Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Scariest Moment of Her Life as Giant Prehistoric Man-like Bigfoot Started Sniffing Face to Face


Artist Rendition
Email your Bigfoot sighting to RMSObigfoot@gmail.com
(Written Report Below Video)
"my grandmother told me never go berry picking alone, 
the devil is on the prowl"

Face to Face with a Prehistoric 
Man-Like Creature it began to Sniff at Her

Scariest Moment of Her Life as Giant Prehistoric Man-like
 Bigfoot Started Sniffing Face to Face

Anne L. writes RMSO
 I live in Canada in Quebec, but this place is about 45 minutes away. if you are interested. I used the translator because my English is very weak. Thanks for your videos. It did me good, after 50 years of silence.

 Hello, now that there are a lot of people talking about seeing a sasquatch, I was between 8 and 10 years old I used to go to this place with friends and my two brothers. that day I was alone, I wanted to pick berries and I came face to face with him. He was watching me and he started sniffing me. I saw him he was about ten feet from me. he had appeared behind this little abandoned wooden cabin. I had the fear of my life and I never went back, but this place still exists, yes the site has changed, and often the hunters have told of finding wild animals killed with brutality, my grandmother told me not never go in that row alone, the devil is on the prowl

RMSO responds
Hi Anne, appreciate hearing from you. Do you recall any details of the creature? Color, height or width? Were you able to describe the face or eyes? 

Artist Rendition

Ann continues
 Good morning, this creature looks nothing like anything I had seen as a child. And I had asked my father the following weekend to go to the zoo to see all the animals. none had his size. nor the shape of his eyes. he smelled like an animal, he had darker hair on his chest and legs, his face was lighter. he had big lips, he doesn't look like a gorilla, I didn't see him walking, he was slightly crouched, he must have been 7 feet tall, his hands were like thick leather, small ears. 

 I thought he looked like a prehistoric man but covered in hair. yes a prehistoric man covered with hair. even today after all these years I have never, ever gone back to the woods, I have lived in town for a very long time and I have never taken a first floor apartment and you can verify that. I know that there is a species that still prowls.

 This region is called the Appalachians, a region with large forests. I met him very close to the 132 road. In the region of Bellechasse Saint RaphaĆ«l. If one day you come I will show you.
There is a magnificent river, the forest is sublime, huge trees, easy to access. But I never went back to that exact place.

More Sasquatch in Canada

Men Encounter Angry Massive Sasquatch 
Yelling at Another Bigfoot in Alberta Forest

Shocking Vocalizations
Bigfoot Communicating with Another Sasquatch on Video

Sasquatch, Strange Creatures 
Captured on Camera in Canada

Aggressive Bigfoot Charges Family in Nova Scotia

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