Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Old Bison Follows Culex Sasquatch Into Forest After Being Fed by Bigfoot


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Email your Bigfoot sighting to RMSObigfoot@gmail.com

A Second Dreadlocked Bigfoot Crosses Nez Perce Creek 
Following Sasquatch & Buffalo

Old Bison Follows Culex Sasquatch Into Forest
After Being Fed by Bigfoot

Seth J. writes RMSO
 Hi, I live in Cody/Wyoming, once in two years I travel to the Yellowstone territories to clear up my mind, it's a very beautiful place with a ton of places to take photos and relax. 5 months ago I was traveling there and I got to a geyser region which I parked my car and walked there because I always wanted to know the place, looking at the map it was a place called Culex Basin.

 I walked for 3 hours following up a creek called Nez Perce Creek. I walked until I saw a small herd of bison, I watched the herd for some minutes with my binocular. The herd started moving east and faded from my vision, except for one. There was one lonely bison in close to the creek and drinking water, he looked old and slow probably unaware that the herd was gone.

  I kept watching this one bison until I saw a tall figure getting out of the woods in the left and going in the direction of the bison. I couldn't see any facial detail but it was shaped like a huge man and its entire body was hairy, it was so tall his waist was at the level of the bison's back. I knew it wasn't a human because no one is that big, the figure approached the bison and calmly put its hand close to the bison's mouth, it had something in its hand. I saw the bison eating whatever the figure had in its hand.

 The figure started walking to the forest and to my surprise the bison followed him to the forest. Moments later I saw another one crossing the creek and going to the same direction of the other one with the bison. The difference is that this one was considerably shorter than the first one and had some kind of dreadlocks on its head. 

 I lost my will to keep going east and got back following the creek, always watching my back. I entered my car and traveled back home the same day.
I have to admit that I never cared about the sasquatch stories, always thought people were seeing bears standing up from afar or something like that. After this event I know those are not bears at all.

RMSO Responds
 We know where that is.
According to where it's waist hit the back of the bison, it sounds like it may have been over 9 feet tall?
How wide was the creature at the shoulders. What color was it? Same as the bison or other?
Any more details you can recall would be appreciated.

Seth continues
 Well I would say the big one was 9-10 feet tall and the width of the shoulders would be the same length of the bison's front legs to its rear legs excluding the head and neck, so it's very wide, and the small one with dreadlocks would be 6,5 feet tall and I couldn't see how wide it was because I only saw it moving sideways, the big one's hair color was light brown (lighter than the bison) and the smaller one's hair was dark red, if wasn't by the sun hitting its hair I would say it was black.

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