Friday, September 20, 2024

Trucker Watches Bigfoot near Oak Brush on Trapper's Loop


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Trapper Loop Sasquatch Spotted by Truck Driver
Trucker Watches Bigfoot near Oak Brush on Trapper's Loop

Ken writes RMSO
Its been maybe 9 years I was driving a 10 wheel dump truck through Mt. Green over to Eden using Trappers Loop making 5 to 6 trips there and back, one trip I seen big foot only for a second he quickly ran into the trees, In a semitruck your up a little higher so you see more then you would from a car, I know what I saw, believe or don't.

RMSO responds
Wow that is cool. I know of other folks that have saw bigfoot in that area. Did you get a height on him? Did you see his color or see any details of the creature even though the sighting was only for a second or so?
How long ago did this happen? Time of day & time of year?

Ken responds
He had to duck his head or it would of been above the scrub oak,
it was around the fall, and after noon, I'm thinking about 9 years ago, I seen a moose and its calf in the same area but it wasn't them i seen people tried to tell me it was, I looked it up about sightings in Utah and back then right there was the highest sightings in Utah
and I can tell you that the Paterson film must be real cuz it had the same posture.

Thanks for the additional details. I know people personally that have saw bigfoot near the same area as you did.

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