Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Sasquatch Runs Alongside Truck on Rock Creek Dirt Road


Cover Image is an Artist Rendition
Email your Bigfoot sighting to RMSObigfoot@gmail.com
(Written Report Below Video)
Bigfoot Out Paces 25mph Truck
on Dirt Road in Wasatch Mountains

Sasquatch Runs Alongside Truck on Rock Creek Dirt Road

James writes RMSO
 Let me start by saying. that I have not ever submitted this incident with any other organization prior to this. This happened to me and my best friend around July of 1988. My friend passed away in 2018, he and I had recounted the incident to our families and some of our close friends but we had never discussed reporting it to any organization or to any authorities. I have been following your organization for a few years now and I think you are the best ones to report this to since you have investigated several other sightings or incident's in the same area where this happened.

 A little background on both of us. I grew up in and have lived around the Ogden area for the majority of my life. I spent some time in the military outside of Utah, then came home and stayed in the Utah National Guard. I grew up in a family that spent a lot of time in the mountains. Camping, hunting, fishing, and off roading all over the state. The majority of that time though has been spent in the mountains closest to home. My friend and I met while working together as teenagers, and stayed close friends all the way up to his passing. We spent as much time as we could exploring the mountain roads and camping up around places like Avon pass, Ant Flat road and of course the roads all over Monte Cristo, and that area. 

 When we were younger and worked together we usually didn't finish work until late at night around midnight most of the time. Many times when we would get done at work we would hit a drive-thru, grab some food and head up to the Monte area to drive around and explore.

 The night this happened was one of those nights. We left work in my friends 85 Toyota truck around midnight grabbed food and headed up the canyon. We started off by cutting across Ant Flat road heading to Hardware Ranch. At that time we had never gone east past Hardware Ranch, that night we got a wild hair and decided to go see what was east down the road that ran across that way. As we were driving around we saw a sign for a place called Bug Lake, we had never heard of it before so we decided to go up that way to check it out. 

 When we got there we were a little disappointed to say the least what is named a lake, it's really more like a small pond. We saw that the road around the lake headed back toward Monte Cristo, so we decided to keep going that way to check it out, away we went. We had drove around, took a couple of dead end logging trails and backed out to the main road etc... I am sure you are familiar with the road. 

 When we got a ways down that road we noticed something in the trees on the side of the hill on the passenger side maybe 30 ft or so off the road was pacing us along the road. We were probably only moving 10 to 15mph, that road does not really allow for much faster than that. We thought it was maybe an Elk or  a Moose and didn't think much of it at first.

 A few feet further along the road it had dropped on the road next to the truck. I had not yet noticed it next to my door, when all of a sudden the hair on my arms and the back of my neck was standing on end. I looked over to my friend driving and he was white as a ghost and staring out my window. When I turned to look that direction all I could see was a dark harry figure running next to the truck. 

 At that point all I could see was from about mid bicep area to the elbow and as it was swinging its arms as it ran, it looked to me like it had hands not paws but hands with opposable thumbs. Its shoulders and head were above the cab of the truck.

 Then my friend started to speed up to nearly 30mph. The creature than ran past the truck and passed us by about 20 to 30 yards. It took one step to the center of the road, turned it's head toward the truck and a swear its like it was looking at us, and the next step it was to the other side of the road and down the side of the hill into the trees again and we lost sight of it. 

 We were pretty freaked out and my friend kept the truck at around 25 mph the rest of the way along the road until we reach paved road at Highway 39. We didn't stop until we reached the spring that comes out of the side of the mountain a few miles down the road. We stopped and both questioned each other about what the other one saw to make sure we both saw the same thing and sure enough we both described what we saw almost to a T.

 Later on that summer and fall we tried to find and figure out where that road was and the few times we did get back there something would stop us from getting back to that same spot. Either a large log would be fallen across the road. The following spring there was a large snow drift still across the road. It actually took us until the summer of 1991 until we were finally able to get back up to where Bug Lake was.

 I will say that prior to this experience. I really had no real knowledge about bigfoot, except for the few sightings around Hwy 84 in Riverdale that were in the Ogden Standard in the early 80's. Then they had Bigfoot on the old Six Million Dollar man TV show when I was growing up. My friend had lived in the Bay area of California the year before he and I met, so he had heard about some of the stories from northern California. But he had very limited knowledge. 

 I mean at the time you couldn't just google things and neither of us really had the time to invest in any kind of serious inquires into the subject. We continued to camp up in that area together at least a couple of times a year to try to see it again but never did seen it again.
Since he has been gone me and my kids still try to get up there and camp at least one or two weekends a year.

 If you have any questions or want to discuss my sighting/incident feel free to reach out on my email and I will be happy to give you my number.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and thanks for what you are doing, and keep it up I think what you have been doing has been awesome. I wish I had more time to spend searching as well.
Best of Luck

RMSO responds
 Hi James, we know of several people personally that have had Bigfoot sightings on that same mountain, including a couple of our team members.

It towered over the cab of the truck, what height and width estimate would you be able to determine with it compared to it being next to the truck?
 Did you ever see the head profile or see its face or eyes? Were you able to tell what color the creatures hair was? 
Appreciate all the details of your report.

James continues
Hello Kelly, thanks for reaching back out to me. 
The top of the truck was about 5 feet 8 inches or so high, so I would say it was at least seven and a half feet tall. The shoulders and head were both above the cab. From my point of view it looked like the top of the window was just a bit below the chest height.

 It was pretty wide across the chest but hard to give a good estimate. The way it turned and looked at us when it crossed the road put the chest at an angle so any guess wouldn’t be very accurate but I would say it was maybe one and a half times as wider than an average sized human male. The side profile was also very wide. I would guess also about on and a half times as wide as an average human male. 

 Hair color was very dark almost black.
The head was slightly conical but not to a sharp point, the face looked like it was mostly covered with hair except around the eyes and nose.  The eyes looked black or very dark brown, the lights didn’t really hit the face directly so we didn’t get any type of eye shine. The skin tone around the hands and face that I could see looked kind of a brownish/grey color. Not sure how to really describe it. It was kind of a weird mixed tone of those two colors. Hopefully that makes sense. 
I didn’t get a good look at the feet, but it was feet not paws. The way it was moving for sure was like it was on feet and not paws. 

 I know this may sound like a cop-out but the closest image I have seen in all the videos I have seen over the years is Patty from the Patterson/Gimlin film. But no sign of breasts and to me it seemed slightly larger than Patty, but not a lot bigger. 

 Even the way it moved makes me think of Patty, only it was moving a lot faster. Like I said it paced us going at least 25mph and ran out in front of the truck at least 20 yards ahead of us, then took one step as it turned in front of truck and the next stride was on the opposite side of the road and we lost it in the trees as it went down the hill.
 Here are the GPS coordinates of the location on the road where we saw it.

More Bigfoot Below

North Sinks Bigfoot is Filmed from Swan Flats Dirt Road

Wasatch Sasquatch Encounters & Bigfoot Evidence

Hardware Ranch Sasquatch Monte Cristo Bigfoot

Bigfoot Track Cast During Sinks Sasquatch Investigation

Epic Beaver Bigfoot Tracking Sinks Sasquatch

Two Giant Sasquatch at Dry Bread Hollow

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