Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Thunder Butte Sasquatch Traveling with Massive Strides near Turtle Mountain


Artist Rendition
Email your Bigfoot sighting to
(Written Report Below Next Video)
Bigfoot Spotted a Few Days Ago - 
"It happened so quickly & scared me! 
It was black from head to toe & huge!"

Thunder Butte Sasquatch 
Traveling with Massive Strides near Turtle Mountain

Melanie V writes
 Hello!  We were traveling to Deckers, CO north on Hwy 67 from Woodland Park at sunset on Saturday 9/16. I was a passenger in the truck. Around mile marker 93, I saw a car pulled off the road. Just below the car was a creek with a steep mountain side going up. 

 I saw a huge black mass take 3 massive strides along the creek and then disappear into the brush. It happened so quickly, but scared me!  It was black from head to toe and huge!  Not hard to tell what it was. I am still in shock. I was not able to get any pictures. Have you heard of any sightings in this area? Thank you. I am still processing what I saw…and unnerved since we have a cabin in the area.

 RMSO responds
 Hi Melanie, we have received other bigfoot sightings near Woodland Park in the past. We just got back from an expedition into the San Juan Mountains in Colorado. Were you able to estimate the height or width of the black mass and did it appear to be on two legs?

Melanie continues
 I thought at first it was the person from the car that was pulled off on the side of the road. But, there was no way it was a human being. It was totally black, and about 7 feet tall, on two legs, arms were long and bent as you do when running. The three running strides it took, covered quite a bit of land, and you could tell that it was trying to not slip on the loose gravel on the steep hill. Then it just disappeared into the brush. I can’t thank you enough for your response. When was the last sighting in Woodland Park that was reported to you?

The last report was within the last year, however it actually happened in 1977 a couple watched one run up hill after it stood in front of their car watching them for a few moments.

Thank you. I have a call into a friend who lives near the area of the sighting to see if she has experienced anything. She did have an incident about three months ago, where she thought a bear had gotten into her car. However, the animal opened the car door to access the food inside. She thought this was odd since she has lived in the area her whole life and when bears want inside a car, they usually don’t try the handle first! 

A bear would of trashed the car, inside and out. Interesting
It was trashed inside

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