Friday, January 13, 2023

Boot Heel Sasquatch Encounter in Missouri near Mississippi River


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Woman Spots Bigfoot on Grandparents Property

Boot Heel Sasquatch Encounter in Missouri near Mississippi River

Kelly D writes RMSO

Hello to you all!
 I’d like to begin by telling you how much I enjoy your channel and approach. I very much enjoy your RTD videos and how I each day look forward to watching them. The scenery is stunning, the possibility of seeing, hearing or finding evidence exciting, and I enjoy and appreciate the conversations including that specific to the area and related sightings, as well as any and all other conversation included. I do want to say that being someone scared of heights, that some terrains although giving me the chills at times, doesn’t even matter as I continue watching and enjoy every second of the video! Braver than I at times and I am thankful for that! Thank you so much for sharing.

 My sighting occurred many years ago as a child while visiting my Grandparents in southeast Missouri in a very small town close to the Mississippi River. An area referred to by many as the Boot Heel. It wasn’t until about 5 years ago that I even realized what I potentially saw there as a young girl of eight years old.

 My Grandparents lived in the country surrounded by farm land with neighbors being quite a ways away. Their home was off a country road with a quarter of a mile driveway, gravel road only wide enough for one vehicle at a time, and lined on each side with giant spaced out trees that reached out and hung over the road. The property was shaped like a giant lollipop. At the end of the drive was a large circle that was their residential area consisting of their home, a barn, and an indoor/outdoor hog house where the pigs could choose when they wanted to be inside the barn or outside in a fenced area. Surrounding the driveway and house was a large farm field. It surrounded their circle of property and then along side the trees of their drive and all the way to the road you turned to their home on.

As a child living in St. Louis, I so enjoyed visiting them. Many of my cousins lived in the area and all would come and visit when we came to town. Ages ranged from 5 years old to 14 years old and there were a lot of us. I suppose like most kids I loved feeding the hogs and playing with their 5 farm dogs and multiple cats. I know for fact the farm dogs loved our visits as always with us. I guess to them like the circus coming to town, entertainment and food.

 The adults were all inside and we were all outside playing on the swing set and throwing rocks, black walnuts, and pecans into the burn barrel next to it to see if we could get anything to explode. At the time there were no crops in the field, it was all dirt. It was light tan on the top, but if you kicked what we called the crust off the underneath dirt was darker brown and moist.

 Please forgive me, this was quite a while ago and I am also remembering it as a young girl. I had left the other kids to what they were doing and running my way to the house to go inside. Something in my side vision to the right of me caught my eye when running to the house. I immediately stopped and turned to look. Out in the field and in my view between the hog house and barn at first glance looked like a large clump of dirt. Although not normal in the field but sometimes along the edges of it, I was about to dismiss it but then what really got me looking was what looked like two bricks leaning up against the pile of dirt. They really stood out from the rest of it. 

 Looking closer, it was something on all fours. Similar to a human on all fours like when my Dad would play horsey with us. It was angled at about 45 degrees or so, so I only got a good look at the behind, feet, right thigh, and up the back. I could see to the shoulders but never saw a head, I was looking mostly to the right side of it, I don’t recall much of the right arm. It was still. The entire body was the same color as I can remember as the crusty beige dirt. 

 If I were to draw it as I remember as a child, I guess I would draw the fur like multiple W next to each other. The right leg was massive, like a trunk of a tree. The bottom quite large. I could not see much of the left leg as the right thigh covered most of it. What was most interesting was the feet and ankle area. The feet looked exactly like bricks, huge and square. I was seeing them directly and only on the bottom, no sides, no tops of them. Same color as the dirt but you could tell no fur on them. Odd as they looked extremely cushioned or padded, almost overstuffed and not like the bottom of a human foot. Also what I remember the most was how the fur seemed to stop at the right ankle, just like blue jeans abruptly end at our ankles. Like a pair of fur pants, seemed really different from any type of animal I had seen and I guess could have just been due to the angle I saw it. I looked for about 2 minutes maybe and then went on my way to the house and I never said anything to anyone. 

 I didn’t even look for it when I came back outside or any other visit. I had been told stories about the boogey man but it was never described to me so I honestly thought it was a person who just snatched children that stayed out or went out after dark. I just did not know how remarkable what I saw really was. I didn’t smell anything, I didn’t hear anything, I never felt scared or had any threatened feeling then or anytime after, so most likely why I just went hmmm and carried on with my day.

 I do recall that there were no farm animals to be seen or heard at the time. No dogs or cats around no noises from them. Pigs all in the house, all quiet and no noises. As a child I didn’t or guess smart enough to notice perhaps they did so for reason. No idea if it had watched us for a while or not, but at time I saw it I would say it could care less we were there and doing what it needed to do. I know it knew we were there, no way to escape all of our screaming and running around a normally quiet property with elderly owners.

 My family then and now never discuss anything relating to Bigfoot, just not a family that discusses such things. Unfortunately by the time I had finally realized what I potentially saw both my Grandparents had passed and no opportunity to spark conversations regarding Bigfoot with them.

 Well that’s it! Not much but thank you for letting me share it. Keep doing what you are doing as long as you can do it and keep sharing all you can. I so appreciate all of you, the time and money you all invest, and your sharing with us also. I sincerely mean it when I say I look forward to and watch at least one of your videos a day, some multiple times soon probably all of them multiple times.

Keep on squatchin, I will definitely keep watchin!!!

Best regards and take care.

Kelly D.

More Bigfoot Below

Missouri Woman Observes 8 to 9 Feet Tall Eolia Sasquatch

Sasquatch Throws Rock & Grunts at Hunter in Tree Stand

Two Bigfoot In Osage River

Missouri Bigfoot Encounter

Woman Captures Bigfoot on Camera Following Her

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