Saturday, February 20, 2016

The Paranormal Review has began to show a very fishy trait of possible serial Bigfoot hoaxing
Every few months Paranormal Review claims to have a "send in" video for them to review.
Dozens of Bigfoot groups & paranormal groups out there. Yet for some reason they keep getting "send in" videos that are very questionable in nature.
Is Paranormal Review involved in a serial hoax to make money?
Are they joining the infamous list of hoaxers in the process like Rick Dyer, Todd Standing, Steven Steufert, Mitchell Wilson & Jamie Wayne?
I am willing to bet Paranormal Review owns some kind of a suit & performs an "anonymous" Bigfoot hoax every few months that becomes a "send in" for them to post as an innocent 3rd party so that they can capitalize on the viewer revenue.
Tibble Fork
Bigfoot Chasing Car
Alpine Loop
And now the Payson Canyon Hoax.
My opinion, this is no longer a coincident. This is a serial hoax in progress by Paranormal Review.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Five Loggers Three Bigfoot Sightings Deadwood

All Bigfoot Sightings Deadwood

Five Loggers Three Bigfoot Sightings Deadwood

Logging Boss Chased off  Mountain

Drone View Deadwood

Water Truck Driver Encounters Bigfoot at Deadwood River

Hunter Terrified by Bigfoot at Deadwood 

RMSO Returns to Famous Bigfoot Sighting Hotspot Deadwood 

Bigfoot Investigation at Night Deadwood 

Hike to Logging Boss & Sons Bigfoot Sighting Deadwood 

Sunday, February 7, 2016

RMSO Bigfoot Podcast with Anthony Moffett of the Sawtooth National Forest Bigfoot Research Organization
We chat with Anthony about his Bigfooting experiences in one of the largest wilderness areas in the lower 48.

First Time Famous Deadly Bauman Bigfoot Location Filmed

Artist Rendition
Email your Bigfoot sighting to
Bauman's Deadly Bigfoot Report on Location

 RMSO locates the place where Bauman claimed he & his trapping partner were 
harassed by a wild-man type creature along the Montana/Idaho border, 
he claimed this wild creature killed his trapping partner
Bauman's Deadly Bigfoot Report on Location

Full Bigfoot Expedition
1st time this famous location has ever been filmed
Teddy Roosevelt wrote about his best friend Bauman
& his deadly encounter with what many today believe is a Bigfoot.