Thursday, July 25, 2024

Two large wads of unusual hair near 15 inch long Bigfoot tracks


Cover from next two videos below
Email your Bigfoot sighting to

Large Wads of Hair & 15 Inch Bigfoot Tracks
on Video in Yellowstone Canyon

Two large wads of unusual hair near 15 inch long Bigfoot tracks

Camouflage Master - Sasquatch Hair Scatters Light

More Uinta Mountains Bigfoot

Sasquatch Trackway at Meeks Cabin Mountains

Bigfoot Leaps Fence Carrying a Bundle
of Broken Branches near Meeks Cabin

Utah, Montana & Arizona Sasquatch Creatures Captured on Camera

Several Bigfoot Encounters near Weber River Headwaters

Angry Wasatch Sasquatch Breaks Tent Camper's Nose

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