Thursday, March 16, 2023

Frightened Rottweiler Whines Alerting Couple to Olympic Sasquatch


Artist Rendition
Email your Bigfoot sighting to
(Written Report Below Next Video)
Giant Bigfoot Appears Surprised
to See Couple Hiking With a Dog

Frightened Rottweiler Whines
Alerting Couple to Olympic Sasquatch

Joseph S. writes RMSO
 Hi, before I start I just want to say that I just discovered your organization and I think my sighting will be interesting to you.

 It was 2016 I was walking on a trail in the Olympic national park with my girlfriend and our dog, which is a female rottweiler named Tina. As we finished walking we were returning using a shortcut trail. We were talking for a time and Tina started to whine. She's a big dog and she normally growls when there's another dog or animal in her way, but she was whining and walked behind my girlfriend's legs, when she normally is in front guarding us when we walk. We were confused and we started to observe our surroundings with more attention. 

 Just 50 feet away from us we spotted something big and orange moving and crossing the trail. It looked like a big man with orange shaggy hair head to toe, jet black skin, a skull shaped like a cross between a gorilla and a human. And the face was weird, looked like a human face with inconsistent proportions. The mouth was too wide, the ears were too small, the forehead was too arched forward making it look like a big monobrow. The nose was flat but still human looking, and the eyes were dark, we couldn't see any sclera in the eyes.

 We were scared because of the size, by the distance and how slow it was moving. I could measure it to be around 8-10 feet tall. The shoulder width and musculature were massive, and was carrying something in its left arm, a black carcass with blood. We couldn't tell what dead animal he was holding, but looked big and he was carrying it like a person carries a rabbit.

 Tina whimpered again and he looked at us, it was so fast I didn't have time to react and my girlfriend was covering her mouth, probably not to let a scream out. The man had a surprised expression in the face and he just stood there for like 5 seconds looking at us and he just turned around and ran. Went from slow walking to sprinting in a instant. 

 We exited the park after an hour walking fast out of that trail. I heard stories about sasquatch since I was a kid, and I think me and my girlfriend saw one that day. 

RMSO responds
 Appreciate the in-depth details of the creature you wrote us. We found a lot of bigfoot evidence during an expedition to Olympic Forest. Olympic Peninsula is supposed to be the number one bigfoot sighting hot spot in the world.

Joseph continues
 I'm glad you answered, I just want to say that our rottweiler Tina used to be fearless, barked and growled even to bears. After that occurrence in 2016 she became cowardly towards almost everything, people, other dogs, animals. 
 We took her to the vet and the vet said she developed some kind of traumatic disorder. The vet asked me about anything that could have happened, and I told him about our encounter at the Olympic forest. Of course I didn't mention Bigfoot, I just said we saw a big animal in the woods and the vet said "must have been a very big thing then, to damage her head like that". Well at least I got that out off my chest, thank you again.

More Washington Bigfoot Below

Olympic Skookum Tracking Sasquatch

Bigfoot Captured on Camera & 
Sasquatch Activity Documented in Washington

Three Bigfoot Walk Upon a Fisherman & Take His Catch

Fisherman Tracks Bigfoot Near Washington Canada Border

Skookum Search Olympic Mountain Bigfoot

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