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Man-Like Wild Hominid-Offshoot of Sorts Dashes Across Road
Jimmy O writes RMSO
Greetings, how you doing? Hey, just to let you know, i actually saw a tall scrawny juvenile Bigfoot, I think. It definitely wasn't human btw, but they DO seem like an "offshoot" man like wild hominid of sorts. That said, I think the reason I saw it was that I wasn't looking for it - it happened by chance.
Anyway, if you are interested in hearing my story - get a hold of me. Ps: I remember the EXACT location where I saw the creature dashing across the hwy. What an experience! Jim
Okay, here goes. I was driving south on I-5 freeway at approximately 7 pm, I had to get gas and I got off an exit for gas something like a hr from grants pass Oregon. Anyway, I was driving my mom home from WA heading south bound we we're arguing about why i got lost and headed north around a mile. Then I found the right on ramp and I was driving again so bound on I-5.
Anyway, I said why don't we have a cigarette as we calmed down. Then mom was looking for a misplaced lighter and there I saw a large dark colored creature dashing across the freeway northeast as if in hunting mode. Atleast that's what I thought. But I think it was investigating me! It was looking, or dashing towards my van diagonally across the freeway! I was really trying to see it but all I noticed was it had a short 'no neck' feature, also, it was scrawny and I guess a bit over 7'+ TALL , but it was extremely coordinated. Or in had a total graceful run...
I was yelling, " mom, mom, look Bigfoot is running across the hwy!" Sadly she did not see it. Oh, and I damn near hit it! I swear to God I saw it's thigh and torso, but it's head must have been taller than my gmc safari van as I braced for impact - it barely cleared my bumper!
And get this, Bigfoot actually must have strided right over a concrete median! I swear to God strike me dead I tell you the truth - Bigfoot is for real -period.
I could take you to location if interested,
I think I got lucky seeing it! I also believe - reason I got lucky was because I wasn't looking for it. It was a chance exp / encounter. But it definitely cleared any doubts I ever had of Bigfoot being a hoax. Honestly, it was sort of frightening! Jim
I think I might go back to location to see if there's any tracks, hairs or any evidence I could find. It was near a creek I do know that for sure. Well, I had jotted down land marks, sign posts etc...Anyway, I told my story to a gal smokin a cig- just to clear my head.
Anyway, she believed me and also told me her son claims he saw one pick up road kill (deer) throw it over it's shoulder and go back into the woods at or near Oregon caves. Wow! If ever I'd go there I'd bring my 30/30 as backup as I definitely would feel safer.
But i definitely would not want to harm bf at all. But i might if it attacked. I'd do a warning shot first to scare it away. If this doesn't work i would have to shoot it dead. That being said, I don't want to kill Bigfoot so I haven't gone out yet. I'm sorta busy right now with my own life -otherwise I'd possibly be checking out that creek I saw Bigfoot dash across hwy.
Anyway, I was amazed at Bigfoot's graceful dash, I was amazed at it's scrawny but coordinated fitness, and - the hair! It was sorta shaggy, dark, but had either lighter brown, or reddish hairs as my vans lights made it look so.
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