Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Wild Berry Picker Confronted by Bigfoot North of Louisville Kentucky near Indiana Dairy Farm


Artist Rendition
Email your Bigfoot sighting to RMSObigfoot@gmail.com

Austin Indiana Sasquatch may be Interested
in the Wild Raspberries & Blueberries

Wild Berry Picker Confronted by Bigfoot
North of Louisville Kentucky near Indiana Dairy Farm

Danny writes RMSO
Been a believer since I was seven years old and spotted what my grandmother called “the smelly man”. I was seven years old picking blueberries and wild raspberries. I happened to look up and see him about 30 feet from me, 7 feet plus and it stunk really bad.

 In South eastern Indiana about 60 miles due north of Louisville Kentucky. In a little town called Austin Indiana. We lived on the outskirts at a dairy farm, every spring and summer we would go down to pick the raspberries and blueberries. I went down there this time alone when I was seven years old. I waved at him, he did nothing, said nothing then turned around and disappeared into the trees.

 I’m sorry I forgot to mention the time frame. It was a Saturday afternoon in 1957.

RMSO responds
Did it scare or concern you at the time? Appreciate the details.

Danny continues
 No absolutely did not scare me. I just was surprised because I didn’t know or didn’t think anyone lived down in the woods or another farm around the woods. I wouldn’t say I was scared, more like surprised. A little bit disgusted because he was really stinky. He smelt like 50 sheep that had been rolling in poop.

 One other thing I do remember is I was surprised about how long his arms were.
Its hair was kind of a dark brown, not black but really dark brown with different shades of brown in different areas on his body. I say his, I don’t know if it was him or her.

RMSO asks
If you happen to have any photos at or near the location of your experience that would be great. I am sure the area has changed a lot since then though?

Danny responds
Yeah no unfortunately it is now just nothing but cornfields. Yeah they’re old Homestead is gone. The woods are gone, it’s now cornfields. I was over there in 2012 and it was all cornfields at that time.

More Bigfoot Below

Giant Sasquatch Encounter in Indiana & Bigfoot Tracks Documented

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Minerva Sasquatch Taking Chickens

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Sasquatch on Video Crossing Michigan River
Carrying Infant Bigfoot a Close Look

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