against me. That and didn't think anyone would ever believe me.

 The summer of 1979 my mom and dad took me on a month long vacation out west. We planned on going to South Dakota, (Black Hills and Little Big Horn) and Yellowstone National park. My parents owned a motorhome and that's what we took our trip in. It wasn't huge, about 32'. We were in either Montana or Wyoming, near Yellowstone. I was 12 so I didn't pay that much attention. We had been traveling for about a week, week and a half. We had already been to the Black Hills, Little Big Horn and Mt. Rushmore. We were somewhere near Yellowstone, but not in the park. We had stopped in the late afternoon at a campground to spend the night. Being the only kid in my family on this trip I was always looking for other kids to hang out with when we stopped. This particular day I met some other kids, 3 of them, in the campground that were about my age. At first it was fun hanging around and talking with them while playing on the playground equipment. After a while though they started to get mean with me. I was a little overweight as a child so they started calling me names and teasing me about my weight. I soon left the playground and stayed away from them the rest of the day. A few time throughout the late afternoon and evening they rode past our campsite on their bikes and made some rude remarks about me and laughing. I was thick skinned, excuse the pun, so I didn't let it get to me too much.

 After dinner and a campfire after dark we retired to the motorhome for the night. My parents slept in the back of the RV where the main dinning room table folded down into a bed.  I slept in the front of the RV where the couch folded down into a bed. The couch/bed was against the wall on the drivers side of the RV with a window above it. I lay there in the dark going over the days events in my head and started to drift off to sleep. I was pulled out of that place between asleep and awake by a tapping sound outside the RV on the wall directly outside from my bed. I had heard similar sounds before when rain or condensation from the rooftop AC unit would drip down outside the camper. I thought is was water from the AC, ignored it and started to go back to sleep. The tapping of the water hitting the fiberglass camper persisted as I tried to doze off. Then all of a sudden there was a loud BANG like someone hit the side of the RV with their fist. Then it went back to tapping as if dripping water again. I tried to ignore it and passed it off as nothing and tried to go to sleep. The tapping continued and after a few minutes of it the loud bang on the side of the RV came again. This time I knew it wasn't water. Immediately my mind went to the 3 mean boys I met earlier in the day. I figured it was them trying to mess with me and/or scare me. The tapping started again then a minute later the bang again. Now I was angry that these boys were hitting my families RV. The tapping started again. I planned on waiting for the bang then yanking the blind up on the window and try to catch them in the act. I sat up with my hand on the drawstring of the blind listening to the tapping which had started again. I was anxiously waiting for the bang so I could yank the drawstring and catch them. After a minute or so of tapping came the bang again. I yanked the cord, the shade flew up and I pressed my face up to glass to look down on the boys. 

 To my horror I didn't see any boys. What I saw still haunts me to this day. When I yanked the drawstring and looked out the window, there staring back at me was a huge hairy face inches from mine looking back at me. The window was about five or six feet off the ground to the bottom of the window and probably seven or eight feet to the top of the window. This giant hairy face wasn't looking directly at me. The creature the face belonged to was actually hunched over to look into the window. The owner of the face had to be eight or nine feet tall to have to bend down to look into the window. I was instantly terrified beyond all belief. There was no sound. After a few seconds I let go of the drawstring and the shade fell back into the closed position. I sat there in my bed motionless. Frozen with fear. I don't know how long I sat there before I lay back down in the bed. I never heard the tapping sound or banging again and I never lifted the shade again. Eventually I fell asleep. I awoke the next morning in the daylight to the RV traveling down the road as I did almost every morning of that trip. I never told my parents about the previous night. I never told anyone until now. I have no explanation of what I saw. I just know it scared me like I've never been scared before or since. At the time I'd never heard of Bigfoot or Sasquatch.  Not too many years later I saw an episode of In Search Of, hosted by Leonard Nemoy on TV. It was about Bigfoot. At that moment I knew that was what I had seen outside the RV window that night.

RMSO responds
Hi Jerry,
Appreciate hearing from you. I enjoyed reading your encounter.
Reminds me of a bigfoot encounter south of Yellowstone in the Tetons where the Bigfoot was looking in a motorhome window at night

Do you recall the creature's hair color, skin color or any other details like a width estimate of the face, head or shoulders?
If you can recall what the face looked like, human, ape or something different?

Jerry continues
I’ll give you what I can remember.  Not only was it a lifetime ago but the terror I felt that night doesn’t let me recall many small details about the creature. 

I’ll answer your questions in the order you asked them. 

Hair Color: It was dark outside and dark in the RV so I cannot be 100% sure on the true color. Knowing that, the hair color looked a deep brown or even possibly black. It had very little hair on its face & the hair that was closest to its face was lighter in color than the rest of the hair I could see. I didn’t really look up and down it’s body. As I pulled the drawstring on the shade and was looking down it didn’t register immediately what I was looking at, which was legs, abdomen and torso. By the time my eyes traveled up it’s body and my eyes reached the upper torso/neck area, I was already feeling the chills run down my spine as goosebumps came over my arms. This is because, although I didn’t yet fully realize what I was looking at, somehow I knew it was something I’d never seen before. The instant I saw it’s face we locked eyes until I let the blind fall back into the closed position. It seemed like we stared at each other for more than a minute, but in reality it was probably closer to ten seconds. So I cannot say with any confidence about hair color below the neck. I use the word neck as a reference point but there wasn’t a discernible neck that I could see. 

Skin Color: It’s facial skin was lighter than the hair. It certainly wasn’t a pinkish color like a Caucasian person, nor was it very dark like an African American person. It was somewhere in between. I’d say more like a light tan. 

Eyes: It didn’t have wild animal like eyes. They seemed more inquisitive, like you’d see looking into the eyes of a dolphin or other intelligent mammals.  

Mouth/Nose: It’s nose was very wide and flat, like the nose of a boxer nearing the end of his career. I don’t recall it having any difference in color from the rest of its face. It’s mouth was slightly open, like it was breathing through its nose and mouth. The short glimpse I had inside its mouth didn’t provide me with any details about color or teeth. It’s head was enormous. As big as, probably even bigger than that of a fully grown silverback gorilla. I’ve heard others describe the head as being slightly cone shaped, but I don’t recall if it’s head was or wasn’t shaped like that. 

Overall Size: From the ground to the top of the window was an easy 8 feet. This creature had to hunch over to look in the window. I cannot say how tall it actually was, but it was more than 8 feet tall. It’s shoulders were extremely broad. I would guess that if it stretched its arms out to the side it’s wing span was 10 feet or better. While we stared at each other it had its right arm down by its side and the left arm/hand was on the RV above and to my right/his left of the window. My best estimate is that it had a weight in the neighborhood of 800 lbs. 

Face: It was a very human like face, but weathered, I’m sure from a life spent outdoors. The thing that struck me the most about it was it’s eyes, like I described earlier as inquisitive. The eyes gave me the feeling that I wasn’t looking at a wild animal like a bear or wolf. It wasn’t the eyes of a creature than ran solely on instinct, but had an intelligence to them. Like it was capable of thought and self awareness. Now, this is just the feeling I got looking into it’s eyes. There was no actual proof of the intelligence, but it was the feeling it gave me. That was the part that scared me the most. Not that it was huge and strong, but that it possessed intelligence that would allow it to open a door, to think, reason & plan. Anything with that size and a human like intelligence would make this the most dangerous creature on earth, other than mankind. 

As I wrote this for you I wrestled with the words “it” and “creature.”  I almost feel that I’m doing it a disservice by not calling it by him or her. (no idea what the gender was) To this day it’s the intelligence I saw in its eyes that terrifies me the most. 

Most of my adult life I’ve flip flopped between wanting to go on a Sasquatch expedition with serious an established Bigfoot researcher(s) in search of the answers to the questions that haunt me and never wanting to step foot in the wilderness again. 

RMSO responds
Appreciate all of the additional information. Wow, what an amazing encounter for those of us that get to hear about it. I am sure it was a terrifying experience for you at that time. For anyone it would be.

  I know the Yellowstone and surrounding areas really well.  Grew up spending my summers near the Jackson area. Parents and family had a camping property, so would head up to the Tetons and Yellowstone often.

 The last 10 years or so we have investigated dozens of bigfoot sighting locations in and around those areas too.

 From what you recall, I would guess that you and your parents were camping somewhere between Cody, Wyoming and the east gate of Yellowstone that night.

 That is the most active area in the Yellowstone area along the border near the east gate.

If you recall anything to pinpoint the area let us know

Jerry writes
My parents have both passed so I’ve no one to ask about our exact location the night of the encounter. I do remember at some point going into the town of Cody. I know two things only about our location. One, we’re we’re definitely nearest the eastern part of Yellowstone that night. Two, I’m almost positive that the campground we stayed at was a private campground and not a state or national park campground. The campsite we were in was at the outer edge of the campground. We were backed in and the rear of the motor home was facing the woods. I do not know how much of the area behind the RV was forest, but it is my belief that walking off into the woods in that direction would lead you into thousands of acres of wilderness. I don’t believe going in that direction some one would encounter a road, town, homes or any other signs of civilization. The reason I say that is whenever we stopped I always asked the park rangers or whomever was at the desk questions about the surrounding area. When we camped in Michigan I always wandered into the forest, around a lake or up and down a stream. I was scared to do that out west solely for the fact that I knew we were in Grizzly country. When we stopped at a park in South Dakota, in the Badlands, I saw a lonely tree out in the badlands that looked like it was a few hundred yards away. When I voiced my intention of walking out to it the ranger told me I shouldn’t do that because although the tree looked like it was not too far away, he said it was actually about 3 miles away. He went on to say that distances in the Badlands were very deceiving because of the flatness of the ground and the distortion the heat had on the air. I didn’t try it after hearing that. 

That’s all the detail on location I have at the moment. I’ll look at Google Earth and see if any landmarks or names of areas ring any bells.

To give you a little perspective on myself, I was a public school teacher and principal for more than 20 years. I was a science teacher and always have been very science oriented. As in applying the scientific process to things etc. This encounter is the only event in my life that steps out of the lines of known science. As Occams Razor states, the simplest explanation is usually the right explanation, but I know in my head and heart that it doesn’t apply to this encounter. 

More Bigfoot Below

Angry Wasatch Sasquatch 
Breaks Tent Camper's Nose

Sunlight Basin Leather Face 
Bigfoot Near East Yellowstone

Bigfoot Growls 
Through Window Shakes Trailer

Treasure Hunters Terrifying 
Bigfoot Encounter Yellowstone

Cover Photo Link:
From Brenda Harris YouTube
Sasquatch Leaves Claw Marks on Camp Trailer