Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Missouri monster walked three times around our caravan which was seven feet high


Cover is from a 09-13-2012 Game Camera Photo
The Bigfoot like creature must have been eight to ten feet tall

The Missouri monster walked three times
around our caravan which was seven feet high

A biologist that wants to remain anonymous emails RMSO 
 You give very informative information on the subject, as I have had my own encounters in America. The most unnerving encounter happened in Branson, Missouri. I enjoy your expeditions. I really enjoy when you go in Ape Canyon, I think that is what it I s called. 

  I am British and recently found out that I have Leukemia. So, I appreciate what all of you do and having limited mobility from S.P. it limits my range. There is some woodlands behind housing complex, where my husband and I will be living, which I can take at my own pace. I have three certificates in Science. They are in General. Environmental, and Biological. I am a microbiologist, but also am an Environmental Scientist and have skills in General Science.

 My husband has collected specimens for me to analyze. I may be limited in some ways, but make up in others. I love the areas that you cover. I could never study those areas for specimens relating to Sasquatch. I think you should have your own tv programme to get support for what you do. All of you are very experienced, and good at what you do.

  I HAVE seen a Sasquatch, and had experiences with them. The profound one was at Branson, Missouri. It walked three times around our caravan which was seven feet high and we heard it breathing loudly going around the caravan. I saw it's legs and that was enough for me I must have been 14 years old. The creature must have been eight to ten feet tall. That is just an estimation based on how breathing sound was heard on top of the caravan. That was the most terrifying encounter.

More Bigfoot Near Missouri

Fouke Monster in Mountain View Arkansas
Just Before the Eclipse

Blue Lake Woodbooger or Skunkape
Surprised by Late Evening Arkansas Fishermen

Strange Creature Captured on Gamecam
in Flatwoods of Kentucky

Oklahoma Sasquatch Running
Through Frame on Game-camera

1 comment:

  1. If this is a bear, it would have to be a grizzly, as black bears would not have that bulk: no tail is seen, but it could have been injured.

    As such, the bear could be in a permanent state of awkward movement (but not as bad as a human losing the coccyx, as the bear's one is still there), and thus will have to walk bipedally to watch out for rivals.

    Due to the lack of coordination (since it lost it's tail), the bear is more hunched over than an ordinary bear walking upright.

    Grizzly bears are extinct in Missouri, but it is possible that Bigfoot sightings indicate they never went extinct.
