Monday, June 12, 2023

Chabra Sasquatch on Tracks near Salmo, British Columbia


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Chabra Sasquatch on Tracks
near Salmo, British Columbia

Sharon M writes RMSO
 My name is Sharon M. I'm half Canadian. My mom's family  lived in BC little town out side Salmo.
I grew up in Chicago suburbs. Every Summer we lived up in BC.

 Back story My grandfather came over from Sweden by working Canadian Railroad. 
He built a log cabin on side mountain 160 acers. Raised 7 kids up there logging logs down side mountain in 1900s.they even did some mining up there.
Farmed and raised milk cows.(mom 1933 middle girl of 7)
 My grandfather was awesome mountain/farmer survival. The Candian Forestry even gave him an honoree plaque for being first logger to practice Conservation since 1900s.

 So in this little town off hwy the is few homes and mobile home village. At 12yrs old I had to walk about 1. 1/2 miles down grandpa's logging road to get to all my friends houses, main road.
Now back then..I loved horses, cowboys, Indians and was a budding naturalist. I read every nature book i could. I'd identify rocks trees, not your ordany kid from Illinois suburbs.. I was nature animal nut..I knew there was bigfoot..I never put them by my towns..more like Yellowstone park.

Now my friends down in the neighborhood on the hwy showed us a garbage dump and we watched Bears. And warned us about boogeyman but they called him Chabra?? Can't really remember but you where never supposed to walk alone on the railroad track, he might grab you and you never be found.
 We usally visit June to August.  My grandpa's cabin had no running water. No electric, no hot water. A party line phone. No inside plumbing just outhouse. I have going there since I was 5 yrs old. Now at 12, I have a 7 yr old brother. Attached is GPS photo of a logging road I walked.

 Now is been almost 30 years..Since my brother I talk about Bigfoot and watch your videos. Something started comming back as we reminiscent and things that happened now fall into place.
You be the judge..3 separate incidents that happened on this road and Pasture leading to the creek. I'll send you stock photos and a map. The road now has a name please don't publish it privacy issues. XXXX RD....
Just off hwy 3.. the road goes farther than in  the 70s. Its about 3 miles up to cabin  and on east side road there's 50ft drop off that is thick an dark trees drops straight  down to the creek. Fast running.
The opposite the road cut into side hill  so 20ft tall get up Pasture.

The creek had stunning huge borders and river rock that runs pretty fast spring mt. creek. 
If we walked about4 miles north and went down to creek we could bamboo pole fish in crystal clear eddys you can see the trout!

1. On piticular beautiful  day spent all day at main road subdivision. 
At dusk I would walk home alone.. sing watching
I got 1 1/2  half way I could smell something  dead...looked around held my nose really hard breath so strong.. I then remember a small quarter size rock come bouncing  past me. I stop looked behind me..thinking it was boys followed me playing  tricks but nobodys there..I kept going and happened  again..this time I picked up rock thru in trees said " hay that not nice,stop it" and smell got stronger I could breath. I said leave me alone and I started troting up the road all took about 10min.. then I got to the "Y" in road I ran fast up to cabin 300 yards. Keep in mind there are No homes anywhere on gravel road. I was Upset kept telling my mom boys throwing rocks at me and something really smelled bad..she said probably  skunk.. it was not..

Then next thing was 5 off us kids decided go fishing .We had about 5miles to walk up a road past our cabin and another 2.5miles north, then east go down to the creek.. once you get past cabin and cow Pasture it turns to deep woods. And is a 2 tire dirt road. About an hour walk we all laughing talking. We came upon a teepee.. at least we thought it was. The logs had to be 20'to 30' long atleast 5" round.. we started play around in it.. Astounded how tall and big it was. .Half was gone.we figured Indians moved away left
We continued down to the creek with big boulders to fish. Noise of the water was so loud we couldn't talk and hear each other.
 My grandfather  took my 7 year old brother with him in old 1950s out past the fishing spot to flag tree to cut. My Brother remembers my grandfather telling him seriously  "do not leave my sight or stay back in the truck".. 
 Never would say why..I think grandpa new about Bigfoot..HE LIVED up there till his 80s alone...My brother  also told me in same spot I had rocks thrown at me..He was afraid to walk there.He said he felt like he was being watched,and was really scared.He Refused to walk down road anymore. I use to tease him about being chicken.. Now 30 years later, we now believe we had a Bigfoot  on our farm!
Thank you... Sharon M

RMSO responds
Did anyone near where you live admit to seeing a bigfoot? Did the people that lived near the garbage dump that warned you about the boogeyman or Chabra say they saw it or anything?

Sharon continues
 Yes, it was spotted by older man that lived near our farm. Nobody believed him because he did like to have a few.
Most kids did say they saw him on the railroad tracks far off, which scared them.
There was a sighting last year and Creston And Cranbrook and Salmo only 20 miles apart.

More Canada Bigfoot Below

Castlegar Sasquatch Communicating with Another Bigfoot

Winter Road Sasquatch Captured on Camera

Saskatchewan Sasquatch Captured on Video

 Ontario Sasquatch Captured on Video

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